Morrissey Central "CAPITOL WRECKERS" (October 15, 2023)


Hi! I run Capitol Records and if I want to wreck Morrissey’s career
no one can stop me. Bye, now!

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I find it completely distasteful for a man to bully a woman like this. Morrissey is acting like a common street thug. There is no truth in what he is saying here, he has ruined his own career.
There is a reason he is not telling the entire story, if he were not at fault FiDo would have already written a detailed piece about it.
He is spoiled and childish and has lost just about everything due to his own actions.
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Makes no sense what you typed but this is too painful to continue
It makes absolute perfect sense. What is it you fail to understand? They, Capitol Records, never put out a statement, written or otherwise, saying that they signed famous singer Morrissey. Record labels usually do that when they sign a new artist. It’s strange that they refrained from doing that in Morrissey’s case.
It makes absolute perfect sense. What is it you fail to understand? They, Capitol Records, never put out a statement, written or otherwise, saying that they signed famous singer Morrissey. Record labels usually do that when they sign a new artist. It’s strange that they refrained from doing that in Morrissey’s case.
Yeah it’s clearly because they pinky swore all contractual terms instead of…. actually signing a contract. I think this is very obvious now. What is it you fail to understand, Gregor? :rolleyes:
Yeah it’s clearly because they pinky swore all contractual terms instead of…. actually signing a contract. I think this is very obvious now. What is it you fail to understand, Gregor? :rolleyes:
I fail to understand why Surface’s and my remark provokes you this much. We’re not saying Morrissey lied, we’re just saying that it’s strange that no official word has come from Capitol these past 12 months.
Maybe Mozi thinks BOT stinks and wants Capitol to keep it in their vaults forever, BOOYAH!
I fail to understand why Surface’s and my remark provokes you this much. We’re not saying Morrissey lied, we’re just saying that it’s strange that no official word has come from Capitol these past 12 months.
That’s not what Surface said, and that’s not what I responded to. That may be what you’re saying now, which would then still be irrelevant to the exchange of comments i had with Surface earlier :crazy:

The more important point is that my previous conversation with Surface was already DOA, and here you are trying to resurrect it by specifically talking to me about something that i already said i was done with. I’m not going to take my time to quote previous posts for you, you can go back and reread yourself if you care.

I’m also not “provoked”. You @‘d me :crazy: and then I answered you. In my reply, I quoted your own condescending phrasing back at you. You didn’t like it? I can’t imagine why.
That’s not what Surface said, and that’s not what I responded to. That may be what you’re saying now, which would then still be irrelevant to the exchange of comments i had with Surface earlier :crazy:

The more important point is that my previous conversation with Surface was already DOA, and here you are trying to resurrect it by specifically talking to me about something that i already said i was done with. I’m not going to take my time to quote previous posts for you, you can go back and reread yourself if you care.

I’m also not “provoked”. You @‘d me :crazy: and then I answered you. In my reply, I quoted your own condescending phrasing back at you. You didn’t like it? I can’t imagine why.
That’s exactly what he said. And you jumped on him from the get-go with your condescending and infantile shit about “pinky swore” and whatnot. Like you always do when someone half-insinuates that Moz could be half-wrong about something.

Haha, I don’t dislike it and I don’t like it. Feel free to use it as you wish. You answered me, that’s true, but you did it in your typical, offended manner. Why? Because you’re certain someone has insulted your idol.
That’s exactly what he said. And you jumped on him from the get-go with your condescending and infantile shit about “pinky swore” and whatnot. Like you always do when someone half-insinuates that Moz could be half-wrong about something.

Haha, I don’t dislike it and I don’t like it. Feel free to use it as you wish. You answered me, that’s true, but you did it in your typical, offended manner. Why? Because you’re certain someone has insulted your idol.
Please go find an ice pick somewhere and come finish me off with it, because I don’t have the will to live anymore
It makes absolute perfect sense. What is it you fail to understand? They, Capitol Records, never put out a statement, written or otherwise, saying that they signed famous singer Morrissey. Record labels usually do that when they sign a new artist. It’s strange that they refrained from doing that in Morrissey’s case.
Probably because they only signed it to sink it, not actually release it. They’re in bed with Harvest Records. This was always going to play out badly.
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Hi! I run Capitol Records and if I want to wreck Morrissey’s career
no one can stop me. Bye, now!

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Only one person has wrecked Morrissey's career, and it ain't her
I find it completely distasteful for a man to bully a woman like this. Morrissey is acting like a common street thug. There is no truth in what he is saying here, he has ruined his own career.
There is a reason he is not telling the entire story, if he were not at fault FiDo would have already written a detailed piece about it.
He is spoiled and childish and has lost just about everything due to his own actions.
Points well made.
I think this plane is a major embarrassment, and for Morrissey to be seeing this as a victory is even worse.
The organiser seems deluded into thinking this will grab the record labels attention.
Wouldn’t be surprised to see Stamp & Trehy on the sidewalk with banners next, maybe that will shake things up🤣
Release bonfire now or we’ll throw ourselves into the lions enclosure at LA zoo🦁
But I believe in one of the Central posts, it was mentioned that, not only are they releasing BoT, but will also be re-releasing older albums, or I’m remembering this wrong(?) which would require a contract, again not sure.

Ok found it … So I guess licensing must involve the signing of a contract, no?

‘Capitol Records (Los Angeles) has also licensed the rights to re-release Morrissey’s albums ‘Southpaw Grammar’, ‘You Are The Quarry’, ‘Ringleader of the Tormentors’, ‘Years of Refusal’ and ‘World Peace is None of Your Business’, and these will be available in deluxe vinyl/LP formats.’

I’m going from memory here, but there’s a complexity which seems significant: aren’t RCA, Sanctuary, Harvest and Capitol all owned by Universal Music anyway? Obviously, without reading the contracts it’s impossible to say exactly how that bears. But it might suggest promised re-releases are less meaningful contractually than any ‘announcement’ could suggest.
Only one person has wrecked Morrissey's career, and it ain't her
That you claiming Ur constant multi year one man campaign against him has eventually won!!!??? A celebratory porridge rather than Ur usual thin stuff maybe? Let it go... Cannot understand why so many people still come here when they no longer like him? If u not keen anymore just leave not have wee jibes for years n years.
If I was Morrissey, Id ask one of the musicians who worked on the album, probably over 10 people, to leak it. Someone MUST have it. I know its illegal but who gives a flying duck.
Theres a number of ways to do it, you can never trace it back.
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