Spotted Jesse at the Cat & Fiddle today

One, you can barely hear a thing in the first video, and two, who would've thought -- there are two guitarists in the world with different styles! Shock and awe. Jesse Tobias is not Johnny Marr. I never said he was. Nor did I ever say I preferred Jesse's style over Johnny's. Again, show me where he gets a note wrong (i.e., not just him not playing note-for-note from the recording), where he is out of key (i.e., not where he bends a note, because bends are by definition off-key embellishments), and where he is off-tempo, and I'll say he is a bad musician.

Already did...and you still made an excuse for him.

Oh, as long as it doesn't involve Jesse Tobias, it's all good.

Why do discussions of overhearing Jesse, then guitarmanship, then boys bickering about musical superiorty always seem to degenerate into who's sticking their dick in who? :squiffy:
Why do discussions of overhearing Jesse, then guitarmanship then boys bickering anout musical superiourty always seem to degenerate into who's sticking their dick in who? :squiffy:

I don't know...why did your post degenerate into gobbledygook? :p
Already did...and you still made an excuse for him.

No, you didn't. You showed me a video where Jesse didn't play the riff from the recording note-for-note, but that he still played a lead in key, in tempo, that was based off of the original riff. You don't seem to understand that your problem with Jesse is not that he f***s up (which would make him a bad musician), but that he's not Johnny Marr or Alain Whyte (which also doesn't make him a bad musician, oddly enough).
No, you didn't. You showed me a video where Jesse didn't play the riff from the recording note-for-note, but that he still played a lead in key, in tempo, that was based off of the original riff. You don't seem to understand that your problem with Jesse is not that he f***s up (which would make him a bad musician), but that he's not Johnny Marr or Alain Whyte (which also doesn't make him a bad musician, oddly enough).

No, I showed you a video of Jesse playing out of tune at least twice in one solo. You don't seem to understand that your problem is you don't know what you're talking about! Any fool who has ever had any musical training (and those who have not) can easily discern something not in tune...why can't you?

He is CLEARLY not bending a note...if you think he is, you don't know what bending a note is. And if you don't believe that, you can see his fingers for Christ's sake!

Sorry, couldn't hear you over this:

I imagine it also must be hard to hear with your head up your...oh, nevermind.
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No, I showed you a video of Jesse playing out of tune at least twice in one solo. You don't seem to understand that your problem is you don't know what you're talking about! Any fool who has ever had any musical training (and those who have not) can easily discern something not in tune...why can't you?

I'm sorry, I've forgotten -- which one of us has been asked personally by an assistant music professor of the University of Pittsburgh to speak at his History of Music course this past year and has writing and producing independent artist award-winning music for nine years now?


Ah, that's right. Got it.

He is CLEARLY not bending a note...if you think he is, you don't know what bending a note is. And if you don't believe that, you can see his fingers for Christ's sake!

First half of the lead: 2:28, 2:30, 2:32, 2:33-2:34
All incidents where Jesse bends.

2:37, he pushes the neck of the guitar forward, a technique used by guitarists to lower the pitch of a note in an effect that would be somewhat equivalent of using a wham-bar.

From around 2:40 to 2:46 or so, the notes he bears down on the notes, raising the pitch slightly, and hammers on on several occurences. From 2:47 on to the end of the lead he returns to his practice of bending the end of each phrase.

Perhaps you should watch the video you're getting so flustered over before you comment on the man's fingers.
I've always felt that his band is too 'loud' live, they use distortion too much there is too much input. Morrissey seems to have to shout over them it isn't complimentary. Hope I'm not talking out of my arse here I've seen them 3 times and I hope to get tickets on Monday for my fourth, Morrissey concert.
Does all this Jesse hatred mean you're boycotting future concerts?
Why would you want to go if all you're going to do is watch Jesse and gloat about any minor errors he may make?
Sounds like jealousy to me.
Well, like it or not, Jesse's here to stay. As a guitarist myself, he's adequate on stage and on record (believe he co-wrote All you need...). He certainly wears the 7 inch well and that must impress Moz more than his playing!
I'm sorry, I've forgotten -- which one of us has been asked personally by an assistant music professor of the University of Pittsburgh to speak at his History of Music course this past year and has writing and producing independent artist award-winning music for nine years now?


