TTY: The World Is Full of Crashing Bores - "The Truth About Popular Music" by Paul Joseph Watson

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When I saw the headline" the world is full of crashing bores" I thought moz was commenting on the so-low world, the usual suspects posting the same boring monotonous nonsense day after day, posters like uncleskinny, brummie, barleycorn, the mentally retarted benny, evennow, surface, power bottom and all the anonymous morons who endorse their rants, it's always the same theme, " morrissey is finished" " he was good in the smiths" " he's ruined his legacy" " he's talking shite" blah blah blah, rich stuff coming from a bunch of losers who spend all their time on a forum dedicated to someone they hate, moz has achieved more in one song than these losers have their entire life's, sue me if I'm wrong peter

Well barmaid you just rattled off some of the most interesting and entertaining posters on this site. You pretending to be Irish is in the same vein as your complete and utterly ridiculous attempts to defend every one of Morrissey's missteps. You complain constantly and endlessly about others contributions to this forum, but never even offer the smallest kernel of an original thought that emanated from your own small brain. Stand and deliver your own ideas or get off the stage. Finger pointers are the lowest of the low. Table 5 needs more beer. Get to it plastic!

And popular music is the same as it ever was. Vapid, meaningless lyrics accompanied by the popular sound of the day. Created with a short shelf life. And those songs with deeper more thoughtful and thought provoking lyrics and music. You are probably too young to remember when Gary Numan was top of the charts with a little ditty called Cars. A great meaningless piece of pop perfection. Not every piece of music is meant to be Beethoven or Cohen. You thick Scottish plunker.
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my objective interpretation of this latest tty post: still no interest by any label in throwing away money by signing moz.
i guess the peeps here are right, hes done. no more exciting cutting edge huma songs.
I couldn't understand a thing this inbred Hick Hillbilly was saying, but it sounds like he said something about steak being good to eat at the end of his Hillbilly rant and it was posted on TTY?

I bet Morrissey did both those chicks. Anonymous-
Best wishes to all especially the brave ones ! Notably evennow, surface, uncle, JBC, B-Boy, all the anonymouses and anyone I forgot (please forgive me, next time I'll put it right keep the faith).
I just want you to know, I'm happy hope your happy too ! Live life and enjoy the weekend.

As always yours in debunking

I remember when Moz had some quality control, this bloke is just a bellend and without the internet we'd have been spared otherwise.
I was only able to watch about a minute and a half of that before I remembered that I'm not a total f***ing moron with the critical faculties of a trained gerbil. What in Christ's name has happened to Morrissey?
I couldn't understand a thing this inbred Hick Hillbilly was saying, but it sounds like he said something about steak being good to eat at the end of his Hillbilly rant and it was posted on TTY?

I bet Morrissey did both those chicks. Anonymous-

He'd have to grow a penis and balls first...
BAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! GREAT POST! I was going to take a break from SOLOW and then I read this and almost choked! "Sue me if I'm wrong Peter", I love that Irish wit, man, brilliant, just brilliant! These idiots are endorsed by David too, never forget that. I got an infraction for posting, "You are sleeping, you do not want to believe" in "Irish". Fancy that? American Blood, Irish Heart. Solow is Full of Crashing Bores, but you're not one of them. I love your posts, Irish Blood, Irish Heart! Keep at it.


When I saw the headline" the world is full of crashing bores" I thought moz was commenting on the so-low world, the usual suspects posting the same boring monotonous nonsense day after day, posters like uncleskinny, brummie, barleycorn, the mentally retarted benny, evennow, surface, power bottom and all the anonymous morons who endorse their rants, it's always the same theme, " morrissey is finished" " he was good in the smiths" " he's ruined his legacy" " he's talking shite" blah blah blah, rich stuff coming from a bunch of losers who spend all their time on a forum dedicated to someone they hate, moz has achieved more in one song than these losers have their entire life's, sue me if I'm wrong peter

Cultural texts the entire basis of Cultural Studies. The Smiths has utterly been degraded by the transformation of its former lead singer into a bully, a bigot, a misogynist, and a racist.

