Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Dog-sitting next week!

Love PTxx.
Best. Intervention. Paragraph. Ever.

"I understand and sympathize with your need to have a life that is magical and poetic, but I would ask you this: Do the lonely women who read Harlequin novels hoping that a dark, muscular manly-man on a white steed will sweep them up from their desk, rip their bodices to expose white, throbbing breasts and make passionate love to them in a misty green hereafter suffer from anything more or less than you do? There must be some way for you to see yourself. There must be some mirror that you trust. If you can't see what's going on by considering the delusional daydreams of Harlequin readers, what does it take? "
Said bye bye to my dad tonight, he's off to Scotland tomorrow, then Vancouver, then back to NZ :(.
I should go to bed as I'm back to work tomorrow, but I don't wanna go :p.
I'm moving up the Country soon and so between preparing for that, settling in and then dedicating as much of my time as possible to college, tomorrow (if i'm on) will most likely be my last day here until next summer at least. Or ever, which is much more likely :tears:.

Oh well, it was fun :).
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I'm moving up the Country soon and so between preparing for that, settling in and then dedicating as much of my as time to college, tomorrow (if i'm on) will most likely be my last day here until next summer at least. Or ever, which is more likely :tears:.

Oh well, it was fun :).

Are you moving somewhere without internet?
Are you moving somewhere without internet?

Nope. But it will take a few weeks to get prepared and then settled and I have some pre-college work and revision to do before returning to college. Also I don't know whether the internet is set up at the new place yet (should only take a few days i suppose). Either way, I must commit a lot of time to college this year. I passed this year's exams but just barely :(.
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I'm thinking about Rufus Wainwright playing a free concert in Manchester this sunday night. I want tickets, but they are being "raffled" to everyone who has bought tickets to his new Opera.

So I just have to cross my fingers! I'm an only child. I'm not used to not getting what I want!!!
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Tomorrow I am going to march into town and I am going to look FAR better than her. She's not the only one in this town with nice legs. She doesn't scare me.

Life is much easier when you pretend you're in a chick flick :lbf:
With my knowledge of computers being so limited, could anyone tell me if there is any way that I can store things on an external hard drive without them being mirrored from the internal one?
What the heck is wrong with my eye.......
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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