What is a devil's triangle?

I believe her because he's just such an ugly unattractive man. no one would want to say they had been sexually assaulted by him unless they really had been. it's not like if you were to say you were assaulted by brett Anderson.
Not like she looks any good either or ever did but sometimes we men lower our expectations and venture down into the third and fourth tier of women and boy does that make us deserve a medal or a high rank position in society.

He took one for the team!
No, it makes me terrified that anyone with a grudge or dislike can make up anything and it will instantly be believed. Even if their story were to contain holes large enough to drive a bus through.
Women never understand that as they like the cat view men as mice they can play around with and when women don't get their way they cry and call the police.
Only misogynists will be left when the world comes to an end and for a good reason. Some wonder why some men murder women but I never wonder why, it is completely natural and a very important outlet for men who are real men.
does it make you feel insecure about your own past conduct as a male?
All men end up realising ALL women are whores but never ever our mom.

Why do you think italian men go mad when you say "your mom" to them?
No, it makes me terrified that anyone with a grudge or dislike can make up anything and it will instantly be believed. Even if their story were to contain holes large enough to drive a bus through.
are you saying your record is spotless?
I’ve been unable to speak until now but bhops tried to rape me in late June of 2006. He was new here and he seemed nice and I followed him into a little visited thread where he tried to force himself on me. I don’t remember which one but I’m sure someone can find it. I tried to yell for help but he just kept pumping up the volume on his Right Said Fred cd of I’m Too Sexy. Now that this is out, I’m sure you have more than enough proof to shame him off this forum and ruin his life. Proceed and God speed.
are you saying your record is spotless?

When it comes to sexual assault? Yes, when it comes to being an arsehole in messy breakups, not so much. However it could be the end of me on these boards as it looks like Victim #1 has come out of the woodwork, the Right Said Fred CD has me nailed guilty I'm afraid. However I would contend that it was 'I'm Too Sexy,' I'm sure it was 'Don't Talk, Just Kiss.'
When it comes to sexual assault? Yes, when it comes to being an arsehole in messy breakups, not so much. However it could be the end of me on these boards as it looks like Victim #1 has come out of the woodwork, the Right Said Fred cd has me nailed I'm afraid. However i would contend that it was 'I'm Too Sexy,' I'm sure it was 'Don't Talk, Just Kiss.'
I was basically going to say the same thing :lbf:
I’ve been unable to speak until now but bhops tried to rape me in late June of 2006. He was new here and he seemed nice and I followed him into a little visited thread where he tried to force himself on me. I don’t remember which one but I’m sure someone can find it. I tried to yell for help but he just kept pumping up the volume on his Right Said Fred cd of I’m Too Sexy. Now that this is out, I’m sure you have more than enough proof to shame him off this forum and ruin his life. Proceed and God speed.
But I was a witness and recorded it on the mobile while jerking off to it. I've since moved on to stillborn porn meets cosplay.
I order dead babies online.
QUOTE="bhops, post: 1987116842, member: 1549"]No, it makes me terrified that anyone with a grudge or dislike can make up anything and it will instantly be believed. Even if their story were to contain holes large enough to drive a bus through.[/QUOTE]

You have no problem being a complete fanatic about your disbelief. Post after post saying the same things. The problem is we are moving forward from a time when instant disbelief was the rule.
Psychologically it is easier and more comforting in most of these cases, unless it involves Hillary Clinton and a pizza restaurant, for most people to imagine it didn't happen. This happens in families and it happens in society. If we acknowledge the victim then we have to believe a crime has occurred. At that point we have to do something about it. It is easier to think that the poor woman was somehow traumatized and is confused or maybe she's just a vindictive liar with an agenda. If we believe this nothing has to be done. People choose to let the victim deal with it on their own all the time.
Yes there will be false accusations but you don't seem nearly as upset about the men, women, and children who were told it didn't really happen and the amount of false accusation is nothing compared to that number. You don't care about justice. You just want this christ-tard to be put on the supreme court and you don't even live in the US. It's bizarre that you are suddenly the leader in the fight for justice.
QUOTE="bhops, post: 1987116842, member: 1549"]No, it makes me terrified that anyone with a grudge or dislike can make up anything and it will instantly be believed. Even if their story were to contain holes large enough to drive a bus through.