Ah, that's right. Got it.

They also invite Bristol Palin to speak publicly at being asked to speak at a college doesn't quite mean what it used to...but if it makes you feel good, by all means keep informing people of it. How could I have forgotten how prolific and scholarly you are?! And these awards were given by whom? Surely someone of note or reputation...otherwise, it's fairgame and I can include my first chair first violin award and my second place ribbon in the walk-a-thon.

First half of the lead: 2:28, 2:30, 2:32, 2:33-2:34
All incidents where Jesse bends.

2:33-2:34, which is the first instance of a flub, is not a bend. It clearly is not.

2:37, he pushes the neck of the guitar forward, a technique used by guitarists to lower the pitch of a note in an effect that would be somewhat equivalent of using a wham-bar.

From around 2:40 to 2:46 or so, the notes he bears down on the notes, raising the pitch slightly, and hammers on on several occurences. From 2:47 on to the end of the lead he returns to his practice of bending the end of each phrase.

2:40-2:41 is the second flub. He is clearly not bending a note here.

Perhaps you should watch the video you're getting so flustered over before you comment on the man's fingers.

You must be watching a Youtube that broadcasts from Bizarro World, son...

I'm not going to argue with you any more about this because you make me type more than I feel like.
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Does all this Jesse hatred mean you're boycotting future concerts?
Why would you want to go if all you're going to do is watch Jesse and gloat about any minor errors he may make?
Sounds like jealousy to me.

Yeah, jealousy is the emotion you feel for the guy who butchers some of your favorite songs after you've paid $60 to see it...
They also invite Bristol Palin to speak publicly at being asked to speak at a college doesn't quite mean what it used to...but if it makes you feel good, by all means keep informing people of it. How could I have forgotten how prolific and scholarly you are?! And these awards were given by whom? Surely someone of note or reputation...otherwise, it's fairgame and I can include my first chair first violin award and my second place ribbon in the walk-a-thon.

2:33-2:34, which is the first instance of a flub, is not a bend. It clearly is not.

2:40-2:41 is the second flub. He is clearly not bending a note here.

You must be watching a Youtube that broadcasts from Bizarro World, son...

I'm not going to argue with you any more about this because you make me type more than I feel like.

Don't get mad.


Someday you'll learn what a bend on a guitar sounds like. El oh el.


Chill, bro. It's not your fault. You've got to be just a little bit mad if you hear absolutely no bends in the above lead -- especially considering how prevalent it is in Jesse's particular style of playing. I'll do my best to keep you in my prayers.
Chill, bro. It's not your fault. You've got to be just a little bit mad if you hear absolutely no bends in the above lead -- especially considering how prevalent it is in Jesse's particular style of playing. I'll do my best to keep you in my prayers.

I didn't say there wasn't any bends...just not during the time frame I mentioned.

I shall keep you in my prayers as well...I'm confident that someday they will find a cure for your Down just gotta believe. :p
I didn't say there wasn't any bends...just not during the time frame I mentioned.

I shall keep you in my prayers as well...I'm confident that someday they will find a cure for your Down just gotta believe. :p

I believe -- that your deep-rooted contempt for Jesse and your frequent reassertion of the theme of homosexuality in this thread are linked to suppressed personal fantasies that you were always taught were "wrong" or "sinful" to indulge in. Perhaps you fear of the recourse of your friends, family members, or co-workers, but let me assure you -- there is nothing wrong with you. You are who you are. This is a safe place, and you are ALLOWED to have these feelings. Now, go forth and be whimsical.
I believe -- that your deep-rooted contempt for Jesse and your frequent reassertion of the theme of homosexuality in this thread are linked to suppressed personal fantasies that you were always taught were "wrong" or "sinful" to indulge in. Perhaps you fear of the recourse of your friends, family members, or co-workers, but let me assure you -- there is nothing wrong with you. You are who you are. This is a safe place, and you are ALLOWED to have these feelings. Now, go forth and be whimsical.

I believe your constant leg humping and mocking of me is just a ploy to get me to notice you in hopes that some day I just might make sweet love to's working.

Come on...big hug!
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