Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

:mad: Two CO2 detectors keep chirping...:crazy:

Do you know that Carbon Monoxide poisoning an cause sensations similar to a haunting?
I found this out of wikipedia and I've been telling everyone since. Me and my trivia.

Condolences CG :(
Corrissey, maybe they're chirping for a reason. Do you feel haunted?

Thanks everyone for the condolences. I guess I've been channeling my inner Anubis and have it on good authority she's with her beloved husband Wiggy (Ludwig) now so she's super comfortable, moreso than bed-sored in a convalescent home in Temple City. I will miss her though, so mostly I'm mopey for selfish reasons. She was sort of lost in thought in her 90 year old head when I visited her. For the longest time I thought she was an avid soccer fan because I'd walk into the room and she'd have it on the television every time. Then I figured out the Mexican orderly's used her room to pop in and check on the scores while she was just smiling, sitting in her wheelchair dreaming about who knows what with a big smile on her face. :rolleyes: Now she gets to be in that place she dreams of all the time. :thumb:
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:mad: Two CO2 detectors keep chirping...:crazy: it's what kept me up till 2am last night. One was 'fixed' (after running to get 9 volt batteries at 1:30 am :squiffy:) but the other keeps chirping. Now the 'fixed' one is chirping again. Think it's time for new units. They're hardwired into the ceiling the hell do I fix that? My dh comes back from Ireland tonight. I'm sure it's the first thing he'll want to take care of. Another sleepless night...

Corrissey, call Nicor. They'll come out for free and check it out.

Or maybe the fire dept. I think they will do that too. Call the non-emergency number. Not 311, though. Look up the # for your local firehouse. If you call 311 you'll never get a response.
I hope you all know when I say I'm "channeling my inner Anubis" that I'm totally kidding, right? (sorta:o) I'm not a New Age nutjob, I fear my humor gets lost on the internet sometimes. Having said that I'm going to open up my lunch chakra and have some toast and cottage cheese.
Shit. I should tape my mouth shut.
According to my h I look like a fertility goddess. :love:

CG, I'm sorry about your great aunt.
According to my h I look like a fertility goddess. :love:

CG, I'm sorry about your great aunt.

I hope given what I've heard about a preganant woman's range of emotions he was holding you when he suggested that. :p


Thanks for the condolences again. I'm more comfortable curled up in bed processing it but I gotta get up and clean the house now. She's the closest person to me whose passed away in at least 20 years. My mom just told me a story of remembering when she went with her husband to pick out their caskets, bragging how much prettier hers was than his. She was funny. They raised finches. I rememebr going to visit them and playing in their aviary in the backyard. Sometimes the finches would sit on my head.
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Do you know that Carbon Monoxide poisoning an cause sensations similar to a haunting?

I did not know that. Interesting.

Corrissey, maybe they're chirping for a reason. Do you feel haunted?

No, I don't (unless personal demons count) but I am a bit delirious from lack of sleep.

Corrissey, call Nicor. They'll come out for free and check it out.

Or maybe the fire dept. I think they will do that too. Call the non-emergency number. Not 311, though. Look up the # for your local firehouse. If you call 311 you'll never get a response.

Thanks, but they just need to be replaced. They're a few years old; I didn't realize there was such a short life on them. I gotta go find Louie @ Home Depot now.
My condolences CG. :(

Fabulous! (the shirt, the song, the man....)
I know! I'm in a vintage Morrissey mood tonight. The November Spawned a Monster video is sexual. And the see through shirts. And the energy and passion.

I found a beautiful coat that I wanted to buy, it's red and it has a hood. I sent a link to my flatmate and she liked it too. She came back from Matalan today with a jacket almost identical to the one I was lusting over. Sort of raging, but oh well.
I know! I'm in a vintage Morrissey mood tonight. The November Spawned a Monster video is sexual. And the see through shirts. And the energy and passion.

what you said :horny:

I found a beautiful coat that I wanted to buy, it's red and it has a hood. I sent a link to my flatmate and she liked it too. She came back from Matalan today with a jacket almost identical to the one I was lusting over. Sort of raging, but oh well.

