"Letters to Morrissey" - Harvest Records sets up a new site

Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Letter submit. Here goes nothing.
Dear Morrissey,

I love you, you saved my life, blah, blah, blah...

Enclosed is a pic of my vagina for your pleasure.



Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lessons in sychophancy is more like it.

Why is this a lesson in sychophancy?
Why is it so wrong for fans to feel the need to reach out to someone that they admire for getting them through hard times, or to simply thank Morrissey for the years of great music?
Perhaps this is something he needs. Especially if his illness is due to depression.
You are ridiculous. No emotion, unless it involves you and someone you're obsessed with on this board. Otherwise, why else would you be here?
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

I think they mean well, but after the Twitter(fiasco) I don't know about their agenda beyond money and the pursuit of it.

Oh, an international corporation that wants to make a profit, what will they think of next? There have been some great music executives who loved music and culture, but it's a business and that's okay. The artist is the only one whose intentions matter. A lot of times it was the drive to make money that brought some of the best artists to the attention of the public. Everyone plays their part.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Why is this a lesson in sychophancy?
Why is it so wrong for fans to feel the need to reach out to someone that they admire for getting them through hard times, or to simply thank Morrissey for the years of great music?
Perhaps this is something he needs. Especially if his illness is due to depression.
You are ridiculous. No emotion, unless it involves you and someone you're obsessed with on this board. Otherwise, why else would you be here?

She made a photoshop pic of herself cuddling her favorite Atheist. Ignore her sycophancy rant, it's just a multisyllabic word to her.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lessons in sychophancy is more like it.
Yeah, I considered submitting something, but I wouldn't know how to go about it without coming off like one of those callers at the end of "Morrissey at KROQ"... :o
EDIT: At any rate, at least I got a neat sig element out of the site!
Or that debacle with the roadie/bodyguard (S-T-E-V-E Sanchez) who poached some letters and sent people mail telling them to come to a special meet'n'greet in Chicago — costing fans money and f***ing with their heads. Not me/not I...
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Yeah, I considered submitting something, but I wouldn't know how to go about it without coming off like one of those callers at the end of "Morrissey at KROQ"... :o
EDIT: At any rate, at least I got a neat sig element out of the site!

It's a catharsis more than anything. You can get it all down and press submit. Morrissey will probably never read it. In fact I'm almost certain he will never read it. It's on the internet for god's sakes. At least Harvest is doing something. They have been a bit of a ghost town so far. If it makes some fans happy then where's the harm?

I posted my art work and a sentence. Harvest will probably take it as a slight against them, but I hope not. Most letters I saw start with words cannot express how I feel about you... but then they go on using quite a few words to do just that. Go figure.

If you're playing your KROQ playlist on itunes just do what I did on the 'Get Info' for the last track and make it stop as soon as the music ends saving you a lot of misery hearing those creepy fans.
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Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

You should not read so much into my previous post, marred.

I don't think Moz would ever see it, I just can't be bothered with coming up with something that is eloquent without sounding pretentious, and sincere without being heavy-handed, that is all. I don't think I possibly could. It's more a reflection of my own shortcomings than a slight at the rest of the fanbase.

Also, no, I do not use iTunes, but thanks for the tip.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lessons in sychophancy is more like it.

LOL This coming from a mid 40's woman who's recently opened the Brummie Boy Fan Club, and encouraged other users to fawn over him... But writing letters of gratitude to a music legend who's very unwell these days is 'sycophancy' (a word which you misspelt, Ms "intellectual")....

Well, what can you expect from a brain that's only filled with empty slogans: [size=+2]sycophancy![/size] [size=+6]FBE![/size]
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

You should not read so much into my previous post, marred.

I don't think Moz would ever see it, I just can't be bothered with coming up with something that is eloquent without sounding pretentious, and sincere without being heavy-handed, that is all. I don't think I possibly could. It's more a reflection of my own shortcomings than a slight at the rest of the fanbase.

Also, no, I do not use iTunes, but thanks for the tip.

I think you read too much into my reading too much into your reply. I know what you mean. Even if I did have something interesting to write it'd basically amount to me pouring my heart out to harvest records.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lessons in sychophancy is more like it.

Some of us do need lessons in that. I for one need to brush up on my sycophancy-ing and my nonchalance-ing could do with some polishing too come to think of it.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lovely. This man really never seems interested in his fan base but the same old remarks will more than likely get repeated in the letters. " I am vegetarian because of you" Oh then there is " Here is my tattoo" and " You saved my life" Seriously, you are responsible for saving your own life .It's not like he was there. What a marketing tool. Let's just post all of these things that kiss his ass to help preserve his image because there is a new album out but we will choose which ones are the best. Ridiculous. This guy has had so many people added to mailing lists, I am guessing questions and letters submitted to True To You etc etc and for the most part the fan base has been neglected until he is after selling something . Perhaps those who have not dropped off care but the loyalty really does not seem to matter to this guy.It's rather sad that so many people are used to being treated this way that an act like this can only be viewed as a marketing ploy and as though he will never see it .He is so far distanced from the fan base. There is no point ,really .I'm not putting people down or trying to be snotty it's just predictable .It would be nice for a change to stop cultivating the stereotype of how fans really are.If he did try to show people he cared it might not be a bad thing .Asking us to solicit fandom for the record company is assinine. Some of us think he does not give a shit anymore.He would probably only listen to those repetitive things as well.Other people exist on the planet.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

Lovely. This man really never seems interested in his fan base but the same old remarks will more than likely get repeated in the letters. " I am vegetarian because of you" Oh then there is " Here is my tattoo" and " You saved my life" Seriously, you are responsible for saving your own life .It's not like he was there. What a marketing tool. Let's just post all of these things that kiss his ass to help preserve his image because there is a new album out but we will choose which ones are the best. Ridiculous. This guy has had so many people added to mailing lists, I am guessing questions and letters submitted to True To You etc etc and for the most part the fan base has been neglected until he is after selling something . Perhaps those who have not dropped off care but the loyalty really does not seem to matter to this guy.It's rather sad that so many people are used to being treated this way that an act like this can only be viewed as a marketing ploy and as though he will never see it .He is so far distanced from the fan base. There is no point ,really .I'm not putting people down or trying to be snotty it's just predictable .It would be nice for a change to stop cultivating the stereotype of how fans really are.If he did try to show people he cared it might not be a bad thing .Asking us to solicit fandom for the record company is assinine. Some of us think he does not give a shit anymore.He would probably only listen to those repetitive things as well.Other people exist on the planet.

Not a fan, then? No worries, you don't have to write a letter. Other people exist on the planet, just go to them. Ta
With Morrissey most people's feelings are very personal, and yes , how we feel is because of his meaningful music not anything he did. To try to express any of this to a non fan or just write something always comes off weird. I personally would not write anything. The fact that they asked people to use their social user name also seems like a red flag.
Re: Harvest Records sets up a new site: Letters to Moz

It's a catharsis more than anything. You can get it all down and press submit. Morrissey will probably never read it. In fact I'm almost certain he will never read it. It's on the internet for god's sakes.

He seems quite proficient in working the youtubes as of late.
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