Melbourne - Palais Theater (Dec. 5, 2023) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


Suedehead / Alma Matters / Our Frank / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / I Wish You Lonely / How Soon Is Now? / Girlfriend In A Coma / Irish Blood, English Heart / Darling, I Hug A Pillow / Let Me Kiss You / Half A Person / Speedway / The Loop / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Jack The Ripper // We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful

Setlist courtesy of Tom Blom, J. Fernandez & FWD.

  • Image from @antfan / Instagram. Link posted by Famous when dead.

  • Images (3 total) posted by einrebell / pikuki via Mozzer1980 (original post).

  • Images by @markhopphotography (7 total) via Mozzer1980 (original post)

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Nope. It’s all about the retirement money at this stage. Or until he gets BOT out.

I can't see these being retirement money earning tours & the only companies interested in BOTs earn their living by scrounging - which takes a lot of content. He's had 1 song & 3 clips that did well with their audience for a day & 3 that lost him a couple of fans & went nowhere.
Ye Encore was We Hate It...

I thought it was a great show! I still put it behind the times I've seen him in 02, 12 and 06 but better than any others I've seen. The sound was loud and Camila was drowned out a bit on the keys but it was still clear enough. Can't comment on the sound from night 1 but this was definitely not bad.

Yeah the setlist is a bit stale if you've been following everything he does like a hawk, but not everyone are freaks like us and I reckon the vast majority of the audience got a set they loved. Personally I do wish it was changed up a bit, there's a few that have more than overstayed their welcome...glaring at Alma specifically.

As mentioned before I thought Carmen was amazing, a real stand out in the band. She has a rock star swagger to her and brought a much rockier edge to some of the tracks. BB has grown on me too, I thought he was great .. still miss Matt Walker on the drums though. All in all it was a great show and he was in good spirits
Amazing gig. Best I’ve seen him. I’ve a bunch of photos/video to post up from tonight’s gig - I can’t see any easy way to post directly from my camera roll?
Amazing gig. Best I’ve seen him. I’ve a bunch of photos/video to post up from tonight’s gig - I can’t see any easy way to post directly from my camera roll?
videos get uploaded to youtube and then you post the links here
I keep refreshing a youtube search for videos from tonight but have found nothing so far.

Hmm, maybe:
- Self release two albums/buy BOT back
- Fire all yes-men around
- Give proper interviews with real journalists
- Do proper promotion
- Change up the setlist
- Make up with some old acquaintances
- Self reflect/Take responsibility/be honest
- Kill M Central
- Give real explanation why shows are cancelled on short notice
- Don't cancel


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