Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Oh. I feel very silly and creeped out. I should pay more attention to the news.

He has been accused of rape by 2 women in sweden, but he will never ever be convicted of it because there is no evidence. It's actually very unclear what exactly he's accused of and what the women claim have happend.

But that's not why he's famous. He's famous because he's the creator/publisher of wikileaks and the koko-americans have decided he's americas enemy no 2 (after Usama ofcourse).
I'm still reeling from the Julian Assange commentary, but
here's my Christmas offering:-

He has been accused of rape by 2 women in sweden, but he will never ever be convicted of it because there is no evidence. It's actually very unclear what exactly he's accused of and what the women claim have happend.

But that's not why he's famous. He's famous because he's the creator/publisher of wikileaks and the koko-americans have decided he's americas enemy no 2 (after Usama ofcourse).

Now that you mention I remember reading about this on here, but it was confusing and I quit reading it. I completely forgot about it until now.
when i ring the grocery delivery people and say 'call me when your near and i'll come meet you at the end of the drive, because its too icy down here you'll never get out' I mean exactly that, I sont want you arriving at my doorstep all cockily and then finding you cant get back up the hill to get out and having to give you a tow when you dont even have a tow rope you thickie. GRRR!
If you take a shower not to get clean but to survive it's very likely you live in sweden. Cold, cold, cold.
I often find myself loathing everyone at this forum the very second I log on. What does that tell me?
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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