Meaning is a transaction between performer and audience: perhaps the second most important point of Cultural Studies. And the fans of Morrissey...I mean, except for Irish, Marred and the utterly Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Ketamine, they've replaced their love with loathing. You know who goes to see his shows now? The Ordinary Boys--lager louts out for a night on the town. The irony! It's delicious.
I think that the way this is presented puts people off but it's actually based on some truth. Max Martin has more top 10 hits than anyone besides Lennon/McCartney. He started back when Backstreet Boys were having hits, wrote for Britney, and he's still writing for Taylor Swift. If you look at the list of songs he has helped write you might hate them but you know them. Katy Perry, Rihanna, on and on.
So you have fewer writers in the top 10 generally. Lyrics to pop songs have always been simple, but I don't think they have been this repetitive since disco. Even his point about the way the records are made louder adds to the sameness.

One thing he doesn't talk about that I have noticed is that back in the 80's and probably moreso before, there was a divide between the music that children listened to and the music adults listened to. Some adults listed to the same rock music that "the kids" liked but there was a type of pop music for adults called "Adult Contemporary." It wasn't necessarily good music. A lot of it was the sort of trite crap Coldplay are pumping out today. Phil Collins' solo records and things like that. It was sort of a continuation of 70's acts like Billy Joel and Barry Manilow. But the point is that in the early 90's bands like Backstreet Boys were definitely for kids and most adults wouldn't be interested. A few years later and teens and adults are listening to the same really horrible crap like Chris Brown and Justin Beiber or Taylor Swift. It's sort of marketed at teens but then it's reviewed seriously. Kesha and Katy Perry are the same thing. The subject matter is sort of adult but then it seems to be marketed at kids and the music is so artificial sounding and gimmicky that it seems hard to imagine adults listening to it. I think that is one reason why Adele is so popular because it doesn't sound like a bunch of squonking robots with every fad production trick tacked on. But I doubt many 13 year olds are buying it. I haven't written this very well but I know it's true. I've seen it happening for the past 20 years or so.
Like baby baby baby ooh
Baby baby where did our love go
Baby baby don't get hooked on me
Baby baby it's a wild world
And so goes popular music over the decades. If you turn to popular music for any form of meaningful nourishment you will starve to death, but what is life without candy. I want candy! Thank you Bow Wow Wow.
Like Morrissey, this sad creature tries to claim that

a) there is no choice when there are billions of songs available at the touch of a button

b) that the choices made by ordinary people are inferior to those made by pseudo-Mancunian intellectuals

c) that the hegemony of the NME. when people were cajoled into purchasing records they'd never heard on the basis of verbose propaganda by pseudo-intellectual Mancunians, was a more rewarding and innovative period than today.

d) that there is a conspiracy to ignore talent when Adele has proved this is absolute nonsense.

e) that one person's opinions are somehow of importance because they make spurious claims to be 'intelligent'.

To which the only sensible answer is "Don't Bore Us, Get To The Chorus".

Presumably this fool and Morrissey regarded ABBA as simplistic industry fodder when time has revealed them to be complex geniuses. Max Martin is perhaps the greatest genius in popular music ever.

Given that Morrissey spent huge periods of his solo career churning out radio-friendly fascimiles of corporate american rock it's somewhat risible that he now appears to be protesting homogeny and uniformity. His 'Dad Rock with World Music Flourishes' would have been innovative in 1993, but in 2015 it just sounds desperate.

No sensible label should waste money investing in Morrissey as there is no profit to be made from a grizzly troll who spews venom to excuse his lack of talent and public approval. All Punk did was replace Prog with another hegemony with a fake Rebel Yell, Morrissey tried and failed to craft on Radical Literature to that canon and now is totally exposed as a charlatan clown. Couldn't happen to a nicer c***.

