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another weather channel says the humidity is 82%. that's gotta be high. TOO high.
Pardon me, sir, but that sounds awful nice. That isn't high at all. If you came here in the middle of July I'd say welcome to the jungle. It ain't fun when I'm trying to be goth though and you're basically dying inside your clothes. But I'm used to it. But anyways, hope the humidity goes down even further… for you… it's chilly outside this morning, and 87% humidity… I envy you
Pardon me, sir, but that sounds awful nice. That isn't high at all. If you came here in the middle of July I'd say welcome to the jungle. It ain't fun when I'm trying to be goth though and you're basically dying inside your clothes. But I'm used to it. But anyways, hope the humidity goes down even further… for you… it's chilly outside this morning, and 87% humidity… I envy you
82%! Which seems damn high to me. If 82% isn't high what is is what I'd like to know. I've heard of places being so humid that the walls get damp. I don't know how people can live in places like that. I'm be annoyed 1000% of the time.
82%! Which seems damn high to me. If 82% isn't high what is is what I'd like to know. I've heard of places being so humid that the walls get damp. I don't know how people can live in places like that. I'm be annoyed 1000% of the time.
I guess I actually don't know how high 82% is because now it says 35… may I ask where you live?
vancouver island! (i hate it!! :( )
Ah… i have no idea what the weather is like there to compare : |
Where I live it's the jungle in the summertime, North Pole in winter, and bipolar in spring. Fall is nice though.
it's the opposite here. all the seasons are very mild. winter doesnt get too cold, summer doesnt get too hot. we dont really have seasons. and it sucks.
Aw… sometimes the seasons are a bit wretched: I can't be fashionable without sweating to death it seems
You said you would die, and seeing that you were still alive, I took a wild guess ..
Ahaha! Right… I'm bit embarrassed
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