Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I just came across this and I just love this type of documentary especially as it relates to my favorite band of all time. I am sure nothing new but still worth a watch:

Lovely. I'd seen it before but forgotten about some of the things in it. Good contributors, and I especially like the classical musician, sat at the piano, deconstructing the songs.
Lovely. I'd seen it before but forgotten about some of the things in it. Good contributors, and I especially like the classical musician, sat at the piano, deconstructing the songs.

Yes the pianist shed a lot of insight into what makes their music so compelling. I am not a musician, nor a Smiths fanatic so this show to me was very entertaining. Such great quality of video clips and interviews.

Towards the end where the American girl spoke of their influence on her describes what many Americans felt at the time. What is usual or familiar to those on the other side of the pond was so wonderous and foreign to anything we had heard before.

So many pictures painted of places we had never seen, and experiences that were unshared, but somehow connected us very strongly to the band and those that appreciated their music. I feel in someway we benefited from this as much as those that lived and breathed the life of which they sung.
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Because you receive some reward for it. Figure out what it is and you'll be on your first step to self-awareness and possibly change.
I know!
That is what it is all about. I have said in the past I play the clown or fool or whatever and people love that cause everyone is a bully who loves to put someone else down of fear of it being them instead.
I am just tired of it now Jehne and want to move on somehow.
interesting election results in bavaria. who wouldve thought a few years ago that the green party could get the second highest result in this politically arch-conservative federal state? loser is the big coalition in berlin. i dont think that it was only the green party's clear distancing itself from afd rhetorics which made it so successful, like most media outlets want to make us believe. we are still in the middle of the heißzeit and the green party has always been most successful in the midst of ecological catastrophes.
Interesting take on it which almost qualifies as fake news so I headed back to reality and guess what you guys just lost again!
Please make sure to dry the tears of Merkel for me.
People tend to see election results any way they like these days, resistant to the truth and actual figures cause swedish alternative media are blowing up over the results and you focus on the greens small insignificant rise?

This is so LOL I need an apple to drown out my laughter.
If there was a better eyeroll emoji on this site, i would post the f*** out of it.

So many threads, so little time
we need an eyeroll rating icon. I would use the f*** out of it on you. you know I would, babes.
It's sad. I just can't get over the the fact that some great songs were presided over by a right-wing arsehole. So, so disappointing. Unless you like that sort of thing.

LOL What are you, retarded? "I just can't get over that someone who has different political views than me can sing good songs! How is that possible!"

Yeah, because communist pigs are so known for their great f***ing music. LOL All the great songs came from the commies, didn't ya know? Dumb asses like Grim and Skinny cheering for Lenin and Hugo Chavez. LOL

Hey, guess what, Skinny? Punk Rock, just like Rock 'N' Roll, could only happen in a capitalist pro-individualist, pro-free-speech society. NOT a f***ing commie hellhole. Go move to Cuba with Grim.
I think the thing I most dislike about the left is how unoriginal they are. The extent of their vocabulary is... "That is so racist!". I get confused because how fan five words in any sentence give rise to a label. It even took Jesus a while to recognize the devil.

Be creative like this...
Seeing: posts on Central attributed to Morrissey.
Thinking: still think it's someone overstepping their authority and that Morrissey is oblivious to some of what appears there.
that's how they die. while gasping in terror, yet unable to scream, this lovely and drolly looking fugu is held by a callous idiot into the camera to make fun of its agony. while lying on the worktop, unable to move, the animal's suffering is filmed in detail for a long time. the proudly grinning cook then takes the knife and positions it for the final deadly stab at the fugu's neck, and then, quickly after that has been done, is chopping off the animal's fins and tail, skinning it, pretending to be a master of his trade, even though, as everyone can see, the animal is still alive. i'm only mildly surprised that some japanese, after fukushima, still eat fish.

Didn’t watch the video. So many human beings are sick in the head.

