Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Re: Post whatever you're thinking

I flippin love my new desk. Now, to find the chair to go with it...


Mozzybaby, if you wanna write your novels with a view of the ghetto, the desk is yours. :sweet:

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If this is true, it's crazy.
View attachment 33265

At any rate, I hope the Republicans put their money where their mouth is and really make the world a better place.
View attachment 33266

And I don't really have a horse in the race (I'm an independent)

It's a Godsend the Republicans won. They will f*** things up so bad in two years, Hillary will slide into presidency like Cinderella slipping into the perfect shoe.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Thinking about doing the dishes.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

I'm thinking about that poor girl in Wales who was 'eaten to death', and naturally how Moz could turn it into a song of beauty based once more on the romance of crime....
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Around my house we refer to her as "that Gloria Steinem." Don't even get my mom started on how amazing Kendra is. Her new favorite show is Dancing with the Stars. "Amie you wouldnt believe the Halloween episode. I can't even describe the costumes." :p
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Around my house we refer to her as "that Gloria Steinem." Don't even get my mom started on how amazing Kendra is. Her new favorite show is Dancing with the Stars. "Amie you wouldnt believe the Halloween episode. I can't even describe the costumes." :p

What are you doing up so early?
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Kendra and Gloria...ex-playboy bunnies.:brows:

I probably imagined that. I've never been diagnosed but I've always had to work two or three jobs. Something was wrong about that.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Horrific news, indeed.
But I do love how you turned it into a song... Bravo!

Indeed - I can imagine our hero singing a Jack The Ripper / Sister I'm A Poet style track based on the appetite of the cannibal in question. Casually teasing the notion of his sexual appetite with that of his true appetite. Is evil something he is, or something he's done etc.

Morrissey has clearly warped my mind. A beautiful song creation is not the normal destination stop when considering appalling crime.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

The worst part of being vegetarian are having these conversations. SOmeone invites you to their home and you have to be picky about what they serve's very non-Lao Tzu.



It's why I dread holidays with my mega-carnivorous in-laws. I love them, but...oh, Thanksgiving had Fred storming out of the house, yelling at his dad over the fact that there were no mashed potatoes or veggie stuffing (and then the four of us eating cranberry sauce and green beans only). Another year, I cried on the way home. Luckily, I've weaseled my way out of their meals by being absolutely stubborn. They all eat wherever they want, whatever they want and then we all get together around 5:00 for dessert (complete with a vegan option...if they are feeling adventurous). This year, it's at our house. Finally! No drama (Fred's dad is a riot) and only vegetarian/vegan sweets. We all win.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

Brendan Behan's laughter rings
for what he had or hadn’t done
for he knew then
as I know now
that for each and every one of us
we all lose
rich or poor
we all lose
rich or poor
we all lose.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

I really need a local store called Bizarre f***ing Lightbulbs That Lowes, Ace and Home Depot Don't Carry That Go Into The Light Fixture That Illuminates A Dark Long Trip-likely Staircase that is open til 6. I'm losing my mind. Even my electrician has never heard of it. It would be easier to change the f***ing fixture at this point.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

I really need a local store called Bizarre f***ing Lightbulbs That Lowes, Ace and Home Depot Don't Carry That Go Into The Light Fixture That Illuminates A Dark Long Trip-likely Staircase that is open til 6. I'm losing my mind. Even my electrician has never heard of it. It would be easier to change the f***ing fixture at this point.

The name of this store is Lightbulbs Etc in Claremont. Or what Siri on Maps likes to call "Lightbulbs EEE TEE SEA."

They have cool retro-looking oscillating fans too if anyone is into that. And I passed a good looking Crepes place on the way but I was too crabby to stop on the way home. Next trip to Claremont, mama's getting crepes. f*** all y'all.

Claremont/Montclare/whatever. It's the same city in my book.
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Re: Post whatever you're thinking

If someone uses the ellipsis constantly in their writing, they are omitting something. I can't help but feel, i guess psychologically, that they are a lie.
Re: Post whatever you're thinking

An ellipsis may be used for affect. To produce an effect on, or influence. Where as a blue dot over the face is definitely a lie.....
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