The Guardian Gets It Wrong Again - Peter Katsis (via Morrissey Official FB)

The Guardian Gets It Wrong Again!

Let’s get real. “ Former Morrissey fans” have not organized anything. That “Has-Been Haslam” character was never a Morrissey fan. And his agenda, stated as using music to spread peace, could not be any further from the truth. He is simply using the situation to gain some much needed attention to himself. Apparently his golden years have not been kind. If he really wanted to make a political statement he would make one about the Politicians. But no, that is not what he wants here. He is using this platform for his own agenda. At the end of the day, bullshit is still bullshit.

We are in the business of creating music and performing music. We are actually not in the business of politics, or bullshit. We’ll leave that to Wannabees like Mr Haslam and the Editors of The Guardian.

Peter Katsis
Deckstar Mgmt


The Guardian article referenced:

Former Morrissey fans to stage anti-racism party in Manchester - The Guardian

Dave Haslam response posted by an anonymous person:

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Peter Katsis' writing style is remarkable similar to Morrissey's in places, isn't it? Is he John Riggers?
Yes. You beat me to it, I was just about to post that this has remarkable similarities to: 'My name is Boz Boorer...Any other artist would be number 1 with this song RIGHT NOW. There is no other song in modern music that aptly supports the people of Paris.'
Did Morrissey, sorry 'Morrissey's Management' just say they aren't in the business of politics and bullshit?

I assume they aren't in the business of irony either.
Where was Haslam in 1992? At the NME?
On the bandwagon probably.
He’s really late to the little Englander-accusations anyway, like some of the thickwits on here.
As a “former Morrissey fan” myself, I’m just sitting back with my and watching the shit go up in flames, but what? Less than a week and nothing close to sold out on this tour? Usher Hall in Edinburgh hasn’t even opened their upper circle seats, so that whole area will be completely empty (I know someone who works for them). They will be out on the street giving away tickets like they did for one of the MEN shows a few years back at this point.
He was running his own publication, Debris, and spinning records at the Hacienda. I was reading and dancing. He was only ever a Contributing writer at the NME. He wasn’t part of the “get Moz” thing.

Dave is a very clever, kind, and considerate man. I remember him at Smiths gigs I went to.
The comments underneath the facebook statement say everything, lots of comments about how people love his music but not him anymore which has led to no sold out UK shows.
I miss Dynasty but am hopeful a new cool season of Dallas will pop up soon.

A small claim to fame, I have watched every episode of Dallas, Dynasty, Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place. It took me almost 4 years to complete.
You're saying we shouldn't complain about racist arseholes?

Ofcourse not. I too disagree with some of Morrissey’s recent comments and opinions, I find some of them clumsy, uneducated and ignorant.
My point I feel Haslam has and continues to use Morrissey’s name to promote his own, whether it be in his book or his response concert.

I don’t really have a problem with the Haslam concert,but the way Haslam is going about it rubs me the wrong way personally.
Does anyone from Manchester, particularly who was around in the eighties, think Dave Haslam is using Morrissey to promote himself and his product? I think there's enough affection for him there for that not to be the case, personally. Myself, I was an avid reader of Debris.
The comments underneath the facebook statement say everything, lots of comments about how people love his music but not him anymore which has led to no sold out UK shows.

Yes, and the sensible thing would be to walk away. They may do that physically but not mentally. The will go on about Moz ... and on and on and on and on ... until it's just about them. Don't you think that an event that is against racism should adress a bit more pressing issues than the opinion of one single person who doesn't even has any power to begin with?
Ofcourse not. I too disagree with some of Morrissey’s recent comments and opinions, I find some of them clumsy, uneducated and ignorant.
My point I feel Haslam has and continues to use Morrissey’s name to promote his own, whether it be in his book or his response concert.

I don’t really have a problem with the Haslam concert,but the way Haslam is going about it rubs me the wrong way personally.
I agree with all of that, Yorkshireman. It was only a month ago we were all debating the merits (or otherwise) of cauliflower cheese, on account of Dave's plug for his book - in which he told a rather endearing anecdote about Morrissey. Use his name liberally to promote your book; or call him a racist knob and stage a protest event. Either one is fine by me, but to do both in the space of a month smacks of hypocrisy.
I’ll be at the event, I’ll be taking my kids too (although the veiled threat about ‘nail bombs’ from a right wing scumbag gave me pause for thought) we’ll be enjoying music that SPM has described as ‘vile’ and generally having a whale of a time.
As has always been stated, SPM and his fans (of which I am not one) are more than welcome and the various claims that this event is inciting violence and hatred from people who use divisive language are too idiotic to even address.
As for the laughable claim by SPM/his manager that they’re not in the business of politics, time has shown how false that is.
See you at the bar.
I agree with all of that, Yorkshireman. It was only a month ago we were all debating the merits (or otherwise) of cauliflower cheese, on account of Dave's plug for his book - in which he told a rather endearing anecdote about Morrissey. Use his name liberally to promote your book; or call him a racist knob and stage a protest event. Either one is fine by me, but to do both in the space of a month smacks of hypocrisy.

This may very well be true, re: hypocrisy, but come on now... Morrissey has been king of hypocrisy for a long time now.
I agree with all of that, Yorkshireman. It was only a month ago we were all debating the merits (or otherwise) of cauliflower cheese, on account of Dave's plug for his book - in which he told a rather endearing anecdote about Morrissey. Use his name liberally to promote your book; or call him a racist knob and stage a protest event. Either one is fine by me, but to do both in the space of a month smacks of hypocrisy.

I think the concert is more about giving Morrissey a kick up the arse than self promotion. Obviously it's a waste of time as Morrissey only listens to his inner circle and Breitbart now.
The old trick of playing the man, not the ball.

These are screams from a patient being dragged backwards though the swing doors by two orderlies.

Brilliant! I love it when Peter uses his 'man not ball' phrase. It's only bettered by those posts when he dons his tin foil hat, gets out his 'Latin for Idiots' and starts quoting nonsensical bullshit in an attempt to convince the world that he is really very clever, and not just a window-licking, cliche spouting, wall-eyed moron.

Mind you, Peter is DEFINITELY NOT RACIST! He's just not. Ok? Understood? NOT A RACIST.
I think the concert is more about giving Morrissey a kick up the arse than self promotion. Obviously it's a waste of time as Morrissey only listens to his inner circle and Breitbart now.
Either way, I find it a little bit rich. Only a month ago it suited Dave to recount sweet anecdotes about Morrissey to promote his book. The concert may or may not be timed to promote his book (and I don't have a problem with it per se), but it seems like he wants it both ways.
Either way, I find it a little bit rich. Only a month ago it suited Dave to recount sweet anecdotes about Morrissey to promote his book. The concert may or may not be timed to promote his book (and I don't have a problem with it per se), but it seems like he wants it both ways.
Or how about just protesting racism and celebrating diversity? Is that too much to ask?
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