Maybe she'll let you borrow it? At least wear it when she's not home. :p

Back to my CO2 detector story... long story short, I unplug them (cutting my knuckle in the process...never a band-aid in the house when ya need one *kids*) and take out the batteries and STILL hear a chirping! :squiffy: As I search the house, I find a smoke detector hidden away on a bookshelf :confused: (my dh must have set it there :rolleyes:) that had loose batteries which was probably the culprit all along. Hours of sleep lost for nuttin. :rolleyes:
Back to my CO2 detector story... long story short, I unplug them (cutting my knuckle in the process...never a band-aid in the house when ya need one *kids*) and take out the batteries and STILL hear a chirping! :squiffy: As I search the house, I find a smoke detector hidden away on a bookshelf :confused: (my dh must have set it there :rolleyes:) that had loose batteries which was probably the culprit all along. Hours of sleep lost for nuttin. :rolleyes:

Haha... bet you're glad you didn't call in the gas company! I did that once. There was an awful gas smell. They came out. We had stained some trim on the stairs earlier in the week, and apparently the residual fumes interacted with the gas burner in the dryer and made an awful smell. I was quite embarrassed. :o
Haha... bet you're glad you didn't call in the gas company! I did that once. There was an awful gas smell. They came out. We had stained some trim on the stairs earlier in the week, and apparently the residual fumes interacted with the gas burner in the dryer and made an awful smell. I was quite embarrassed. :o

My brother had a new gas appliance fitted in his rented home. Noticed a nasty ill-feeling and complained to the landlord. Landlord sent round an "engineer" who said "nothing wrong here".

Brother and family continued to feel ill, so next day called a private gas engineer. The engineer switched on his meter, which went off the dangerous end of the scale and he said "serious problem here, you've been very lucky not to die in your beds".
Brother felt iller for a short while. Then billed the landlord. He moved out not long after.

Better to be safe than sorry.
My brother had a new gas appliance fitted in his rented home. Noticed a nasty ill-feeling and complained to the landlord. Landlord sent round an "engineer" who said "nothing wrong here".

Brother and family continued to feel ill, so next day called a private gas engineer. The engineer switched on his meter, which went off the dangerous end of the scale and he said "serious problem here, you've been very lucky not to die in your beds".
Brother felt iller for a short while. Then billed the landlord. He moved out not long after.

Better to be safe than sorry.

Wow, that's scary. Glad they're okay. I always cringe hearing those stories on the news. Our furnace guy who came months after the contractors were done found an open gas pipe in our basement. I was like, W T F......!!!!!!!!! and I live in a cedar-sided house. *poof*

I knew there wasn't a gas leak (2 men confirmed it, my dh at 2am, my friend this morning & the guy at Home Depot) but I still didnt sleep well thinking ...'What If'...while my girls slept soundly. Then I felt little woozy and out of breath...but I was going up and down 20 steps frantically. No chirps since my last post. (tho I can almost hear them in my head) and no ghosts...or what I think might be. Funny, my night eyes were playing tricks on me while I tried to chill aad sleep. Maybe it was all psychosomatic :blushing: One does need to be replaced, but it was that dumb hidden detector with a loose battery all along. :mad:
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I just had the most amazing/educational day. AND I got Ashley Force-Hood's autograph. :blushing:

I went to the drag races, there are different fuel classes, gas, alcohol and nitro or top fuel, and she's a funny car top fuel driver which takes a lot of skill to drive because they are squirley and super powerful but she's good. She didn't get Champion this year but she was close. ANd she didn't win tonight but raced in the finals and her competitor was a team mate who did win and deserved to win because he's low on the totem pole but an awesome mechanic so it's all good.

I was so elated. I'm pretty sure if I met Morrissey (even though I'm convinced I have a secret connection with him) I'd pretty much pass out because today my knees were shaking and I was so nervous AFTERWARD, but it was such a thrill. :love:

And I learned SO MUCH in metap(w)hore land it's amazing, but about bracket racing which isn't on television and I'm not telling about since nobody cares.

She was so pretty. :blushing: Does anyone wanna see the photo I took of her? :o
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I just had the most amazing/educational day. AND I got Ashley Force-Hood's autograph. :blushing:

I went to the drag races, there are different fuel classes, gas, alcohol and nitro or top fuel, and she's a funny car top fuel driver which takes a lot of skill to drive because they are squirley and super powerful but she's good. She didn't get Champion this year but she was close. ANd she didn't win tonight but raced in the finals and her competitor was a team mate who did win and deserved to win because he's low on the totem pole but an awesome mechanic so it's all good.

I was so elated. I'm pretty sure if I met Morrissey (even though I'm convinced I have a secret connection with him) I'd pretty much pass out because today my knees were shaking and I was so nervous AFTERWARD, but it was such a thrill. :love:

And I learned SO MUCH in metap(w)hore land it's amazing, but about bracket racing which isn't on television and I'm not telling about since nobody cares.

She was so pretty. :blushing:

:thumb: Sounds like a great day.
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