Shannon matthews' mum

You shouldn't be defensive, just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't respect your opinion. :)

Thank you.
At least you didn't tell me to f*** off. :)
Some people need to pipe down.

Really interesting case. She'd been drugged for a year before the kidnap.

All in all very strange.
It's not "silly to judge" in my opinion. Other people have the same circumstances and don't do the same thing. But I think that with the drugs involved and getting an idea from a movie and so on, it sounds like a case of mental illness? I know I'm going out on a limb with that one. ;)

edit: Temazepam is also an anti-anxiety drug. It was given to my friend's husband when he was very ill, because his other drugs would make him agitated, paranoid, and violent. If it was around the house for two years there was a a bigger problem than insomnia.
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Some people need to pipe down.

Really interesting case. She'd been drugged for a year before the kidnap.

All in all very strange.

i'd love to know why she'd ben drugged 20 months prior to the kidnapp. one can only make assumptions.
Society cannot be blamed for Karen Matthews actions.

She wasn't made to have all those kids and live a disolute life.

It is sad though that all her children will probably be split up from eachother and I'm sure love and miss their mum.
Society cannot be blamed for Karen Matthews actions.

She wasn't made to have all those kids and live a disolute life.

It is sad though that all her children will probably be split up from eachother and I'm sure love and miss their mum.

I agree, there's no way society can be used to explain her warped actions, it was her own greed for money that fueled her actions.

If her own mother was capable of doing that to her, that kid's never gonna trust anyone again :(
I really can't see what point anyone is trying to make by talking about the Matthews' circumstances.

The woman was not right in the head.

The McCanns are quite a well-to-do family and they practically gave their daughter away.
I'm with Jane on this one,
I don't think anyone here knows enough about this case to know the circumstances of her decision to do this, had she made different choices, been born in a different class, had a better education etc this may have not happened at all. That said, I am not justifying what she did, it was dispicable, and I am not using her social standing to excuse that, but it's silly to judge, and to use language like 'scum' about it, Jane's right, you'll sound like one of those Daily Mail readers who thinks their two-penny's-worth is invaluable and undoubtedly correct.

You can't attribute the whole thing to her situation while telling others they aren't entitled to use words like 'scum'.

If someone considers the family 'scum' based on their class, then you're partially in agreement with them.

Maybe you need to clarify which people or aspects of the system you are blaming.
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