Autobiography - legal action?

Either Morrissey had this farrago checked by his 'management team' for legally incriminating statements and career-ending idiocy, or his head is so far up his own arse that he thinks he can ignore such trivia and publish this meretricious onanism, full of gratuitously offensive slurs against numerous targets, and there'll be no blowback. Because he's an icon to exhausted Boomers? Not all post-punk Boomers are intellectual frauds. Not in Birmingham at least.

As the book launch champagne goes flat and reality intrudes, no doubt Morrissey will be advised by Penguin to sue critics like me in due course. Not that I'd care. As history and Posterity will judge: I'm orders of magnitude more important than this ridiculous tragi-comic figure. I wouldn't fight any action because only the rich and powerful can defend themselves against tax-exiled libel tourists:but it would certainly be amusing to be face to face, once again, with "The Man Who Trolled The World" on the back of a rag-bag of purloined cultural memes which he artfully fashioned into a persona through vocal and lyrical dexterity. An innovative adn interesting vocal and word-Smith, until he went over the cliff¬ with this "Autobiography", not realising or believing that BrummieBoy's "Review" would render his pathetic scribbles a footnote joke in popular music and literary history.


Thankfully, there is no mention of his visits to Birmingham, even though there volumes 2 & 3 are rumoured, volumes which retell the story from start to finish with an entirely different cast, but with equally absurd bloopers and continuity car-crashes. Allegedly. Or so one of my Penguin spies tell me, now that the kerching! is so rewarding as to put this book on a similar commercial footing to a Britney Spears tour, but obviously, without the same artistic merit. However, revolution is in the air at Penguin, so this could be just part of the seething uprising against the destruction of such a classic piece of English Heritage by an ignorant arriviste failed 'pop star'.

The middle of the book sees him resorting once again to the gangster thug tactics of the House of Lord Fraudz he claims to despise, , yet has spent so much of his wasted adult life either seeking their approval through a 'judgement', or protesting against the perceived power of any such judgement of the ruling class elite, like a child in an abusive Catholic school going back for a spanked bottom day after day, not realising he is addicted to pain and shame. Unlike such a child, Morrissey has always had the choice to walk away with dignity, to embrace the Golden Rule, but still hasn't a clue. By seeking such legal redress he outs himself as a creature of the Establishment he claims to be in opposition to. He is a forelock tugging serf in ever having done so. No true Republican Outsider gives a fcuk about what any court of queen Elizabeth concludes, whether criminal or civil, except where it concurs with reigning in the law of the jungle instead of ruling on behalf of Capital and Bloodline Privilege. Maybe it's a BrummieBoy Birmingham Six thing, but to read Morrissey desperately trying to salvage his reputation from the opinions of those who views he should dismiss, is easily the most disturbing thing to ponder. Whatever profits this book makes will probably have to go to those slighted to prevent them using the same 'avenues of redress'. It's such a car-crash, it's really, really hard to understand how this has happened in 2013.

Penguin are in the dock even more so than Morrissey. Their callous disregard for his obvious cognitive issues is appalling to behold. They had a duty of care towards a neophyte 'paperback writer', to mentor, guide and reign in the excess, to purge the abcesses of emotional dysregulation and the exploding brain of mental confetti that plague this undignified and squalid book. If he was incapable of such nurturing, they had a duty to walk away to protect their brand. They have destroyed it.

It's clearly a desperate cry for help from a trapped, wounded animal imprisoned in the delusion of fame, cushioned against consensual reality by flunkies and fluffers who despise him, who have no interest in his fate, other than to render him click-bait for their bean-counter business plans and profitability models. Did no-one in his family read this career suicide note? Or does he listen to no-one? Or both?

I repeat: I now issue a fatwa against Penguin books, but NOT against this hapless casualty Morrissey. When the implications of what he has written are absorbed by the chattering classes who will read my words & talk about this book at West London dinner parties I attend in secretaive silence. They haven't actually read it yet, just other reviews by their circle-jerk meeja freinds. When they do and they read my words: they will denounce him, and he will implode. Hopefully, the crisis that ensues will finally get him the help he clearly needs. We were aware of the goings on in Penguin, but nothing could have prepared us for this calamity. It's character assassination of a troubled man, and the fact he walked up to the gallows willingly in return for money does not exclude Penguin executives from also facing trial.

Morrissey is responsible for his words, but as he is clearly disturbed, there is a requirement to be merciful whilst the details of how this atrocity exhibition came to be published are established and published widely. It is obvious that Morrissey is friendless, alone, and just another piece of meat to be thrown to the wolves for profit. The fact that he colludes with his oblivion is not relevant, as he is clearly not only "still ill" but appears abandoned by those who should care for him.

