Mr. Morrissey.....a very strict boss

Morrissey's strange habits are probably rooted in something most will never understand though we can theorize all day. He hates cigarettes like I hate the island of Kauai. It's not logical but in our own systems it comforts in a strange way. Although disliking cigarettes is a more practical detest than a Hawaiian Island. It's complicated, but I get it.
Keep in mind also, sometimes people change. Even set-in-his-ways Morrissey.
It strikes me that after the break up of The Smiths, Morrissey has never wanted to share the spotlight again. In the past, he has been criticized for having an anemic musical cast surrounding him, but honestly I think that is the way he wants it. He could have gone out and hired some flash guitar player like Bernard Butler, but again, he would have to share the spotlight. In fact, by his own admission, he has resisted offers from other labels who have offered recording contracts contingent upon releasing members of his existing brood.

For Morrissey loyalty is paramount. This is why he was insistent that his band also be signed. Betrayal has been a constant theme in his music.
Even from Smiths days, it's been said that he would forbid band members and crew to ... ahem ... partake of female/groupie attentions; he hated drugs, meat-eating and smoking. Certainly with his current band, he's controlling in the sense of telling them what to wear, what to eat, etc.

I don't think that's true. Grant Showbiz said Morrissey was fairly relaxed about what people did. He specifically said he wasn't like a Mark E Smith character and would just go with the flow. He doesn't pay for people to eat meat, that's true, but a lot of artists do that.
I get the impression that he is quite strict...just from the different rumours that've knocked around for a while. It's an odd one though because you've gotta wonder that if he was treating them really bad then why would anyone want to be in the band?

But then why do guys that treat girls terribly seem to get more girls than guys that don't?

I dunno, I'm sure that once you're 'in' with Morrissey then you are properly in and it's probably quite delightful.
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I dunno, I'm sure that once you're 'in' with Morrissey then you are properly in and it's probably quite delightful.

Yeah, this is probably the case. In a recent interview Kristeen Young answered this question.

Q: Is he (Morrissey) a hard person to deal with or difficult

KY: No, he's extremely warm and loving...

She doesn't talk about what happened but says that the whole thing was very confusing. interview from Movement mag, featuring Siouxsie on the cover .
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How could you possibly hate Kauai?

Because of it's enchanting beauty and mysterious island intellect. :o It really is a beautiful island. And talented. I don't hate it really.
What you have to remember is that most of what is said, is gossip by fans and journalists. And gossip is never positive. You don't hear the good stuff because people don't find that interesting.
What you have to remember is that most of what is said, is gossip by fans and journalists. And gossip is never positive. You don't hear the good stuff because people don't find that interesting.

Grant Showbiz is actually my friend and he says working with Mark E Smith is harder than Morrissey. :o
it just recently occured to me that he probably instructed them all to buzz their heads in order to make himself appear to have more hair

LMAO!! That makes so much sense!!
I doesn't sound like he's exceptionally strict, just professional. I read somewhere that he doesn't let the band bring girlfriends on tour, only wives may come along. And I get the impression he's very strict about things starting on time. I think he's just very professional and likes to keep everyone focused. Is that really so strange?
I doesn't sound like he's exceptionally strict, just professional. I read somewhere that he doesn't let the band bring girlfriends on tour, only wives may come along. And I get the impression he's very strict about things starting on time. I think he's just very professional and likes to keep everyone focused. Is that really so strange?

I'm chronically tardy. :( Not to be confused with chronically retarded.
Yes, and....?

That would qualify as being exceptionally strict. Besides, what about crew members' boyfriends?

My Catholic grandmother wouldn't put a picture of my boyfriend and me on my wall until we were married. I felt shamed. I'm sure you'll say that's very telling. It is.

Were you the oldest grandchild? I was something like the 995th out of 1000, so by the time Mrs.-to-be NRitH & I started to live in sin together, my Catholic grandmother probably didn't even notice.
I doesn't sound like he's exceptionally strict, just professional. I read somewhere that he doesn't let the band bring girlfriends on tour, only wives may come along. And I get the impression he's very strict about things starting on time. I think he's just very professional and likes to keep everyone focused. Is that really so strange?

Erm...I don't want to sit on your party hat but there are many, many stories of friends and colleagues who were left hanging by dear Mr. Morrissey at one time or another. I recall one anecdote about his old band actually standing around at Heathrow to leave for a European tour only to get a message Morrissey couldn't make it.

I mean, is it "professional" to fire your bass player by leaving a note on his windshield?

Larger question: if modern life is rubbish, as sayeth the philosopher Albarn, wouldn't it be more attractive for a man to be at permanent odds with the world and most of the people in it? Don't we prefer to imagine Morrissey blowing off a commitment, singing "Punctuality is the thief of time!" on his way to a pub, instead of behaving like a stockbroker? Would you be relieved or disturbed if you found out he carried a Blackberry?
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