You have no problem being a complete fanatic about your disbelief. Post after post saying the same things. The problem is we are moving forward from a time when instant disbelief was the rule.
Psychologically it is easier and more comforting in most of these cases, unless it involves Hillary Clinton and a pizza restaurant, for most people to imagine it didn't happen. This happens in families and it happens in society. If we acknowledge the victim then we have to believe a crime has occurred. At that point we have to do something about it. It is easier to think that the poor woman was somehow traumatized and is confused or maybe she's just a vindictive liar with an agenda. If we believe this nothing has to be done. People choose to let the victim deal with it on their own all the time.
Yes there will be false accusations but you don't seem nearly as upset about the men, women, and children who were told it didn't really happen and the amount of false accusation is nothing compared to that number. You don't care about justice. You just want this christ-tard to be put on the supreme court and you don't even live in the US. It's bizarre that you are suddenly the leader in the fight for justice.[/QUOTE]
And there we have it........ Snuck right in there at the end, 'christ tard' the real reason you instantly believed Ford, your own political agenda on show. The reason I care is because as I've said time and again, it's a slippery slope and once we take a mere accusation as 'the truth' then no amount of lives will be ruined. The other reason I care is because, believe it or not, it doesn't take long before thus type of situation starts taking place in other countries.

Let me ask you a question, what would Kavanaugh have to do to prove his innocence? He actually can't if you are willing to accept an accusation with no evidence as enough to vilify someone and that is a scary world IMHO. For BOTH sexes.
And there we have it........ Snuck right in there at the end, 'christ tard' the real reason you instantly believed Ford, your own political agenda on show. The reason I care is because as I've said time and again, it's a slippery slope and once we take a mere accusation as 'the truth' then no amount of lives will be ruined. The other reason I care is because, believe it or not, it doesn't take long before thus type of situation starts taking place in other countries.

Let me ask you a question, what would Kavanaugh have to do to prove his innocence? He actually can't if you are willing to accept an accusation with no evidence as enough to vilify someone and that is a scary world IMHO. For BOTH sexes.
you wouldn't be so worried about slippery slopes if you weren't a sleazy man! should've had the good sense to be born gay or female!
If an employer we’re gonna give most people a job, especially one of immense power and a bunch of people said they assulted them?
Then yeah, you might not get that job.
This really ain’t f***ing rocket science.
Oh yeah, but it’s the Supreme Court so normal rules don’t apply.
cuz try as they might, rabid righties ain’t ever gonna make somebody getting convicted of a crime and not getting a job with immense power the same f***ing thing, gonna find that out come November and 2020.
This is ain’t going away, there will be consequences to his appointment, even moderate Republicans know this and have begged for him to withdraw or trump appoint someone else.
If an employer we’re gonna give most people a job, especially one of immense power and a bunch of people said they assulted them?
Then yeah, you might not get that job.
This really ain’t f***ing rocket science.
Oh yeah, but it’s the Supreme Court so normal rules don’t apply.
cuz try as they might, rabid righties ain’t ever gonna make somebody getting convicted of a crime and not getting a job with immense power the same f***ing thing, gonna find that out come November and 2020.
This is ain’t going away, there will be consequences to his appointment, even moderate Republicans know this and have begged for him to withdraw or trump appoint someone else.

You're right it isn't rocket science but you'd think that the the accusations should be credible.