If he wishes to save his soul and his reputation, he can reflect, reconsider and issue 'amendments' that focus on rather more serious matters than the ridiculous and demeaning 'dance of 7 veils' cock-tease about his apparent asexuality and homosocial preferences. 30 years ago his stance against the sexualisation of modern life was refreshing to those not immersed in faux-celibate English Catholic culture, from whence he nicked it like nearly everything else: this man is NOT Anthony Burgess!

Today, in 2013, a man of 54 still hiding behind a door marked either 'closet' or 'empty room' is just pathetic. Nobody cares in the slightest if Morrissey has a sex life with anyone, someone, or nobody other than himself. Periodically repressed then polyamorously promiscuous? Who knows or cares? And who cares that his Catholic guilt still taunts him to issue an Erratum to ensure nobody thinks he might be 'homosexual', as if that's a problem signifier to anyone other than Morrissey and a minority bigot element of his cult casualty fan base these days.

No amount of Luxuria will salve the wounds that will open up when this book is seriously analysed and dissected. I feel physically sick at the prospect of shining a torch on some of the yellow highlighted text in the book beside me. Nobody who has ever been moved to a temporary ecstasy or flight of fancy by his voice and minor poet lyrics would ever take pleasure in revealing what was always hidden in plain sight. Nobody of ethical integrity can read it and excuse it as the prankster malevolence of a Machiavellian music editor. It's not a drunken late-night rant on an irrelevant online forum, though it reads like one, without a trace of the irony that some bring to that innovative literary form, ahem!

The NME tape is presented as vindication, but isn't published as a transcript or on an accompany CD. It is claimed they apologised, but they did no such thing. His reputation, after the 'Chinese sub-species' bullet to the brain, was on the edge of the abyss, now it's plummeting into the dark depths from which a return is only possible with a frank and honest mea culpa and an embrace of humility and contrition for some of the hateful screed unleashed in this "Autobiography". How likely is that to happen? Whilst reading this rubbish, I was also-reading the diaries of Auberon Waugh. Seriously, Penguin, have you no shame?

Morrissey flails around for an eternity of badly written pages trying to restore his reputation from Weeks and the NME, and fails. The fact that no-one who read this before publishing it could be in any doubt whatsoever what the consequences would be for Morrissey's reputation and 'brand' raises serious ethical issues. I will return to consideration of them after a breakfast of tea and toast.


You seem to have issues with Morrissey -why are you hear? To torment us? To change our minds.... really ? If you hate it here - it as simple as this...........leave ...

You hate the man and his book so go. You read into what you want and decide that if we dont agree then we are idiots. The facts are - it is a well written book. He has had relationships with men and women with a preference for men. It is a classic.
We like it.

You sir are a f***ing tool. Go away.
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You seem to have issues with Morrissey -why are you hear? To torment us? To change our minds.... really ? If you hate it hear it as simple as this...........leave ...

You hate the man and his book so go. You read into what you want and decide that if we dont agree then we are idiots. The facts are - it is a well written book. He has had relationships with men and women - I agree he still preferes men but nonetheless. It is a classic.
We like it.

You sir are a f***ing tool. Go away.

I kinda feel sorry for Brummie as he undoubtedly suffers from severe loneliness and probably goes to other sites to harass their heroes and therefore we are his only friends even tho we hate his f***ing guts.
I usually don't judge but this guy is a complete douche bag. He reads what he wants to it and tells us if we disagree we are completely blind ... seriously! - I am too old to argue with a tool. The man wants him to be homosexual and he isnt. He insults his writing and his supposed denial of the truth about himself. I think Morrissey should know his own truth.
I usually don't judge but this guy is a complete douche bag. He reads what he wants to it and tells us if we disagree we are completely blind ... seriously! - I am too old to argue with a tool. The man wants him to be homosexual and he isnt. He insults his writing and his supposed denial of the truth about himself. I think Morrissey should know his own truth.

He completely spin doctors everything around and then insults us for being fans. Since when did it become a crime to be a fan? He’s a complete loser. Morrissey’s book is number 1 and this tool still insists our Moz doesn’t deserve the recognition.

And I still don't believe he read the book three times!
Jeebus, the only thing worse than a Moz-can-do-no-wrong fan is an ex-fan who can't move on.
Well one things 4 sure, weather its intentonal or not, BrummieBoy is fast becoming one of the most "infamous" and talked about members thats ever been on the forum!!!!!!!!!!
Hes even trolling himself !! the mans a genius LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Incredible !!!

