Responses from people when you say you are a Morrissey fan.


wild and free
In my new job I told a colleague I was a big Morrissey fan. Expecting her to say "Who?", she said "oh don't you feel like killing youself after you've listened to him". I nearly said "no, but I'll kill you if you don't shut up". What sort of responses have you had?
"Who?" is the classic response.

Here too. :rolleyes:

Though I've just remember having heard a different response from my own brother-in-law. He said "eww, but he's so gay, isn't he?" :mad:
here's what i say to people at work when they ask why i keep going to see morrissey live

they say isnt it the same thing all the time

and i say , you go and watch a football team every week , same thing everyweek blokes kicking about a ball isn't it the same every week

they say no its different all the time and i say ... its the same thing with morrissey with less balls being kicked about

they seem to be happy with this answer
(The jukebox begins to play 'Suedehead')
me: (sigh) I love Morrissey...
them: I like The Smiths but I don't like Morrissey.
me: Really? Explain.
them: I don't know, it's just not as good.
me: ... Have you heard Mozzer's solo work?
them: Well, mostly just singles and I wasn't terribly impressed.
me: Can I make you a mix--
them: NO.

This conversation or one very similar has happened with at least three different people.
I have a picture of him behind my school id (they're both in this plastic thingy. I have to wear my ID at all times) and I'll always have someone point go, "Whozzat?
"...Who's that?"
"...He's a singer."
"Oh...*moves on to whatever*"

I was actually screwing around with my friend today and was rubbing it on his arm, and he was freaking out. Finally he made fun of his eyebrows. :( dont' worry, I slapped a few good times. :D

(for the record, I have a picture behind my ID because I can't wear my Morrissey shirt to school, :( So I have to show my Smiths/Moz love in other ways.)
"Who?" A classic...:rolleyes:
I once got a rather severe response from a friend of a friend who ranted "No! You're wrong! Everything you believe in in your life is wrong!...*continued for quite a while*...Your parents don't love you! Go listen to some Led Zeppelin!"
The few people I have mentioned him to have always replied with a blank stare and something along the lines of ''who?''. I try and explain, and mention The Smiths being a band in the 80s, and that Morrissey is still a solo progress made really.

My young brother seems to have got it into his head that he is Elvis though, after seeing a pic of him...must've been the hair :rolleyes:
I have a picture of him behind my school id (they're both in this plastic thingy. I have to wear my ID at all times) and I'll always have someone point go, "Whozzat?
"...Who's that?"
"...He's a singer."
"Oh...*moves on to whatever*"

I was actually screwing around with my friend today and was rubbing it on his arm, and he was freaking out. Finally he made fun of his eyebrows. :( dont' worry, I slapped a few good times. :D

(for the record, I have a picture behind my ID because I can't wear my Morrissey shirt to school, :( So I have to show my Smiths/Moz love in other ways.)

That certainly is a creative way to carry your Moz message around school. Its so sad they make you wear those id things all the time. They do that at my old high school now as well.

I used to keep small pics of Hanson in my wallet when I was in high school. I was SO not a cool kid hahah. :p
usually its "who?" 2 weeks ago when i asked someone if they liked the Smiths, she said "no, i actually ENJOY LIFE and DONT WANNA KILL MYSELF!" hahaha.
I don't tell people. But they know anyway?

I'm that obvious!
it's mostly just "Who?"
I'm ignored
or "Oh right, I don't really know him/them"

but the worse one was "That wannabe irish c***"
my jaw literally hit the floor
and I corrected there glaring error I can't remember what I said.
"He's dead, isn't he?" My Dad's classic response, when I told him I was going to a Morrissey concert. Pa had mistaken him for Jim Morrison of The Doors.
Hahaha, do you often sing/hum Smiths/Morrissey song when you're at work?
Wearing Smiths/Morrissey Tshirt when you go out? :D

No. The last time I wore a Morrissey T shirt was about 14 years ago. I only wore that because my wife bought it (girlfriend at the time). I've never been into wearing T shirts with your band/singer on. I prefer a nice ironed shirt!
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