Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

So I'm thinking about trying medication again. :o I don't feel crazy but when it hits you that the person you feel calmest around has no agenda in real life surrounding you, it's the worst feeling ever. Maybe if I try an anti-psychotic again it'll stop me from thinking, or dial it back a bit. Bleh.
So I'm thinking about trying medication again. :o I don't feel crazy but when it hits you that the person you feel calmest around has no agenda in real life surrounding you, it's the worst feeling ever. Maybe if I try an anti-psychotic again it'll stop me from thinking, or dial it back a bit. Bleh.

Thats how some people pronounce my name -Bleh
Thats how some people pronounce my name -Bleh

And since you mention name pronunciation and the word "bleh"...

If I were on meds maybe I wouldn't:

1. Turn the "b" of bleh upsidedown and make it a "p."
2. Rearrange the new word "pleh" to spell out "help."
3. Analyze your other name "Scissors" in the same phonetic fashion you did making the word "Caesars."
4. Put the two names together, borrowing the plural S from Caesar and applying it to help and concluding with "Caeser helps."
5. Then applying that tidbit to the episode of the Dog Whisperer I just watched where Caesar Milan helps a man named Ernesto (Oh, the Importance of...) cope with his fear of dogs by helping him to harnass his calm assertive energy as a pack leader and mix with them stress free. me identitfying with Caesar.
6. Nor would I then indentify then with the white pit bull at the San Gabriel Animal Shelter (note my location) with the scarred face who was forced to fight for the entertainment of humans but who is stuck in a shelter and who Ernesto doesn't have the skill level to adopt.
7. Nor would I then identify in false vane with Louis, a member of Caesar's pack, a Chinese Crested found in Mexico who found his "forever home" with Ernesto's family.
8.And it goes on and on and on into infinity.

But if I was on Geodon or Lithium, maybe it wouldn't. I would just be sleepy all day, but not thinking. Especially not thinking that Morrissey, a man who has a life and a career and places to go is pining for a woman who feels like a man trapped in a woman's body who lives in a trailer park and who has a split personality with a stand-up comedian whose pining is mirrored in my own pining. :straightface: I'm thinking meds is next.
And since you mention name pronunciation and the word "bleh"...

If I were on meds maybe I wouldn't:

1. Turn the "b" of bleh upsidedown and make it a "p."
2. Rearrange the new word "pleh" to spell out "help."
3. Analyze your other name "Scissors" in the same phonetic fashion you did making the word "Caesars."
4. Put the two names together, borrowing the plural S from Caesar and applying it to help and concluding with "Caeser helps."
5. Then applying that tidbit to the episode of the Dog Whisperer I just watched where Caesar Milan helps a man named Ernesto (Oh, the Importance of...) cope with his fear of dogs by helping him to harnass his calm assertive energy as a pack leader and mix with them stress free. me identitfying with Caesar.
6. Nor would I then indentify then with the white pit bull at the San Gabriel Animal Shelter (note my location) with the scarred face who was forced to fight for the entertainment of humans but who is stuck in a shelter and who Ernesto doesn't have the skill level to adopt.
7. Nor would I then identify in false vane with Louis, a member of Caesar's pack, a Chinese Crested found in Mexico who found his "forever home" with Ernesto's family.
8.And it goes on and on and on into infinity.

But if I was on Geodon or Lithium, maybe it wouldn't. I would just be sleepy all day, but not thinking. Especially not thinking that Morrissey, a man who has a life and a career and places to go is pining for a woman who feels like a man trapped in a woman's body who lives in a trailer park and who has a split personality with a stand-up comedian whose pining is mirrored in my own pining. :straightface: I'm thinking meds is next.

I'd say f*** the meds
I'd prefer to f*** Morrissey.
So I'm thinking about trying medication again. :o I don't feel crazy but when it hits you that the person you feel calmest around has no agenda in real life surrounding you, it's the worst feeling ever. Maybe if I try an anti-psychotic again it'll stop me from thinking, or dial it back a bit. Bleh.

Hey, there's no shame in it. :thumb: I've been on medication for quite a long time
as I have a bi-polar condition. Without taking medication I would be
either very extroverted or very introverted. Either way I would not
have much quality of life. But with it, at least I can keep myself under control:guitar:

I saw this photo of U2 recording and wondered how many if any Morrissey recordings were done on persian rugs.
I'm wondering why I am incapable of having fun and joining in with things, and behaving like a normal person in social situations. That is all. :straightface:

I found myself wondering the same thing on Thursday. And then I listened to this:

Nothing good can ever come from behaving like a normal person. ;)
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It's going to be 20 degrees celsius here in Melbourne today.
The sun is out and all the plants in the garden are looking
keen to burst....:)
I love this time of year...
It's going to be 20 degrees celsius here in Melbourne today.
The sun is out and all the plants in the garden are looking
keen to burst....:)
I love this time of year...

Hey, that was brave of you to say you're on meds and bipolar. Thank you. Sometimes my brain forgets to respond normally. :o So preoccupied with juggling mind babies or whatever. Glad to hear the weather is nice there.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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