Anyways im just about 2 make a nice cuppa tea whilst eating a nice salad of fresh organic tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, so will be back a bit later and im in the midddle of designing and ordering sum buiseness cards as i need a little bit of publicity 2 publicize the incredible project Ive been working on for over 7 years, in fact its now been over 8 years! and ive still not managed 2 get it off the ground!!!!!!
But its almost time!!!!!

Will give an update on "your projects" soon! :)
Good to see you here again Brummie.
But I have to take issue with you, if I may, about the book.
I must be honest, I am not particularly well read, I am not qualified to judge a book great or otherwise and I am only 150 pages in at the moment.
Also, as I hope you are aware from previous posts, I am not a Moz worshipper by any means.
But the book is not terrible. Do you really think it is so bad?
I suspect the real deal is that you enjoy upsetting the 'cultists'.
In this at least, I salute you sir!

If there had been an Editor and Morrissey had been mentored like any other newbie author, then a great book could have emerged. Not a "Penguin Classic", that's ridiculous, but certainly not a turkey like this. You'll do well if you get to the end without throwing it on the fire. Wait till you get to the interminable lists of crowd sizes, more tickets sold than Oasis, popular in Tierra del Fuego stuff. It's obvious he's a fame-whore who would open a toilet seat if there was an adoring crowd of sychophants.

I blame Penguin for capitulating to an asburd diva agenda. And, obviously, Morrissey is responsible for the crimes against literature that are contained in this preposterous tome. Only a really serious reader like me can be expected to grasp the horror involved, most are likely to be fooled by the pretentious attempts to echo Proust, Joyce, and online raving diatribes like wot we all specialise in here.

He cannot write prose, there's nothing innovative in his botched stylisms, but worse: he does not seem capable of critical thought or overview of his own manicured life narrative. It reads like it was cobbled together from various social media blog meltdowns, which we've all done, all enjoyed ourselves being silly, but none of us other than Morrissey would ever imagine such flotsam and jetsam becomes 'serious literature' just by being erroneously labelled part of the canon of "Penguin Classics".

You state " the book is not terrible", but compared to what? It is terrible, because it amounts to mockery and abuse of a troubled man by Penguin in ever agreeing to this absurdity.

There's absolutely nothing preventing Morrissey from returning with a swansong album(s) and being applauded for his talents in singing, writing lyrics and stagecraft. But he is NOT a writer of any merit, and when that critical consensus coalesces, he will be distraught and lash out: hopefully at Penguin as well as at the mirror.

I come from working class Birmingham and Morrissey is just another lottery winner, except it was music, not boxing or football that got him out of the hood/ghetto/estate. He won NME-Factor with Paul Morley as Simon Cowell. That's it.

When we first became aware of his working class literary aesthete aesthetic, it was hugely amusing that someone would run with that obvious meme and mock the entitlement agenda of the cultivated and educated ruling class. But he got lost in a hall of mirrors, was gratuitously rude to many who wished him well, then imploded into an entirely obvious and reactionary 'star' narrative, within which he remains tragically trapped.

When it suits him, sales and awards are irrelevant, yet when he sells out the Hollywood Bowl, it's a momentous event in history. Not.

Imagine if Morrissey had been a vacuum cleaner innovator and sold his suction devices rather than CDs. We might be moderately interested in the troubled childhood that gave him the entrepreneurial zeal to begin a career in sales, then we might tire of constant blame of others for failed business plans and profitability models. If we then had to endure a tiresome finale of sales figures and market penetration into emerging markets, with a subtext of fighting a commercial conspiracy to stop that business expansion, we would almost certainly throw the vacuum salesman's memoir on the bonfire. Why wouldn't any sane person do the same with this debacle?

I get very bored of the idea that because I chose Morrissey as "Exhibit A" for my treatise on the pointlessness of a life spent pursuing fame and critical acclaim, it is suggested that I am 'obsessed' with this eejit. However, it could just as easily have been McCartney, Cohen, Clapton or Dylan in the dock. Morrissey was so egregiously unhinged and DavidT's free speech code made the project particularly inviting.

Most people here have NOT read the book with any degree of forensic attention. Most don't even care what's in it as Morrissey is just a consumer object upon which they play out their equally absurd life-dramas. Trust me, I have a rich inner and outer life. I have had many dramas and painful obstacles, but tonight, I am so relieved and grateful that I didn't wast 30 years of my life chasing the chimera of fame. However, I accept that denial of Fame as a concept is the ultimate outlier Outsider signifier and the herd consensus around Morrissey can never accept that it's all been, mostly, a complete waste of time. But one day, Morrissey will rise from egyptian cotton sheets in some forlorn outpost of luxury and look in the mirror. And the defence of Narcissus will fail. Hope and pray there is someone there to catch him when he falls.


