Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

One thing I love about being home? You can pull as many stupid faces as you want. You can be as miserable as you want to be. The only problem is that you have to face people the next day. I do like being alone but the problem is that you have to be around people to earn money. Why can't it just be given to me? I don't want to have to earn it. I've never understood that part. Why should you have to earn money? Why should it not be given to you?

I've had it given to me for decades. I was unable to land, and hold onto a job, and I don't know what I would have done without charity.
I suppose there is one good thing that misery brings. Misery limits your parameters for sin. You can only sin if you're good. If you've always been a miserable sinner you don't know any better. Only the virtuous can sin. Only the virtuous can sin.
Painting pollutes the water. Watercolors are not as bad as acrylics though. I sin when I paint.
Sin belongs to the virtuous. Otherwise it just tends to be called life. I've not got a good bone in my body. I do know I've liked people though. I've become incredibly close to people. There are people I need. Is need the same as love? I suspect it's not far off.
You can need and love simultaneously.
I want to get out of this ward and pick up 2 paints that are on hold for me. Not gemstone, I don't think. Lunar Blue, and Potter's Pink, by Daniel Smith. Ooh
I left squirrels behind, when I decided to move into my current apartment. I love them, but I saved myself, because I could only save myself, from heating I couldn't afford, etc.
At my place, heat's included, there's no musty smell, the bus comes almost to the door, and I like seeing squirrels outside. At the old place, they would come into my apartment to collect food from me. It wasn't sustainable, though they were cute.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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