Do you think Morrissey is a tough guy?

I think he'd have a go, but depends who it was against.. there's always someone tougher than yourself.
Again, he'd have a go. If you have it where the other person was attacking an animal, I'm pretty sure Mozzer would batter them
I'm saying now, not when he weighed 62 pounds.

He acts very brash and of course we all remember him posing with brass knuckles and having fake cuts and my question is, could he actually handle himself in a fight? Or is it all just talk and bodyguards? Where does his bravado spring from? Is it real?

Mind you I'm not questioning whether he could or not literally fight...he's a solid guy, physically. But fighting is as much or more about psychological stamina than physical ability. It's about guts, drive, and mindset.

So...if he was picked on, and there were (amazingly) no bodyguards or bandmates 20 years his junior to protect him...would Morrissey...could Morrissey...take the offender down?

I think, no. I think he'd run.

Isn't he a trained boxer (of at least amateur status)? Jake was a boxer, and at the time they were together, Morrissey said in interviews that he had sparred in the ring and won. Another Morrissey fib? Maybe not.

I have never gotten the idea he viewed himself as a pacifist with regard to human violence. And I bet he's quite capable of violence when drunk.
I'm saying now, not when he weighed 62 pounds.

He acts very brash and of course we all remember him posing with brass knuckles and having fake cuts and my question is, could he actually handle himself in a fight? Or is it all just talk and bodyguards? Where does his bravado spring from? Is it real?

Mind you I'm not questioning whether he could or not literally fight...he's a solid guy, physically. But fighting is as much or more about psychological stamina than physical ability. It's about guts, drive, and mindset.

So...if he was picked on, and there were (amazingly) no bodyguards or bandmates 20 years his junior to protect him...would Morrissey...could Morrissey...take the offender down?

I think, no. I think he'd run.

I think Morrissey has a temper BUT I don't think he is a tough guy...I wouldn't say any of the pop people are tough...certainly not Bowie,Jagger, liam and noel, Bobby G from Primal Scream, Jo Strummer etc,etc. I actually think Moz would win a fight against them lot. I think he would lose against Ian Brown, Ray Davis and Paul weller though
I think Morrissey has a temper BUT I don't think he is a tough guy...I wouldn't say any of the pop people are tough...certainly not Bowie,Jagger, liam and noel, Bobby G from Primal Scream, Jo Strummer etc,etc. I actually think Moz would win a fight against them lot. I think he would lose against Ian Brown, Ray Davis and Paul weller though

I bet Lemmy can handle himself.And Boy George.
If Paul Weller had gotten hit with a water bottle at a show of his, no one in that audience would have made it out alive. I think that kind of sums this whole thing up.

I remember a funny story Weller told from around 1991, he said Morrissey slipped a postcard under his door (real brave, I know) saying he thought it would be great to duet with Weller on stage. Weller said he read it, laughed to himself, and threw it in the garbage.

yes. I like weller he IS talented and intelligent (enough), not as good with words as Moz or as free thinking but there is a lot going on in that mans mind. He also hit Sid Vicious which is a great thing to do, I do loathe Vicious and the cult that adore him.
Yes, Moz was a huge Jam fan and Kinks (Moz and Ray had a row at one of the festivals in America (Ray thought Moz wasn't giving him enough time to sound check)....Moz used to hang around with Wellers sister (I expect to try and get in there with Weller- Weller was never interested).
As much as I like Weller he can be a prat and I prefer Moz any day- I do think Moz,Davis and Weller are quite like minded ( especially Moz and Davis)
yes. I like weller he IS talented and intelligent (enough), not as good with words as Moz or as free thinking but there is a lot going on in that mans mind. He also hit Sid Vicious which is a great thing to do, I do loathe Vicious and the cult that adore him.
Yes, Moz was a huge Jam fan and Kinks (Moz and Ray had a row at one of the festivals in America (Ray thought Moz wasn't giving him enough time to sound check)....Moz used to hang around with Wellers sister (I expect to try and get in there with Weller- Weller was never interested).
As much as I like Weller he can be a prat and I prefer Moz any day- I do think Moz,Davis and Weller are quite like minded ( especially Moz and Davis)

I like Morrissey's solo music much better than Weller's solo stuff by far, but The Jam, both musically and lyrically, were top notch. I'd put anything on Setting Sons and Sound Affects up there with the best of The Smiths.
Yes, People forget how powerful and popular The Jam were... The thing is The Smiths had a metaphysical element that The Jam just didn't have- this is mainly due to Morrisseys voice and wordplay. So, to me The Smiths still win.
Yes, People forget how powerful and popular The Jam were... The thing is The Smiths had a metaphysical element that The Jam just didn't have- this is mainly due to Morrisseys voice and wordplay. So, to me The Smiths still win.

Few months ago BBC London Radio's Danny Baker show (Danny was ill, Gary Crowley was hosting the show) had Morrissey vs Weller.

A traffic news reporter Bill Reeves said that his vote went to Weller, but in his school days he loved Smiths more than Jam.
He said that Jam had yob followers.
No. I don't believe so.
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