Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Must go to bed now!;)
We went to pick up V from a concert. She was doing a one-girl-and-her-guitar spot. We'd have gone to watch, but she warned us against it, there being three hours of novice dancers, instrumentalists, etc to sit though afterwards.

You should post the footages on youtube. :D
It's freakishly hot and I am wearing my Smiths hoodie because all my t shirts are dirty and need to do laundry. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I am bored out of my mind. I hate the afternoon. I also ate the rest of the chocolate pudding cake and am now regretting it. Anyone have any Activia? :p

How about a pastis with ice and water? the French swear by it. I need to stock up when I go to France next month.
I feel really crap tonight for no reason... :( just thought I'd bring down the mood round here, misery loves company and all that. This is a Morrissey forum! If you can't be grumpy and miserable here, where can you? :p
Oh cider is good:D. I feel really lonely as well and everything seems so dull! :(.

I feel bad i have been meaning to speak to you for ages, i only realised the other day who you were and you were my friend on bebo and msn!

I know! It's odd that we've never really spoken, we move in such close circles! Anyway, I'm think I'm going to go to bed, I'm suddenly really tired, and cider probably wouldn't help things :p I hope you start feeling better, night xxx
I feel nauseated and it's too hot still outside. I feel dehydrated but I've been drinking liquids (ha not wine tonight) like mad. My tummy hurts. :(
^ sorry 'bout the tummy...and more heat to come, eh:mad:
I'm going to have some hot tea anyway; it's teatime, by God! :rolleyes:
If Mr. Morrissey is prepared to donate money to the Salford Lads Club,
I wonder if he'd donate money to the Single Mothers Who Can't
Afford Plane and Concert Tickets Club?

* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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