What did make you smile today?

OMG your insults are devastating.

If you must know, I am up because I am on my way to the airport. That storm-tearing-apart-Gothenburg thing, is that something you saw on YouTube as well, like your "the earth is flat" documentaries?
OMG your insults are devastating.

If you must know, I am up because I am on my way to the airport. That storm-tearing-apart-Gothenburg thing, is that something you saw on YouTube as well, like your "the earth is flat" documentaries?

IF you were in Sweden you'd have noticed the storm by now unless you are not only blind but deaf too.

Flying in this storm should be exciting, I would hate for it to come crashing down.
Glöm inte förstoringsglaset 12 Slack!

Sist sög du av en penna istället för det du ville ha.

OMG your insults are devastating.

If you must know, I am up because I am on my way to the airport. That storm-tearing-apart-Gothenburg thing, is that something you saw on YouTube as well, like your "the earth is flat" documentaries?

I am DIVAstating, nothing else.
You are a dumbass troll. And I'm on top of the world. Now go away, you trash.

Oh BTW, where is my address? You know, the one that you threatened to post here? I'm still waiting. I mean, how hard can it be - in a country where even peoples' incomes are public? You really are a cretin of the highest order.
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You are a dumbass troll. And I'm on top of the world. Now go away, you trash.

Oh BTW, where is my address? You know, the one that you threatened to post here? I'm still waiting. I mean, how hard can it be - in a country where even peoples' incomes are public? You really are a cretin of the highest order.

Haha, top of the world living in Gothenburg not holding onto your sugar daddy and desperate for a quick rebound solution.

This man is on top of the world not you:


When you reach 75 you might have worked so hard you live his lifestyle once a year!
Testing and using the IP of the swedish parliament in Stockholm. Apparently anyone is allowed to do that.

Only used it for one post just in case.
Haha, top of the world living in Gothenburg not holding onto your sugar daddy and desperate for a quick rebound solution.

This man is on top of the world not you:


When you reach 75 you might have worked so hard you live his lifestyle once a year!

OK I’ll bite. Not because I have any interest in talking to you but because this just makes me feel so good about myself. I can honestly say that there is nothing, absolutely nothing Fredrik Eklund has that I want. Especially not his face (and I mean this in the nicest possible way - I find him quite likeable and funny, but a little unfortunate looking). I am quite content with the money I have in my bank account. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t know what to do with a fortune of a few hundred million. I’d probably give it away. I have achieved everything I have ever dreamed of and more (and certainly more than you ever will) and I’m only 42. Makes me smile every day.

So, on a scale from successful to Fredrik Eklund, where do you place then? You see, there’s nothing I have less respect for than benefit moochers and professional internet bullies talking shit about people who work and pay into the system that so generously funds your sitting around all day massaging your gums, watching Leif GW Persson on TV and spamming this place with your inane ramblings.
OK I’ll bite. Not because I have any interest in talking to you but because this just makes me feel so good about myself. I can honestly say that there is nothing, absolutely nothing Fredrik Eklund has that I want. Especially not his face (and I mean this in the nicest possible way - I find him quite likeable and funny, but a little unfortunate looking). I am quite content with the money I have in my bank account. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t know what to do with a fortune of a few hundred million. I’d probably give it away. I have achieved everything I have ever dreamed of and more (and certainly more than you ever will) and I’m only 42. Makes me smile every day.

So, on a scale from successful to Fredrik Eklund, where do you place then? You see, there’s nothing I have less respect for than benefit moochers and professional internet bullies talking shit about people who work and pay into the system that so generously funds your sitting around all day massaging your gums, watching Leif GW Persson on TV and spamming this place with your inane ramblings.

I stopped massaging them and I am not a GW fan, he is a socialist asshole just like you.

But one fact is clear and that is that Fredrik Eklund is by the very definition THE most successful gay guy from Sweden the world has ever seen.

Now I know you gay guys hate each other like women hate women who are prettier and more successful but you know full well you will never have the life Eklund has had and still enjoys.

