'Black Cloud' single sleeve design contest

The Marmite's on me! (Literally)

:horny: gross: !!! Hey maybe I should try and spread some on myself too and lick and that way I'd like it? Cos on toast I really really don't.
It's an acquired taste innit :confused:?

[mode french on]
Merci bien, je paye une tournee en retour aussi, Vive Momo, Vive la Revolution et je leve un verre a sa sante, vu le communique de ce matin, il a peut etre vraiment besoin de ces quelques jours de pause. [mode french off]

oh hé le mode French sans les accents c'est du sous-mode French, 'tention!
Besoin d'une pause? Morrissey? Naaaaaaaaaan? Tu crois? :D

T'as un bal popu où te défouler dans ton coin aux States si t'y es toujours? ;)

(Okok Kewpie end of French mode okokok.)

(With this Marmite party and this, erm, camaraderie going on I think we might make Morrissey feel a bit jealous and left out folks. Then he might want to hit us with his rhythm stick and stuff. Careful. Low profile.)

:horny: gross: !!! Hey maybe I should try and spread some on myself too and lick and that way I'd like it? Cos on toast I really really don't.
It's an acquired taste innit :confused:?

I have a friend who is a stalker of the American singer/actor Christian Kane. She gave him some Marmite to try and he described it as a combination of "poop and come"!:eek: I wonder how he knew....
Am I too late?

Wow, I love your design Velvis.
You have to give the credit to csordasd who drew the cartoon. :)
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NO, you're not too late!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I like your cartoon, so personal :thumb:

Unfortunately, I think it would be too personal for Moz to consider. Which really sucks. Because if 'Black Cloud' actually WOULD become a single, I would print this out and make it the cover over anything Moz decided :lbf: :D
Unfortunately, I think it would be too personal for Moz to consider. Which really sucks. Because if 'Black Cloud' actually WOULD become a single, I would print this out and make it the cover over anything Moz decided :lbf: :D

Morrissey will never consider it just because it comes from So-Low :D

I'll post a poll on Friday 24th July.

Entry will be closed Sunday 19th July.

Thank you very much for taking in part. :)

Don't forget my entry! :p
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