Adele happened, Nothing else matters. The most wonderful conclusion to Morrissey's downfall is her Voice being adopted by the entire world whilst his is ignored as the shrill hiss of a bitter, twisted closet case. You couldn't dream of a more satisfying conclusion. Except for Bowie's passing.....

f*** Morrissey

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The bloke is talking absolute bollocks. There is some great music out there however as we get older we are simply not as close to it as we were in years gone by. An example is The 1975, I am only aware of these as they went to the same school as my daughter, albeit 2 years above her, they are brilliant in my opinion and have just sold out 5 nights at Brixton Academy. For anyone interested in trivia - the singer is Tim Healy's son who starred in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet and more latterly Benidorm.

Have a listen to this and yes it really has had over 8 million views.

Or this guy from Macclesfield, Jake Evans, who is on stage at King Tuts in Glasgow as I type this.
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Like Morrissey, this sad creature tries to claim that

a) there is no choice when there are billions of songs available at the touch of a button

b) that the choices made by ordinary people are inferior to those made by pseudo-Mancunian intellectuals

c) that the hegemony of the NME. when people were cajoled into purchasing records they'd never heard on the basis of verbose propaganda by pseudo-intellectual Mancunians, was a more rewarding and innovative period than today.

d) that there is a conspiracy to ignore talent when Adele has proved this is absolute nonsense.

e) that one person's opinions are somehow of importance because they make spurious claims to be 'intelligent'.

To which the only sensible answer is "Don't Bore Us, Get To The Chorus".

Presumably this fool and Morrissey regarded ABBA as simplistic industry fodder when time has revealed them to be complex geniuses. Max Martin is perhaps the greatest genius in popular music ever.

Given that Morrissey spent huge periods of his solo career churning out radio-friendly fascimiles of corporate american rock it's somewhat risible that he now appears to be protesting homogeny and uniformity. His 'Dad Rock with World Music Flourishes' would have been innovative in 1993, but in 2015 it just sounds desperate.

No sensible label should waste money investing in Morrissey as there is no profit to be made from a grizzly troll who spews venom to excuse his lack of talent and public approval. All Punk did was replace Prog with another hegemony with a fake Rebel Yell, Morrissey tried and failed to craft on Radical Literature to that canon and now is totally exposed as a charlatan clown. Couldn't happen to a nicer c***.

Adele happened, Nothing else matters. The most wonderful conclusion to Morrissey's downfall is her Voice being adopted by the entire world whilst his is ignored as the shrill hiss of a bitter, twisted closet case. You couldn't dream of a more satisfying conclusion. Except for Bowie's passing.....

f*** Morrissey

You can't really think Katy Perry and Taylor Swift are the products of genius.
Morrissey was "radio friendly" when? Must have been the same time he was making American corporate rock. That's right, I remember him doing the Super Bowl with Britney, Aerosmith, and NSYNC. Oh wait, that didn't happen at all. None of that happened.

I think the idea here would be that ABBA was better than, for example, Chris Brown or Kanye West. ABBA was and is better than anything Max Martin did. The f***ing Backstreet Boys? You think the man who wrote "Backstreet's Back" is a genius? He is shameless and knows how to work a formula. He's an expert craftsman and I do admire him for having so many hit records, but it's a trick, and people really do get used to hearing crap and they don't bother to seek out all of these infinite choices available at their fingertips. The state of the music business means that there are less artists actually getting wealthy or having sustainable careers and so if someone does have a brilliant single they are still likelye to break up from bankruptcy before they get a chance to build on it.

