TTY: The Genius of Russell Brand

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The Genius of Russell Brand -
5 October 2015

5 October, 2015

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Published on Jul 23, 2015 by EducateInspireChangeTV

Russell Brand informs us of the Queen's German roots, noting her family's last name was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. King George V changed the family name to Windsor during World War I. It's worth noting the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha name is linked to the Rothschild family , who are allegedly the richest family on planet earth.
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He talks sense. Even if someone likes him or not he speaks frankly. He does it really good. You should be a genius to be to the point, notably in such a specal way nowadays. I read many of the posts above and i sadly and strongly believe that common sense is still too much so conservative. If you hear the extraocular truth it does not matter who tells the truth and how he tells the truth. Oh... I apologise. I forgot. Here is the court that tries Morrissey and his gang... Objections for ever rejected. I should know some time ago
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I hate that a halfwit can post, semi truths and any amount of bullshit, on a topic that would make him look cool/revolutionary to other ill informed simple folk to increase his own kudos.

thats very assuming though of his motivation to look cool. why cant he just actually believe these things with no secondary agenda
Brand sounded funny & genius to me. I wish more people would make such real observations.

Why did he marry a meat eater though? And no, getting a divorce doesn't make up for the poor judgment. Katy Perry likes chomping on bird legs. Maybe because she is younger/wealthier. If Brand didn't seem sexist, he would be much better.


russell is hilarious. and he's spot on about the queen. who is dead, btw. long live the queen.
As long as he continues to align himself with those hypocritical mask wearers - he's just a verbose, florid egotist.
Nothing says 'revolution' or 'smash the state' like a guy in mask stamped with 'made in China' - made by children in a sweat shop.
The Rasputin / Jesus attempts are very sad to see also.
Brand sounded funny & genius to me. I wish more people would make such real observations.

Why did he marry a meat eater though? And no, getting a divorce doesn't make up for the poor judgment. Katy Perry likes chomping on bird legs. Maybe because she is younger/wealthier. If Brand didn't seem sexist, he would be much better.


i think the christian overtones are weirder regarding kate perry. she was engaged to the guy from relient k, a christian band, for a while i think though hes awesome honestly and renews some of my faith in christians a bit.

hands up, how many people here are for the royal family and why
So giving money to people just for being born in to a family is as non essential as money for arts and culture? I completely disagree.
What is non essential about arts and culture? Especially in times of austerity it is completely essential to fund these areas as they give people an escape from lives which have become much harder.
Absolutely, I'm arguing for the "non-essentials" - and like it or not, the living monarchy is part of the cultural heritage that attracts tourists to London at least. Sure you could get rid of them, turn it into "history", and save a few £££s in the short term, I just don't believe it would be anything even remotely significant.

If the monarchy was anything other than mostly neutered I think Moz etc. would have more of a point.

I understand being against the concept... but really... meh.. the democratically elected leaders have ultimately much more to answer for (not least the incredibly pointless waste of human life in Iraq/Afghanistan wars, turning a blind eye to Saudi/Qatari human rights violations, colluding with the US in overly intrusive surveillance, atrocious treatment of whistleblowers etc. etc.)
after 2 minutes I was fed up with his voice, and recall again history, Nazi was just a party from 1 person Hitler,
many die, it was awfull, but we moved on, give it a rest, Germans are nice people, you can have great vacation or city
weekend [first we take manhatten , than we take Berlin] Russel is jumping the Farage bandwagon, in his awfulll anoying voice.

Give it a rest, till King William

Im not really sure what I think about Russel brand.

One thing 4 sure is that he has had the bottle 2 admit he is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict ect, somtimes not an easy thing 2 do, and because of this he understands these problems and he goes out of his way 2 help others in the same boat ! :)

Alcoholism can be a VERY VERY serious Illness requiring lots of TLC and understanding and support ect, its not there fault, there not very well and sometimes need help.

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Russell Brand.

The lad who made us think he would stop his useless own-tail-chasing social media activity to retire to an Ashram...and THINK...
Until we found out what he really meant was to buy a cottage in Affluent-on-Thames, and reproduce.

Ah well. Geniuses oft move in mysterious ways. As Bono once said.

Im not really sure what I think about Russel brand.

One thing 4 sure is that he has had the bottle 2 admit he is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict ect, somtimes not an easy thing 2 do, and because of this he understands these problems and he goes out of his way 2 help others in the same boat ! :)

Alcoholism can be a VERY VERY serious Illness requiring lots of TLC and understanding and support ect, its not there fault, there not very well and sometimes need help.

Do you still like Kristeen Young?
after 2 minutes I was fed up with his voice, and recall again history, Nazi was just a party from 1 person Hitler,
many die, it was awfull, but we moved on, give it a rest, Germans are nice people, you can have great vacation or city
weekend [first we take manhatten , than we take Berlin] Russel is jumping the Farage bandwagon, in his awfulll anoying voice.

Give it a rest, till King William

nazim was NOT one man, dont be thick.
that equals the idiotic comment made by ben carson that if only the nazi gun laws the holocaust would not have happened.
nazim was NOT one man, dont be thick.
that equals the idiotic comment made by ben carson that if only the nazi gun laws the holocaust would not have happened.

i like the part where he told the jewish group they were wrong and insisted he was right
Do you still like Kristeen Young?

Hello uncleskinny, yes of course I do ! I listen 2 her incredible music and beautifull singing almost every single day!

Why would U pose such a ridiculoues question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did u want a reminder about how wonderfull shes is ? just go 2 u-tube and see!
She does of course, come into her own live in concert, shes on a completly different wavelength, simply INDREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the incredible bass punch and keyborad synths, you have never heard anything quite like it in your entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Why dont u take a few tips from her and it will maybe improve your own "performance" whilist playing live in concert yourself! ??
It was an absloute tradgody of epic proportions when shes wasnt opening up for morrissey anymore, but then again this has given her oppertunities 2 headline herself!!!!!

As one door closes another one opens!!!!!

Ive also done my own tribute 2 our dark gothic princess miss KristeenYoung (and morrissey of course) but I prefer 2 keep this under wraps for the time being!

Well Im off now 4 a cuppa green tea! bbfn :)
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I must admit this round goes to you.

You should of gave me a thumbs up! :thumb: his stuff aint 2 bad as it so happens, but not really my cuupa tea, as I only really like kristeenYoung, Morrissey (obvioulsy!) and the wonderfull patti smith 2!

Only these 3 stars can make me happy! :)

Got all of there CD albums the lot! Eccept for meet miss young and her all boy band, still trying 2 get hold of a copy
Sometimes mix things up a little bit with a bit of the dead kennedys and the pixies.

Well my cuppa green tea has now been replaced with a glass of red wine!!

So I will have 2 go coz I may break my golden rule again! - never 2 go onto forums thru the nite after a few glasses of wine as I tend 2 post sentimental nonsence and start deleting and editing my posts!!!!

But you should listen 2 "depression contest" loud and thru good quiality speackers, absoulty incredible !!!!! :)
Best live in concert of course, but still fantastic via top of the range hi-fi speakers with a good bass punch response.

Anyways back 2 the topic in hand of russel Brand we seem 2 have gone of topic slightly!
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