Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

This is such a difficult question. Some Greek government spokesman said yesterday that "society cannot be held hostage to anti-vaxxers" and that they want to ensure a return to a certain normality, regardless of how many people remain unvaccinated. He went on to explain that they don't want another lockdown and that they don't want the treat of another lockdown lingering. But if they just open everything up with a big percentage of people still unvaccinated they risk just that. Their ICUs are almost full, and that's before people have returned to their offices and before school has started, so it's going to get worse. It's a fact that the vaccine protects the majority of people against serious illness and takes pressure off the health care system. So, what should they do?

EDIT: I am against coercion and vaccine passports but what do you do when you've tried persuasion (they've even offered people money to get vaccinated) and vaccine uptake is still low and you're going into autumn with ICUs almost full of Covid patients? 33 people died from Covid in Greece yesterday (quite a high number for a relatively small country) - none of them vaccinated. And the Greek government also makes a point of saying that there are a lot of people who suffer from other diseases who have the right to adequate care (and who have waited so long for it), and it's not fair on them that hospitals are occupied by (unvaccinated) Covid patients. I dunno. While I'm worried about vaccine passports and what they could potentially lead to, I do think the Greek guy has a point.
but bun bun, it isnt anyones right to try to persuade someone into getting the vaccine, as if you, or the health authourities or anyone else, knows anything that these vaccine hesitant people dont know. people not getting the vaccine have likely weighed up the pros and cons assiduously (as you can see born to morn and yawn doing) and decided it's not for them. trying to persuade someone with money, after theyve decided to decline the vax, is derogatory. it's like telling someone you'll pay for their groceries for a week if theyll have sex with you. i think if we had the proper safety data then a lot of these vaccine hesitant people would probably change their minds. but without that there's nothing that can be done, and you have to relinquish the idea that it's anyones busy to even try to do something about these people. and ostracizing people from society as if they're lepers for not getting the vaccine is a very very bad precedent to set.

i mean, i dont actually know that they are holding society hostage, since the only person the vaccine protects is yourself, and surely whether you want that protection or not should be up to the individual. i do not feel any need to be protected from the worst effects of covid. i do feel a need to be protected from government overreach however. and i get that everyone wants to get on with life and so do i (and bear in mind, that it was those people too scared to leave their houses that were holding society hostage for the last year, not me), but i think giving in to vaccine passports for a little bit of freedom now might spell bad things for freedom in the future.
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if FC was walking the chihuahua to the taco truck, and saw some fat dude dressed up
like that moroon hooky, peddaling in slow motion, he'd be the first to knock
him over:lbf:
'haunted typewriter' oi, and of course, salsa goes googoo:mad:

as for the other trolls :its squalid conditions and beer due to no universal credit payments.
I wish there was something I could do...

I'm fine. Enjoying my (relatively) good health while I can.
im feeling a bit better today! although i woke up with a massive headache today at 5am and had to take an advil (which i dont like to do because they give me acid reflux and make my face puffy). i think i might be getting headaches from staring at the screen too much. it's okay if im just watching or reading something, but writing things on the computer really hurts my eyes for some reason. but what can i do? im writing a novel! so my eyes start to hurt to the point where i cant write, so then i take an advil and they feel better, and then i get acid reflux to the point where i cant breathe, and again cant write, and it's a giant circlef***. *sigh*

im glad you're feeling good! hope it will last!!

maybe BGV, while up there in "northern europe" can take some
photos of acton in his hooky outfit peddling down the street.:straightface:
acton probably has a servant that brings his bicycle out round front
of the squalid dwelling so the chubby twat can mount towards
hooky gig.:lbf:
Your probably correct.....

He does protest to much ...

Yep, posts on here before he goes to work, sits on his fat arse at the convenience store for a few hours, posts on his break, sits for another few hours on his fat arse, finishes work and sits on his fat arse for the rest of the evening posting shite on here before asking grandma to fiddle with his flacid micro penis for a while.
Yep, posts before he goes to work, sits on his fat arse at the convenience store for a few hours, posts on his break, sits for another few hours on his fat arse, finishes work and sits on his fat arse for the rest of the evening posting shite on here before asking grandma to fiddle with his flacid micro penis for a while.
you're an idiot
Yep, posts on here before he goes to work, sits on his fat arse at the convenience store for a few hours, posts on his break, sits for another few hours on his fat arse, finishes work and sits on his fat arse for the rest of the evening posting shite on here before asking grandma to fiddle with his flacid micro penis for a while.
That’s shocking........

I can’t believe he has a job😂
Yep, posts on here before he goes to work, sits on his fat arse at the convenience store for a few hours, posts on his break, sits for another few hours on his fat arse, finishes work and sits on his fat arse for the rest of the evening posting shite on here before asking grandma to fiddle with his flacid micro penis for a while.
Do you think he works with Rifkie...

It would explain a few things
On here ....

Can you imagine them two on the deli counter...

Her with her monstrous fingers
And him stinking of
Hog shite.....

Both dressed in Nazi uniforms
Looking like Freddie Starr💅🐗
Do you think he works with Rifkie...

It would explain a few things
On here ....

Can you imagine them two on the deli counter...

Her with her monstrous fingers
And him stinking of
Hog shite.....

Both dressed in Nazi uniforms
Looking like Freddie Starr💅🐗

They may be related, both appear to be odd balls, so probably from the same stock.


you need me to by some merch Hook old chap?:flowers:

another jobless day at the poor housing dwelling....(n)
lets see if robocop plans to fix the squalid conditions.
O Super nice Ouija Board tell us what will robocop do:



and the answer is..SQUALID CONDITIONS


you need me to by some merch Hook old chap?:flowers:

another jobless day at the poor housing dwelling....(n)
lets see if robocop plans to fix the squalid conditions.
O Super nice Ouija Board tell us what will robocop do:



and the answer is..SQUALID CONDITIONS
Yesterday Man.......

It’s only sausage fingers who
Reply’s to your posts now .....

Using the same olde clips

Can’t even troll properly now...

Stick to the deli counter
With Eva Brawn
next robocop sunday its 'the gym so as to burn off'' the 7 days of beer o_O


guzzle two beers to maintain.:eyes:
guzzle-to drink beer greedily. snap one up and
quickly snap open the next one.... and guzzle it.
then hurry up and snap the other one before
it gets warm and guzzle. guzzle guzzle guzzle.😷

meanwhile at the poor housing squalid dwelling......😡

next robocop sunday its 'the gym so as to burn off'' the 7 days of beer o_O


guzzle two beers to maintain.:eyes:
guzzle-to drink beer greedily. snap one up and
quickly snap open the next one.... and guzzle it.
then hurry up and snap the other one before
it gets warm and guzzle. guzzle guzzle guzzle.😷

meanwhile at the poor housing squalid dwelling......😡

Lame 🥺
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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