MORRISSEY CENTRAL- World Love is All of Our Business

He's not racist, because some of his best people that he likes to post photos of are Chinese. Or, one of them is half-Chinese, at least.
Do they know what they are themselves?

Subspecies who try to bring in toxic things into Australia and get surprised when they have to pay a fine.
'Actually, my concentration camp had a private benefactor, so we weren't given numbers.'
This forum:

“Hitler didn’t kill enough Jews” - fine and dandy, post stays.

“The best gays are dead ones” - *shrug*. Post stays.

“A high proportion of gay men are p***ophiles”
- absolutely fine. Post stays.

Gay sex - OMG how inappropriate! WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Post gets deleted.

A proportion of gay men are pedophiles............fact. Catholic Church ring a bell?
How does dressing up as a baby suggest to anyone that the people dressed up might be paedophiles? The comment was all about context (deliberately created by Reelfountain) and that context is to suggest that the men are gay (an assumption in itself) because they are attending an LGBT pride march. It's exceptionally common, even in this day and age, for homophobes to rely on anachronistic tropes of gay men as paedophiles; gay men as perverts, gay men as immoral, gay men as predators. They are all homophobic triggers that attempt to spread hatred of LGBT people. Homophobes use them because they work. They work because we still live in a homophobic society.

A guy dressed up as a baby, with a pacifier for Halloween. Is he more or less likely to be thought of as a paedophile? The common sense answer is less likely, in this context, he would just be an adult having fun, being silly. Just as the three men at Pride were doing but were castigated for.

The only reason that children were introduced to this comment was a further attempt to brand LGBT people as predators, LGBT parents as irresponsible and as 'bad' parents. This was confirmed by the comment "children should not be indoctrinated with diversity". It was just more, thinly disguised, gay bashing without any thought, or care, for any children anywhere as evidenced by the comment "2 gay kids, unlucky".

I think parents whether they are LGBT or straight have a duty of care to their child(ren). Parents in attendance at Pride in London, with their children, I have no doubt believed it to be a safe, healthy and welcoming space for their child. I would take my child (12) to events such as this without any reservations. I see it as a celebration of a long fought battle. I don't believe as was suggested that 'gays' prefer the shadows or that they should be forced into those shadows.

You mention hypersexualised. As I would take my child to Pride in London I would also take him to The Nottinghill Carnival. This is a highly hypersexualised environment but it's accepted as such because, in this heterosexist world in which we live, woman and men walking the streets scantilly clad is accepted as flamboyant, colourful and fun. LGBT people do the same, or similar, and they are accused of being sexual predators.

I think all children sexually mature at differing ages and that as a society we must do our level best to prepare them for the world that awaits. Given the overall sexualised world in which we live children are developing into adults at a younger age. My preference is that children are introduced to the issue of relationships in year 1, primary. By discussing the topic gradually through their education children 'should' feel less enbarrased and uncomfortable when the topic comes to sexual relationships. I would want my child at any age to have the skills to tell me if had been touched-inappropriately or that he felt uncomfortable with someone and was then able to explain why. I want my child to enjoy life but I want him to be aware of the dangers.

Everything about this post speaks about why you get comeback on the outragious crap you post. You really do bring it on yourself.
As I said earlier, there are young teenagers who visit this site and they should not be subjected to gif’s of two blokes f***ing.
In truth, and the homosexual aspect apart, there really was nothing more going on than what you might see in a James Bond movie. Indeed, one might recognise Eric's level of care with his posts.
A proportion of gay men are pedophiles............fact. Catholic Church ring a bell?

A proportion of straight men are pedophiles............fact. Catholic Church ring a bell?

Ere.......they're men doing stuff to choirboys.....that ain't straight.

How little you know about the world. How little you know about anything.

Paedophilia is generally associated with adults, characterised by sexual fantasies about or attempts to engage in sexual acts with a prepubescent child of the same or opposite sex. It's an act of violence, power and control.
3 behaviours that you consistenlt illustrate within your own comments.

How about you delve into your little box of alt-right, all-white, LGBT hating box of facts and provide everyone with factual evidence, links and references that support your spurious homophobic tropes.

Cue: distraction, deflection and more nonsense.
As I said earlier, there are young teenagers who visit this site and they should not be subjected to gif’s of two blokes f***ing.

But it's ok for these teenagers to be subjected to homophobic and racist hatred?
I am not Reel F, their are people in the UK who are neither Muslim or Gay, might surprise you that, but we do exist.

Nice attempt to throw us off the scent with the spelling error, Reelfountain. I'm afraid I'm going to mark that as a fail.
Ok, have no issue with pictures of couples whether gay or straight but I don’t feel comfortable seeing pictures of people at it on a forum about a musician.

Some of us don't feel comfortable seeing homophobic and racist hatred on a forum about a musician but that's allowed to continue. Why the double-standard? If the argument is one is more offensive than the other I'm not buying it?

I don't think that here is the right place for those photos* in the exact same way I don't think racism or homophobia is. The user posted the photos in question in protest at the homophobia on this site and in doing so further proved the existence of homophobia - I think it was rather clever: people complained about the photos but the initial homophobic remarks that initiated the protest remain. It's that double-standard again.

*I found the photos neither graphic or offensive.
Ere.......they're men doing stuff to choirboys.....that ain't straight.

Says the 'man' who self-confesses he has been blocked by twitter/facebook etc. for his comments. Here he is in Solo - the safest place on the internet, it seems, for homophobes and racists.
There are so many Morrissey things around the internet corners!View attachment 51022
Hey, I'd like to attend this. I'm going to shave my head, leave two long wisps at each side and wear high shitkicking DMs with red laces especially for the event. I'll look amazing. Vintage National Front chic! Are we allowed to wave swastika flags?

One thing though, to keep the theme consistent Moz will have to drop 'Asian Rut' and 'National Front Disco' from the set list as they are actually anti-racist anthems.

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