It’s not about politics

I don't think she wants to be a martyr, but rather a free thinker.
“Free thinker” is the empty term that every racist uses to add flair to their dead-end ideology. Reel doesn’t just want the freedom to speak her mind, she wants credit and congratulations for typing “I don’t like black people” into her laptop. What a hero.
“Free thinker” is the empty term that every racist uses to add flair to their dead-end ideology. Reel doesn’t just want the freedom to speak her mind, she wants credit and congratulations for typing “I don’t like black people” into her laptop. What a hero.
“Free thinker” is the empty term that every racist uses to add flair to their dead-end ideology. Reel doesn’t just want the freedom to speak her mind, she wants credit and congratulations for typing “I don’t like black people” into her laptop. What a hero.
I posted positive personal stories about black people, and she hit the 'like' button, so I don't think it's black and white.
Verso & Radis simply represent and reproduce the hegemony on this site. They have less than nothing to offer—because you can hear their words simply by switching on your television.

Leave the dead Radis for the dead Verso.
And she can be funny.
I bet if she believed I was black, she wouldn't hold it against me. More likely the reverse.
Verso & Radis simply represent and reproduce the hegemony on this site. They have less than nothing to offer—because you can hear their words simply by switching on your television.

Leave the dead Radis for the dead Verso.
The fact that you think I’m “woke” by virtue of not hating non-white people and thinking the immigration issue is more nuanced than “keep them all out” only displays how out of touch you are with reality.
What with the collapse of Debenhams and the Arcadia group ie Topman, Burtons, Top Shop et al, my town has basically turned into a Bruce Springsteen song. I've long thought about doing a photo essay showing all the empty, boarded up shops plus hundreds of take-away venues, Turkish barbers, nail bars and a constant stream of coffee shops that have replaced real shops. You can add in the all the industry that has been obliterated...the factories and big companies that have long since gone....and then you have the Covid job recession. Things are not looking good.

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For some reason, this song just started playing in the wasteland of my head.
The fact that you think I’m “woke” by virtue of not hating non-white people and thinking the immigration issue is more nuanced than “keep them all out” only displays how out of touch you are with reality.


we dont need another woke FC, one is more than enough FFS:blushing:
of all the cucks he decides to imitate FC and his psycho babbkes🥸
Morrissey could deny the Holocaust and it would be less offensive than the Kiss Me A Lot video.

Trying to fit in now by saying something chummy and on topic instead of your usual slew of insults, Verso? Too bad, nobody likes you :mock:
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