"Spent The Day In Bed" - new single debuts on BBC Radio 2 / The Chris Evans Show (Sep. 19)

not on amazon yet.was hoping to spend a quid on a good copy.
Spending the day in bed is the ultimate rebellion against this meaningless reality. That said, I'm going to bed :cool:
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As a follower of the Smiths/Morrissey for more than 30 years, I thought that this is by far and away the worst single of his career. And don't be quick to judge me, I loved the previous album, I am not a die hard who's praying for a Smiths re-union (I love most of the solo stuff) and I was waiting for this with huge anticipation. But the song is terrible, reminds me of a Maroon 5 b-side. Saved only by Morrissey's good vocal delivery.

it's not exactly an original sentiment at this point!
I'm pleasantly surprised for the most part. A strong production and some new musical ideas. Infinitely preferable to chugging guitar rock at any rate.
to me this sounds like a feel-good, upbeat song. its perfectly akin to my giddily complacent "that's right f***ers" mood on those wonderfully restorative days when i decide to call in sick to work because i've HAD ENOUGH OF IT ALL and just want to f*** around doing whatever useless thing i want--which is usually eating chocolate and browsing through online shops for clothes i cant afford. dont need anyone to tell me to be good to myself, but it is nice to have confirmation in that from morrissey.
I just find it a bit cringeworthy when a millionaire rock star tells us to spend the day in bed because no bus, no boss, be good to yourself etc.

Thumbs up for the line "I'm not my type, but I love my bed" - made me chuckle.
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This is.... not good. Seriously thinking about skipping the forthcoming album.

Totally agree!!! "No charm, no style, no charisma" .Crap lyrics , hardly a catchy melody.His worst single so far!
A b- side more likely .A dustbin filler during Smiths times.
Today I'll spend the day listening to the Byrds
I just find it a bit cringeworthy when a millionaire rock star tells us to spend the day in bed because no bus, no boss, be good to yourself etc.

Thumbs up for the line "I'm not my type, but I love my bed" - made me chuckle.

As the Vietnam War raged in 1969, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono held two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace, one at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam and one at Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth in Montreal, each of which were intended to be non-violent protests against wars, and experimental tests of new ways to promote peace. The idea is derived from a "sit-in", in which a group of protesters remains seated in front of an establishment until they are evicted, arrested, or their demands are met.
The public proceedings were filmed, and later turned into a documentary movie. The film Bed Peace was made available for free on YouTube in August 2011 by Yoko Ono, as part of her website "Imagine Peace".

Spent the day in bed - amazing, FANTASTIC SONG.
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Feeling cautiously positive after a few listens, though I've always been a sucker for a cheesy keyboard line. Not keen on some of the sonic 'experimentation' (what's with the lazers at the end?), but have it stuck in my head after a few listens which is more than can be said for many of the World Peace singles.
I expected worse considering the first comments.

I still dislike the electronic sounds Morrissey seems to be fond of since Quarry, but I kinda like the song.
As the Vietnam War raged in 1969, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono held two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace, one at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam and one at Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth in Montreal, each of which were intended to be non-violent protests against wars, and experimental tests of new ways to promote peace. The idea is derived from a "sit-in", in which a group of protesters remains seated in front of an establishment until they are evicted, arrested, or their demands are met.
The public proceedings were filmed, and later turned into a documentary movie. The film Bed Peace was made available for free on YouTube in August 2011 by Yoko Ono, as part of her website "Imagine Peace".

Spent the day in bed - amazing, FANTASTIC SONG.

It's not a two week long bed-in for peace though, is it? It's a pop song about staying in bed so you don't have to take the bus or see your boss or watch the news, no more no less.
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