They'll seduce your heart...


It's all good
...and what?


From the lyrics inlay of "Rare Tracks", which I finally got today. And does he really sing "...born and braised..." in This Is Not Your Country?

im not sure if he sing it minmn this song but he said that born and braised line in interviews i read quite often

for example: he talks about a "a certian person i know who was born and braised in vauxhall" years ago
and he also introduced his band members on concerts one time tht way (wasnt that in who put the m in manchester)with that line...
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im not sure if he sing it minmn this song but he said that born and braised line in interviews i read quite often

foe exmaple: he talks about a "a certian person i know who was born and braised in vauxhall" and he also introduced his band members on concerts one time (wasnt that in who put the m in manchester)with that line...

Yea he does introduce them with "Born and Braised."

I found it charming and silly. :D
'stop your hours'!?!! That's nuts.
I'm in the 'slap your arse' camp.
Never believe lyrics printed in Japanese editions. They write them down themselves.


I used to do that, along with taping off the radio, before they invented the internet. Oh, those were the days.
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