According to a 2014 Harris Poll, there are about two million vegetarians — defined as someone who never consumes meat, fish, seafood or poultry — ages 8 to 18 in the United States, representing 4 percent of that age group. That exceeds the 3.3 percent of adults surveyed who declare themselves vegetarian. Many children at very young ages are deciding to become vegetarians on their own, driven primarily by ethical concerns and the toll that meat production takes on the environment.‘

Turmoil in swedish politics lingers on over a month after the election. Latest attempt is to form a social democrat lead alliance with the help of liberals and the greens and the center party. A re election awaits if they are unable to form some sort of government that will be the weakest one Sweden has ever had.
The voters of the conservatives and parties on the right will most likely abandon their parties and become Sweden Democrats and I no longer doubt that the Sweden Democrats will be the largest party in 2022.
They are always the only winner no matter what happens in swedish politics. But my prediction that Sweden will have the same prime minister as before the election was spot on.
what makes you think so?
A lot of posts that have appeared there have appeared as soon as someone has suggested to Sam that they should appear on Central. The times they appear are when he's active and already posting/seeing things that feature Uncle.
Similarly, the How Soon Is Now choir was posted on his personal FB a day before it became a 'message' from Morrissey. There are literally loads of examples of this. I doubt Moz gets rung up on a Saturday evening with: can I post a choir YT video please Uncle? Nor does he probably get asked if 10 versions of The More You Ignore Me... can feature on the site owned by his Nephew.
Which is why I am skeptical about a lot of things appearing there that are 'directly' attributed to/from Morrissey - they clearly are not.
I won't bore everyone with the examples, but there is no apologist agenda here on my part - simply recognising that a member of 'team' Morrissey might be over extending their reach when it comes to posting.
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Hahaha you are surely the new clown here providing the comedy. You are so brainwashed that you desperately search the web for someone who agree with you and is able to see the results of the election the way you do.
This is fake news taken to a new level and you clearly see how Germany is rising again and how people are out in the streets and yet there you are blasting Moz and german nazi heavy metal while reading something politically correct published by some jew.
Never go out again it would kill you.
A lot of posts that have appeared there have appeared as soon as someone has suggested to Sam that they should appear on Central. The times they appear are when he's active and already posting/seeing things that feature Uncle.
Similarly, the How Soon Is Now choir was posted on his personal FB a day before it became a 'message' from Morrissey. There are literally loads of examples of this. I doubt Moz gets rung up on a Saturday evening with: can I post a choir YT video please Uncle? Nor does he probably get asked if 10 versions of The More You Ignore Me... can feature on the site owned by his Nephew.
Which is why I am skeptical about a lot of things appearing there that are 'directly' attributed to/from Morrissey - they clearly are not.
I won't bore everyone with the examples, but there is no apologist agenda here on my part - simply recognising that a member of 'team' Morrissey might be over extending their reach when it comes to posting.

ok Moz will take in down in a few.
I think the thing I most dislike about the left is how unoriginal they are. The extent of their vocabulary is... "That is so racist!". I get confused because how fan five words in any sentence give rise to a label. It even took Jesus a while to recognize the devil.

Be creative like this...

Every workers party in the world influenced the nazis and they are the same thing. Few if any know this but it is true and those that checked the worker parties own archives can confirm it.
Sweden is just one example of how they called everyone a racist to shut out the noise of criticism and the swedish social democrats inspired Hitler and his men.
The children murdered at a so called care home in the south of Sweden is the darkest story never told. But the only way to defeat leftists is by killing them and the lamp posts are waiting for their necks.
The Eskilstuna gang war resulted in another one shot to death last night, Kalle is dead. Might surprise some that it's swedish white trash that are doing this and they come from broken homes with single mothers on drugs.
They post pictures on Facebook from abroad with their bodies covered with tattoos or dressed in Morris shirts. The street it happened on was the same place where another big event took place some years ago that everyone but me seem to have forgot about.

* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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