The man is a gay icon who moved to the states and did gay porn and then changed his career and became New Yorks most loved real estate broker. He is mentioned on more shows than the one about his career and is quite simply a GOD.

You claim to have made it and of course that is easy when setting the bar as low as you have. You are nothing more than an office rat whisked away to meetings the others avoid at all cost and off you go wagging the tail like the imbecille you are.

It is time we put your "achievements" in the context where it belongs and I am afraid you are not even fit to tie the shoes of Eklund.

Someone who has to constantly tell the world about his or hers achievements and success is only doing so to convince themselves and you know what it was more than enough that you stated it the first time cause we kinda got that memo and sorry to say this but in the world we live in now nobody is interested in other people.

For a person living so close to Denmark it is very strange you haven't realised that yet but please bore us more with yet more tales of your The Office style life that makes us yawn our jaws off. The only one interested in you is you and it seems even Adonis had enough of meaningless things like Baklava and funeral flowers not to mention a fat artist called Adele that makes the world puke.

You should move to Canada and save the ice bear there, she is colder than Nicole Kidman.

When will we meet for a drink? (alcohol free of course).
OK I’ll bite. Not because I have any interest in talking to you but because this just makes me feel so good about myself. I can honestly say that there is nothing, absolutely nothing Fredrik Eklund has that I want. Especially not his face (and I mean this in the nicest possible way - I find him quite likeable and funny, but a little unfortunate looking). I am quite content with the money I have in my bank account. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t know what to do with a fortune of a few hundred million. I’d probably give it away. I have achieved everything I have ever dreamed of and more (and certainly more than you ever will) and I’m only 42. Makes me smile every day.

So, on a scale from successful to Fredrik Eklund, where do you place then? You see, there’s nothing I have less respect for than benefit moochers and professional internet bullies talking shit about people who work and pay into the system that so generously funds your sitting around all day massaging your gums, watching Leif GW Persson on TV and spamming this place with your inane ramblings.

Oh, I missed that part about me and benefit moochers. First off, I retired early for a number of issues because I could. What I get now as compensation was parts of the wages from when I worked. I thought a guy working with economics knew that when you retire you live off what was saved when you were working.

I am not getting paid by the swedish state but from a private company. Only when I reach 65 (not 75 like you) will I become a benefits moocher cause socialists like you preferred that instead of lowering the tax to zero so everyone paid for what they need whith their own money WHEN they need it and not all the time like now when you pay for every Charlie Brown entering this country.

One could of course argue that when you turn 65 the pension you get is also money taken from your wages over the years but at that age you can of course apply for housing benefits and mooch off the state and people like you who work and moan that you have to.

So, you can remain calm in your satin sheets cause I am not taking any money from the tax that you are slaving for. My God, you sound angry that you do have to work at all and of course a life with bon-bons and doing whatever you want is perhaps better compared to working.

Take care in the snowstorm although you Gothenburgers always have it wet and windy of course.

Off to the harbour with you and find yourself a sailor for the night.
12 Slack made me smile today by talking about benefit moochers. Now, he is a supporter of immigration and about 90% of people who come here end up on benefits. Not because they want to or are lazy but there is simply not room for them on the job market and they are never given a chance.

It is so bad here in Sweden that regular swedes wanna stop pay tax cause they see what the tax is used for so many stop working as a protest. Not working means they do not contribute with any kind of tax generated from work and they apply for every benefit they are entitled to.

I must say that I am one of those happy not to pay any work generated tax anymore. The mad projects funded by tax money leads to nothing.

Online nationalists used to be like 12 Slack, they hated benefits moochers with a passion. Nowadays nationalists are proud to not be working turning themselves into a burden for a state they know will collapse any day now.

For 12 Slack this whole thing is tricky. On the one hand he works with something that needs to grow and grow for every year that passes. His work helps among others criminals to escape tax by placing the money in foreign tax havens. This means that 12 Slack is the biggest moocher you will ever find who hides tax away from the state of Sweden.

