V Festival


...went to see Radiohead at the Hammersmith Apollo last night; OOOOOHHHH-MMYYYYYYYYY-GGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOODDDDDD!:eek: :eek: A-m-a-z-i-n-g

I love Moz more than life but if he doesn't stir the set list up a bit (and even then..), they are soooooooooooooo going to steal his thunder!:(

Let's hope not.
I went up to Wolverhampton (couldn't get tickets for London) and saw them there on tuesday. They played for two hours - a mix of big hits, new songs, and stuff in between - a truly amazing set.

Completely different experience to a Morrissey gig though...

Thom is a great front man with lots of charisma but Moz is an enigma. That element of mystery is the thing that makes him stand apart.

Be interesting to see what a festival crowd make of Moz' setlist. The Radiohead setlist has plenty of crowd pleasers for the 'neutrals' (as it were.)
Oh God I totally agree! Different characters, different story allthogheter....but as much as I defended Moz on the whole 'why-doesn't-he-play-some-old-stuff' diatribe I hate to admit that a mixed setlist like the one the 'Head played last night made me leave the gig with a much bigger smile on my face than the one I had last sunday after the Palladium or Ali Pali even.
The crowd at V is not gonna be made of hardcore fans only and they won't be as appreciative. Unless he throws in Everyday is like sunday, Suedehead and all tha lot....
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