MORRISSEY CENTRAL- World Love is All of Our Business

David Tseng, you collude with this. You endorse this. This deranged, unstable, hate-filled individual is able to make the most repugnant statements about race, about LGBT people, about Jewish people, immigrants, Islam and Muslims. You are the oxygen to her hatred.
That's right. Free thought and expression is a crime to you - on whatever planet you're living on.

Stay here and keep spurring me on you masochist. You've already been told to go. But you want more and more.

Why? Because you love it.
These people want things their way. This is what happens when you've been invited in, given a free house, free money, free healthcare, free dental care and schooling for as many kids as you choose to rear...

When you've had things thrown your way for so long you never expect the fulfilling bounty to ever end... and then suddenly an obstacle appears.

English people have no trust in the establishment and the vast majority do not want their kids being force-fed LGBT propaganda at primary school, but they haven't had their way in anything for years so it's just another thing the government is doing to betray their wishes (along with mass immigration, not fulfilling Brexit, shoving them to the back of he jobs and housing queue etc) so they are well used to it.

The grown-cynical English are not surprised, the Muslims are. Because their views are usually catered for.
Yes I like your answer, to what is an unanswerable question in many ways. The whole issue of the Birmingham School LGBT verses Muslim community proves many things, mainly, for me, that the people who promote diversity have no interest in diversity at all, they want what THEY want, and everyone else must agree or be labelled this, that or whatever else. Basically a smear campaign against anyone who dares question their idea's.
Can you post links to these? (Links that actually work)

Why? You won't do anything with the information. Have you ever thought that you might have a responsibility to find it, you know, on your own website?
Why? You won't do anything with the information. Have you ever thought that you might have a responsibility to find it, you know, on your own website?
What do you expect him to do with a list of quoted opinions and observations?

Live and let live you intolerant clown.
I am not Reel F, their are people in the UK who are neither Muslim or Gay, might surprise you that, but we do exist.
He needs to take his head out of his atrociously damaged arse. He's been living on the Stalinist Planet LGBT for so long he thinks there are no such thing as different viewpoints.

And believes people have no lawful right to air them.
You really should attempt to adjust your typing and writing styles if you want anyone to believee that this isn't you, Reelfountain. Must try harder.
I don't play games like you. If it doesn't say Reel on the tin it ain't Reel.

Now Grindr's that way (and maybe you'll meet a serial killer).
Anonymous person likely has no idea how a website is run. Some anonymous person lists a bunch of alleged quotes but can't provide valid links. As an admin I'm supposed to go, hmmm, I don't see any actually violations but it apparently caused a lot of offense, I'll ban that user! No, that's not how it works.

Why? You won't do anything with the information. Have you ever thought that you might have a responsibility to find it, you know, on your own website?
Why do you feel the need to post this sort of thing?

Probably for the same reason Morrissey
put a male nude on the cover of Hand In Glove.
He affirms it is borderline when it clearly violates the policy statements that he himself wrote. As he has no intention of implementing the policy then perhaps he should delete it. It's non-existent in practice anyway.
Fair point.
although interestingly, if it were two females I might not like it, so perhaps that's a bit hypocritical of me to say
The one claiming not being into sex seems to have a taste for it after all.

Always the quiet ones.........
People, Skinny and the suck puppets are Muslim, they are against the Gay stuff. Their 'families(LOL, invisible families) are also Muslim and homophobic etc against the Gay stuff. Thats how they roll.:brows:

watch for the sudden appearance of 15 yr old non existing sock puppets, being VERY OFFENDED:swear suddenly post as if they had been reading for several years.:lbf:

we await for Barnabys pro Skinny ramblings.
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