Liverpool - Moz walks off stage

Re: Moz walks off stage

Corrissey: Anyone can say they agree with him not returning to the stage, but had you been there, I doubt you'd be so forgiving.

I was there.
Re: Moz walks off stage

I agree with some others on here that Moz' health is questionable at the minute, but I remember reading (during the Oye Esteban tour) that someone (accidentally) spilt alcohol on him and he said "I don't feel at home until I've been splashed with beer!" and carried on. Shame he didn't do that this time -why let one clown ruin it for so many, Moz :straightface:
Re: Moz walks off stage

This incident making people stop listening to his music and consider not going to see him again? Come on, it runs a bit deeper than that, well it does for me at least. I was a little bit angry at Morrissey for not returning but I can fully understand why he went off.

- Was slightly cheered up by the man outside after the gig shouting, "Anyone want to buy a Morrissey ticket?!" :lbf:
Re: Moz walks off stage

I will say it again, last nights gig was officially cancelled due tow bottle being thrown at Morrissey's head. That is what was annouced to the crowd.

This is a lie. A bottle did not strike his head.

It's not hard to feel aggrieved if you were there and heard that.

The bottle was a cup/plastic glass, and i don't know where you was standing, but i saw it hit him on the head if you are gonna argue the odds make sure you have the correct facts

Morrissey Liverpool ECHO ARENA

watch the link and you will see where i am coming from lol
Re: Moz walks off stage

I can understand him going off, but pathetic not to come back on.

Lets hope they find the idiot that ruined what was lining up to be a great show.

Maybe Morrrissey needs some distance between him and the fans, shame but what other option is there.
Re: Moz walks off stage

I will say it again, last nights gig was officially cancelled due tow bottle being thrown at Morrissey's head. That is what was annouced to the crowd.

This is a lie. A bottle did not strike his head.

Bottle : a container made of glass or PLASTIC with a narrow neck used for storing liquids.

Re: Moz walks off stage

I think what happened was rude and totally uncalled for. However, I do feel badly for the fans left without a show. And not to add fuel to the fire but does anyone remember this?


He went on to finish the show.

Lollypalooza: Lollipop In The Eye Stops Bowie Show
Freak candy-tossing incident interrupts concert in Oslo, Norway.

Musicians are used to being pelted with roses and underwear as signs of appreciation, and bottles and cans when they're not quite so loved. But it was an errant lollipop that caused David Bowie to stop performing during a concert in Oslo, Norway, on Friday — because it got stuck in his eye.

Bowie winced in agony when, about 20 minutes into his set at the Norwegian Wood Festival, the stick of a lollipop that had been thrown at the stage somehow became wedged between his left eyeball and his eyelid. It's the same eye that caused Bowie trouble in the past, when, as a kid, he got in a now-legendary fight with schoolmate George Underwood that left his left eye permanently dilated — causing many to think that his eyes are two different colors.

Bowie stopped the show and shouted, "You f---ing wanker! You little f---er!," as the crowd booed, according to the Norwegian press.

A panicked member of his entourage rushed onstage and helped him remove the lollipop, after which Bowie continued the show. His camp later downplayed the incident on his official Web site, where it was noted Bowie then threw a guitar pick in the crowd and joked that he'd better hide because it might have gotten stuck in someone's eye. As for any yelling, the posting called it "understandable initial anger."

An unnamed woman in her 30s later admitted to reporters on the scene that her sweet was the culprit — not because she threw it, as many thought at the time, but because she was pushed, she said, and it flew from her hand while she was dancing.
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Re: Moz walks off stage

I agree with some others on here that Moz' health is questionable at the minute, but I remember reading (during the Oye Esteban tour) that someone (accidentally) spilt alcohol on him and he said "I don't feel at home until I've been splashed with beer!" and carried on. Shame he didn't do that this time -why let one clown ruin it for so many, Moz :straightface:

Perhaps he's just gotten tired of it happening. I don't blame him. :rolleyes:
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Re: Moz walks off stage

f*** you too morrissey no longer a fan

How do you think I feel I'm from Canada and he has banned my Country as a possible tour destination and still I LOVE Morrissey, it will not phase me.

On the other hand I wouldn't be suprised that Morrissey actually wanted something like this to happen its seems that he is looking for any excuse to not play on stage.

He should cancel the rest of the tour and come back rested, this tour has been cursed.
Re: Moz walks off stage


An unnamed woman in her 30s later admitted to reporters on the scene that her sweet was the culprit — not because she threw it, as many thought at the time, but because she was pushed, she said, and it flew from her hand while she was dancing.

My girl lollipop
she makes my heart go -
OUCH, f***@R!!!!

I saw that on youtube a few weeks ago; so that's the first thing I thought of when hearing of the beer incident.

Very strangely, it's probably even related on a different level...(looks suspiciously at David Bowie). A kind of curse, mebbee? :D

My my, time do fly...
Re: Moz walks off stage

God what's next. Whoever said this tour is doomed is right. What a shitty thing for someone to do, but its a shame to let one idiot ruin the whole night. Toss the guy out, go backstage and take a few shots, shrug it off, then come back out to the 1000's of fans that love you and paid the money to see you perform and enjoy the rest of the night. Moz is a diva. Whether he's 'entitled' to be or not, he has a track record of letting fans down. Less than a month until I'm supposed to see him and every time something happens I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. :(
Re: Moz walks off stage

Moz letting liverpool down like that proves youre just a self indulgent little whining drama queen as everyone suspected. Go back to usa coz you belong in that selfish heartless empty country
Re: Moz walks off stage

Why are we comparing this to the Bowie incident?

Did you all forget that Morrissey get hit by another bottle in Norway a few months ago? In that occasion, he managed to get the guy out of the venue and kept on playing.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Moz letting liverpool down like that proves youre just a self indulgent little whining drama queen as everyone suspected. Go back to usa coz you belong in that selfish heartless empty country

Give your head a wobble, lad.

I'm as gutted as the next fan, but this won't stop me loving Morrissey as much as I do. And if you let something like this undo all the good Moz and his music has brought you then, to be honest, you're a Grade A, prize belter.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Moz letting liverpool down like that proves youre just a self indulgent little whining drama queen as everyone suspected. Go back to usa coz you belong in that selfish heartless empty country

Can someone ban this cretin or is that just reserved for abused feminists on here?
Re: Moz walks off stage

The liverpool gig was a tragedy for us fans, it was to be my first moz gig, but the real tragedy was mozs lost opportunity to turn his tragedy into triumph and carry on, maybe then he would have been worthy of his suffering and fan worship. at least i wont be sad when he dies now
beer=good4hair diva fit drama queen duck & cover malvatwat northernidiots pbr me asap raincoats? saddening
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