TTY: Boz Boorer statement

Boz Statement - TTY

Boz Boorer statement
19 June 2014

I have just returned from 5 days in the mountains of Portugal where I am cut off from the internet. It appears I have missed an awful lot. Search as I have I can only find snippets of Tony Visconti's postings and I am very shocked and disappointed at what I have read and can only wonder why he immediately withdrew the postings with no explanation. Kristeen has been a constant companion on the road for so long and I am also bewildered by her actions also immediately withdrawn from view. I hate to throw wood on an already blazing fire but I am afraid I cannot sit back and watch this slander.
Boz Boorer
Every time I see a new post on TTY, I always have the slim hope that Jesse has been asked to leave the band...truly disappointed, but I carry on.

This is as close to a perfect post as there ever has been on this website.

Re: Boz Statement - TTY

Ummm...I think you forgot to e-mail the rest of it, Boz.

I want a statement from Lyn Boorer. Can we manipulate the press to post this so she might bring us a statement? AWW PLEASE.
LOL, good one. Whether Kristeen believed she was contagious or not, I think she should have had some sympathy for people who were worried about exposure to viruses. I don't think she should have had an attitude about it. But maybe she was under stress. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because my hero said his life has been better for knowing her. Maybe something of value does not have to be lost.

i don't know at what grade level you read but jesse using the term "disingenuous" and Boz using "slanderous" both denote lying. so yeah, they are both denying that kristeen young told the truth.
Moz is f***ing always fighting his corner, without the aid of ANYONE. And now two of his friends are sticking their necks out for him, and most of you here react with contempt? You f***ing people make me sick.

At last Moz gets some support and (seemingly) takes a step back. And who can f***ing blame him? He's probably exhausted from all the bullshit that's been happening around him the last few years. God, give him a break, you vultures.

Well that is correct.

It must surely hurt that someone so close - to everyone - treated you so low.

And then, on top of that, TV publishes some stupid and idiotic comments. TV is a nice guy, really, but in publishing
some kind of "you can do better on your own" comment, when he is in her band, and hanging around
with Morrisseys band, day after day, is just stupid of him. He obviously knew that and subsequently
deleted his posts.

Well said Boz. Just a nice and honest view. All of the band deserve better than this. Morrissey
deserves better than the shitstorm of KY and TV.

I dont think that KY and TV are "together" in the biblical sense - isnt he married? -but they both
need to start eating humble pie or the axe will fall we know, and deservedly so.

Very well stated. Thanks for these posts.
I can't believe Boz has soiled himself by taking part in this debacle. I mean, just think of the Tsunami of shit he must have put up with in the past - Hogg. Spencer. Moz's belittling of his old mucker Alan. And yet he raises his head above the parapet for this f***ing nonsense. No wonder he looks bored out of his f***ing mind on stage these days. Come back to Camden indeed Boz and be done with this nonsense. You have more dignity sir.
Obviously he means libel (which is written) rather than slander (which is spoken) - although it's neither really, just a general besmirching of character.
:lbf: oh boz!

so many jimmies have been rustled

*awaits statement from gustavo*
Obviously he means libel (which is written) rather than slander (which is spoken) - although it's neither really, just a general besmirching of character.

Latest update from True To You: Morrissey has begun legal action, suing Tony Visconti for the libellous accusation that he consumes chips, pizza and booze. Damages have been set at $2 million.
Re: Boz Statement - TTY

I want a statement from Lyn Boorer. Can we manipulate the press to post this so she might bring us a statement? AWW PLEASE.

How classy of you to drag his wife into it for no apparent reason other than spite.

All the people who have made statements so far have been those who were on the tour and who were personally involved in it. In other words, those who know what actually went on and had very right to say their piece.

Not sure why you are talking about 'manipulating the press' either when all statements have either been made on the same always-used website, or on fb in KY and her supporters' case.
Of course it's not conclusive...but it is a good indicator.

no it's not. it's stupid. diagnose someone you never met based on what a third party said? the VAST MAJORITY of Barrett's and bleeding ulcer patients ARE NOT heavy drinkers. the original post is a bunch of bull.
Does anyone know if you can get Barrett's and bleeding ulcers from people grinding too much salt on your chips?
Does anyone know if you can get Barrett's and bleeding ulcers from people grinding too much salt on your chips?

That article will always come back to bite him. I don't think the man wipes his own arse.
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