He is nothing more than a criminal but doesn't realise that himself. He is for immigration but the tax needed to fund that turns into caviar and champagne in sunridden places with more web servers than there is food for the locals.

You can twist and turn this however you like but 12 Slack finds himself in a very deep dilemma and the only way out of it would be to arrange funeral flowers for a living with a very big magnifying glass at the ready.
Ah, so you pulled some stunt at your job and your former employer is paying you to stay away. I guess that puts you on the same level of successful as Fredrik Edlund.

I have never once moaned that I have to work. I work because I want to, not because I have to. And because I can.

Also, you sound triggered.

And where's my address that you promised to post on here? I'm still waiting, bigmouth.
Ah, so you pulled some stunt at your job and your former employer is paying you to stay away. I guess that puts you in the same league as Fredrik Eklund.

I have never once moaned that I have to work. I work because I want to, not because I have to. And because I can.

Also, you sound triggered.

And where's my address that you promised to post on here? I'm still waiting, bigmouth.

Nope, the 2008/2009 recession gave me an opening I could not refuse to take. I still call myself the only winner in the world from that recession.

You do moan between the lines and sometimes openly and the only one triggered is you cause you have been from day one here and if we had a vote you would be banned but you get away with it for belonging to a minority and the weak are always defended in this day and age but that won't last forever and when that comes to a finish your time is up.

I kept the address as it is illegal to post private info online and maybe one day I need to crash on your sofa. You always thought I hated you but I don't and I love these debates and see the funny side of it but I know you don't which is ok.

Keep on working!
Your ex-employer is paying you to stay away! This just gets better and better.

I'm not "getting away with it" because "I belong a minority", there wouldn't be a reason to ban me because I have an impeccable posting record and am not an obnoxious c*** like you.

And you most certainly do not have my address because you are too dumb to figure it out. All you can do is make threats and mouth off. Haha. What do you think I'd be afraid of anyway? Morrissey sending someone to beat me up because I once gave Benny-the-British-Butcher a funny-rating?
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Your ex-employer is paying you to stay away! This just gets better and better.

I'm not "getting away with it" because "I belong a minority", there wouldn't be a reason to ban me because I have an impeccable posting record and am not an obnoxious c*** like you.

And you most certainly do not have my address because you are too dumb to figure it out. All you can do is make threats and mouth off. Haha. What do you think I'd be afraid of anyway? Morrissey sending someone to beat me up because I gave Benny-the-British-Butcher a funny-rating?

Now you are repeating yourself and acting all triggered from jealousy. You probably know there is a thing called private companies and that when the times are bad some are offered to leave still getting paid handsomely.

It was as easy as that!

I meant you should be banned for being so boring and not adding anything of worth. But we sure do need a gender clown here so the entertainment makes up for it.

I don't have your address and you have been so worried about that. Just relax and have a lie down. How many times do I have to state that it's banter and that you make the mistake of taking me seriously when constantly denying everything I say without backing it up with facts.

You are driven by emotions and not brains like your new found south american friend.

Fallskärm we call it in Sweden, ever heard about it?

Sweden has this safety plan for some employees called a parachute which means a employee gets economic compensation. In my case I could have stayed there had I wanted to but I wanted to be free.

If that is a crime so shoot me, I know many would love to.
Your ex-employer is paying you to stay away! This just gets better and better.

I'm not "getting away with it" because "I belong a minority", there wouldn't be a reason to ban me because I have an impeccable posting record and am not an obnoxious c*** like you.

And you most certainly do not have my address because you are too dumb to figure it out. All you can do is make threats and mouth off. Haha. What do you think I'd be afraid of anyway? Morrissey sending someone to beat me up because I gave Benny-the-British-Butcher a funny-rating?


I wish you were a bit more like that on here!
attention seeking ep bestest. bloody nuisance dmb ginger balls happiness is for the weak happyhappyjoyjoy i love ep i'm so happy!!11!!!1! ignore button love :) schadenfreude
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