L.A. Smiths/Morrissey Convention Sunday 3/20/08


L.A. Smiths/Morrissey Convention Sunday 3/30/08 at Crash Mansion


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new venue. very cool!

wasn't it suppose to be a 2 day affair like before?

Thank you for announcing this! I am soooooooo excited and looking forward to this and have been for months! This is much needed and I now have something to look forward to! :D

Thank you Jay!
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I'm pretty sure I will be going seeing as I have the next day off for Cesar Chavez Day. It being on a Sunday is a little odd though.
how much does a 'cheap' hotel, if one exists, go for in that area? i know nothing of LA.. I'd be flying out from Philadelphia. anyone else?
I'm thinking about it, but right now the cheapest tickets that I can find out of DC are >$350. I could buy a lot of records with that money.

same for me out of philadelphia

that's what i was thinking.
but after a tax refund you could do both. :D

is this a big annual thing? i'm young and ignorant and know very little about the convention
same for me out of philadelphia

that's what i was thinking.
but after a tax refund you could do both. :D

Heh, true.

is this a big annual thing? i'm young and ignorant and know very little about the convention

Well, I'm old and ignorant, and I know nothing more about it than you do. There was a convention in Baltimore last year, but I didn't go. My understanding is that it was a much smaller affair than the West Coast one(s).
what goes on at these conventions? a bunch of collectors gather and sell their items?

anyone? i just want to know what to expect... :)
what goes on at these conventions? a bunch of collectors gather and sell their items?

anyone? i just want to know what to expect... :)

This will be my first Smiths/Morrissey Convention, but I think there collectors items, contest and hoping *finger cross* some free goodies!!! Oh and of course all Smith and Morrissey music all night long to dance to!:D:D:D
Has anyone on here been to the LA Convention before? Is anyone familiar with the venue? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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