So far we've got Blasey Ford who can't remember anything other than 'Brett did it!!', Ramirez who also can't remember anything much either until she spent a week hanging out her lawyer and the other chick who apparently went to ten drug & rape parties in a row before 'unlucky 11' struck and she too got raped. I also find it interesting that you are just casually dismissing this as a guy not 'getting a job with immense power.' It's a lot more than that, it is the complete destruction of the good name and reputation of a man who, by all accounts, has worked his whole life to build. By hey, rich white dude, right? Fair game, collateral damage, no sweat.
You have no problem being a complete fanatic about your disbelief. Post after post saying the same things. The problem is we are moving forward from a time when instant disbelief was the rule.
Psychologically it is easier and more comforting in most of these cases, unless it involves Hillary Clinton and a pizza restaurant, for most people to imagine it didn't happen. This happens in families and it happens in society. If we acknowledge the victim then we have to believe a crime has occurred. At that point we have to do something about it. It is easier to think that the poor woman was somehow traumatized and is confused or maybe she's just a vindictive liar with an agenda. If we believe this nothing has to be done. People choose to let the victim deal with it on their own all the time.
Yes there will be false accusations but you don't seem nearly as upset about the men, women, and children who were told it didn't really happen and the amount of false accusation is nothing compared to that number. You don't care about justice. You just want this christ-tard to be put on the supreme court and you don't even live in the US. It's bizarre that you are suddenly the leader in the fight for justice.
And there we have it........ Snuck right in there at the end, 'christ tard' the real reason you instantly believed Ford, your own political agenda on show. The reason I care is because as I've said time and again, it's a slippery slope and once we take a mere accusation as 'the truth' then no amount of lives will be ruined. The other reason I care is because, believe it or not, it doesn't take long before thus type of situation starts taking place in other countries.

Let me ask you a question, what would Kavanaugh have to do to prove his innocence? He actually can't if you are willing to accept an accusation with no evidence as enough to vilify someone and that is a scary world IMHO. For BOTH sexes.[/QUOTE]

You think "christ-tard" is subtle? I'll try to be more upfront in the future. I haven't said I believe Ford, instantly or otherwise. I just think the every reason you are parroting about why she should not be believed ultimately has no substance.
The slippery slope is leading towards a time when victims don't have to provide 100% definitive proof before anyone looks at their accusations and that would be terrible I guess.
He's a christ-tard and his performance during questioning was very poor. He's as bad as Hillary Clinton thinking that being President is something she is owed. No one owes "Brett 'Christ-tard' Kavanaugh" a seat on the Supreme Court.
You're right it isn't rocket science but you'd think that the the accusations should be credible.

So far we've got Blasey Ford who can't remember anything other than 'Brett did it!!', Ramirez who also can't remember anything much either until she spent a week hanging out her lawyer and the other chick who apparently went to ten drug & rape parties in a row before 'unlucky 11' struck and she too got raped. I also find it interesting that you are just casually dismissing this as a guy not 'getting a job with immense power.' It's a lot more than that, it is the complete destruction of the good name and reputation of a man who, by all accounts, has worked his whole life to build. By hey, rich white dude, right? Fair game, collateral damage, no sweat.

Remember how many of those satanic cult child abuse accusations that turned out to be false? Look how many lives were destroyed back then. That was the moral panic of the 80s. This is the current moral panic.
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The women passed a lie detector test so I doubt she's part of some conspiracy. That's gonna make people take her more seriously. Kavanaugh himself wrote how they were useful tools. Let's see him take one. If he lied about anything he resigns
I think you're smarter than this. He has not been through "six FBI investigations." He has been through background checks and that's much different.

Here's John Wayne Gacy* with Rosalynn Carter. I guess those bodies they dug up in his basement didn't exist because he passed a background check.

Again, I think his Christian fundamentalist conservative politics are more relevant to the future of the country than some assault he may or may not have committed forty years ago.


If you are genuinely suggesting an unsubstantiated accusation should be enough to destroy someone’s life you are describing a central tenet of every totalitarian regime in history. I’m particularly surprised to hear you put that forward with your record of sexual deviancy with horses. There. See how it works? See how dangerous a path that opens up? I know you haven’t done that, but what you are proposing means my lie should be placed on a par with your truth without further comment. It isn’t just silly, it’s dangerous.

It is a tactic which would be recognised by Augustus to Henry VIII through to Hitler and Stalin and all tyrants in between.
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