Everyone says this. All of the long established artists, from Gene Simmons to the Pet Shop Boys say that if they started now they might be finished before they had a chance.
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Look at the Kesha case and figure it out. All of the prancing tarts (male and female) in the top 10 are tightly controlled, MK Ultra-fied skanks representing corporate interest and globalist agendas. Rihanna's recent album sold under 500 copies its first week! FIVE HUNDRED! Samsung, her corporate pimp and bankroller of her now-cancelled tour, bought a million copies (at a discount) and demanded they be counted in her first week sales. Billboard Magazine refused (which I respect). I think sales of music by these TumblrBarbies and BoyBand skeevozas are VASTLY overreported. It's hype. It appears young people are being hit with an Edward Bernays-style psychological attack, to disassociate them from "the higher vibrations" of life: love, compassion, self-discovery, giving without expecting anything, discernment, true personal power. All that is being wiped out by robotic, twerking, pre-verbal, infantilized weirdness. Think "Eyes Wide Shut" - which is essentially a VERY truthful peek into the modeling and music business. I have no idea why Morrissey wants any part of it anymore. As long as he leaves THAT NEPHEW out of the art direction, Morrissey could kill as a self-releasing artist, if he hand picked his team and left them alone for the most part.
The corporate music business has a sickly sheen to it these days. Truly Babylonian.
Ok, maybe you didn't write that well as you said but I think this is such an important point and something that has bothered me over the last 10 to 15 years especially. There is almost no distinction between music that's meant for kids and adults. Of course, all music can be meant for everyone and people should like what they like. But as you say, there was music that was obviously meant for kids maybe 12 and under and most adults didn't consider this great or classic music. You mentioned Backstreet Boys. That seems right about when it started changing. I remember seeing stuff on tv with fans in their 20's at their concerts and saying how much they loved them and I thought that was so strange. That definitely didn't happen (from what I can remember anyways) several years earlier with groups like New Kids on the Block. If you were 25 and said you liked New Kids, people would think you were insane. Again, who are we to tell people what they can or cannot like. But I have definitely noticed that "music for kids" or "music for tweens" or however you want to phrase it is basically accepted now as what music is to 95% of people of all ages. For many years, I have gotten less and less interested in anything that is popular, not for the sake of being an elitist, but there is just little that interests me. At age 44, I've actually gotten into more and more obscure, DIY, local kind of bands than ever before. Anyways, you made an interesting point that I don't recall ever seeing addressed in any articles on music.

I think that the way this is presented puts people off but it's actually based on some truth. Max Martin has more top 10 hits than anyone besides Lennon/McCartney. He started back when Backstreet Boys were having hits, wrote for Britney, and he's still writing for Taylor Swift. If you look at the list of songs he has helped write you might hate them but you know them. Katy Perry, Rihanna, on and on.
So you have fewer writers in the top 10 generally. Lyrics to pop songs have always been simple, but I don't think they have been this repetitive since disco. Even his point about the way the records are made louder adds to the sameness.

One thing he doesn't talk about that I have noticed is that back in the 80's and probably moreso before, there was a divide between the music that children listened to and the music adults listened to. Some adults listed to the same rock music that "the kids" liked but there was a type of pop music for adults called "Adult Contemporary." It wasn't necessarily good music. A lot of it was the sort of trite crap Coldplay are pumping out today. Phil Collins' solo records and things like that. It was sort of a continuation of 70's acts like Billy Joel and Barry Manilow. But the point is that in the early 90's bands like Backstreet Boys were definitely for kids and most adults wouldn't be interested. A few years later and teens and adults are listening to the same really horrible crap like Chris Brown and Justin Beiber or Taylor Swift. It's sort of marketed at teens but then it's reviewed seriously. Kesha and Katy Perry are the same thing. The subject matter is sort of adult but then it seems to be marketed at kids and the music is so artificial sounding and gimmicky that it seems hard to imagine adults listening to it. I think that is one reason why Adele is so popular because it doesn't sound like a bunch of squonking robots with every fad production trick tacked on. But I doubt many 13 year olds are buying it. I haven't written this very well but I know it's true. I've seen it happening for the past 20 years or so.
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