The Morrissey Solo Chat!



Some Chatter's in there are so depressed.That they get off on making LIE'S about others who enter!

Aleast thats what me!

I think it can be cool to chat with other's from,around the world....(wow)
And i've met some really cool people in there,and some really rotten,and they know who they are,please it's just a chat,for heaven sakes!!!
and i think it funny how those certain loser..get off on lie's ther life is soooooooo empty ,and lonely
They have nothing better to do,(I laugh at you)
hahahahahahahaah(huge smile)

if you talk about me it's cos' you're thinking of me hehehehehehehe

And those Chatter who are sooooooooo Lovely Thank you for you sweetness and kindness there's been alot of Good laughs!!!:)
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