You seem to have issues with Morrissey -why are you hear? To torment us? To change our minds.... really ? If you hate it here - it as simple as this...........leave ...

You hate the man and his book so go. You read into what you want and decide that if we dont agree then we are idiots. The facts are - it is a well written book. He has had relationships with men and women with a preference for men. It is a classic.
We like it.

You sir are a f***ing tool. Go away.

Blinking and screaming in pain, the Cult emerge from their reading room with an untouched dictionary and thesaurus in each hand, to stage a demonstration against Reality, against the impertinence of a genuine intellectual polymath genius calling out both Penguin and Morrissey as bullshitters. "Leave us be! Leave us in peace with our delusions! Why can't we just remain asleep!" they wail as they stumble towards the cliff edge, guided by their shepherd Morrissey and the marketing department of Penguin Books Inc.

Yeah, right, I'm really going to be censored or moderated by a bunch of wankers like Moz, Penguin and his 'fans'. He cannot write, you lot cannot read. And the 'critics' know better than to bite the hand that feeds..How long do you think Morrissey, Penguin or any of the critics who have praised this abortion would last in face to face debate with BrummieBoy? A minute? A round? On one level, this is all very funny, but then you wake up and realise "Autobiography" exists. It has escaped. Unedited. Now all must absorb the implications.

I now return to reading "Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt. I'm sure it can't possibly be as bad as "Autobiography" but we shall see.


ps: I do have a tool, it does f***. Bend and spread.
Well one things 4 sure, weather its intentonal or not, BrummieBoy is fast becoming one of the most "infamous" and talked about members thats ever been on the forum!!!!!!!!!!
Hes even trolling himself !! the mans a genius LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Incredible !!!

Anyways im just about 2 make a nice cuppa tea whilst eating a nice salad of fresh organic tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, so will be back a bit later and im in the midddle of designing and ordering sum buiseness cards as i need a little bit of publicity 2 publicize the incredible project Ive been working on for over 7 years, in fact its now been over 8 years! and ive still not managed 2 get it off the ground!!!!!!
But its almost time!!!!!

Will give an update on "your projects" soon! :)

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Whatever, jackass.

Let us know when you've read the book. And it's perfectly acceptable to move your lips whilst you read each sentence on the bus. But don't try and walk, chew gum and read at the same time or you might marry a lampost, etc. Jackass.

- - - Updated - - -

Before you list your 'incredible projects' if I were you I would first of all, learn how to spell in the full and complete wordings of the English language (yawns)

Also, the man? Brummie is not a genius, he's a bore and has the alter ego of a schizoid personality, who only comes here to diss Morrissey and his true fans

Why do you come here?

Ask around: I am a 'genius', not my words but those of everyone who encounters me. I couldn't give the steam off of my piss about Morrissey and his 'true fans'. They are both irrelevant to my epochal musings about cultural collapse and the redundancies of 'fame'. Deal with it, honey!
Ask around: I am a 'genius', not my words but those of everyone who encounters me. I couldn't give the steam off of my piss about Morrissey and his 'true fans'. They are both irrelevant to my epochal musings about cultural collapse and the redundancies of 'fame'. Deal with it, honey!

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I don't actually give a flying feck whether your famous or not, honey. Deal with the redundancies of your own fame firstly
Well I have encountered you, and I don't think you're a genius; it's all hype and a big part of your personality disorder

Your opinion is NOT important.
I'm not famous, I rejected fame for immortality. and I've achieved it. Posthumous. Etc.
Ask around: I am a 'genius', not my words but those of everyone who encounters me. I couldn't give the steam off of my piss about Morrissey and his 'true fans'. They are both irrelevant to my epochal musings about cultural collapse and the redundancies of 'fame'. Deal with it, honey!


HAHAHAHAH - you arrogant f***er .... no
can we draw a line under all this crap, get back on topic?
I'm not sure about legal action, but Siouxsie may well hire a hitman.

"You say like a child in an abusive Catholic school going back for a spanked bottom day after day, not realising he is addicted to pain and shame. Unlike such a child, Morrissey has always had the choice to walk away with dignity, to embrace the Golden Rule, but still hasn't a clue. "

I don't think Morrissey had such a choice and he himself went to an abusive Catholic school.
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