Boston, MA - Boston Opera House (June 7, 2014) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.

Set List:

The Queen Is Dead / You Have Killed Me / Certain People I Know / Ganglord / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Kick The Bride Down The Aisle / The Bullfighter Dies / Trouble Loves Me / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / To Give (The Reason I Live) / Life Is A Pigsty / Istanbul / Yes, I Am Blind / Earth Is The Loneliest Planet / Meat Is Murder / Speedway // Asleep / First Of The Gang To Die

set list provided by FROSTY.

  • Show Scenes: Morrissey at Boston Opera House by Ben Stas (25 photos total) - BDCwire. Link posted by intlplayboy / tumblr.

  • Morrissey closes the deal by James Reed - The Boston Globe
  • Posted by Harsh Truth: "Backdrop during the walk-on and "The Queen Is Dead" in Boston."


    Source image posted by docinwestchester:

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Security was extremely tight. Venue security continuously yelled at people for taking videos. When I saw the queen go up on the screen I knew we were in for a treat.
Thanks you.
Only 4 youtube videos after a somewhat epic show made me think as much.
It's a shame as this gig sounded like it was rather wonderful.
I'm sure some more will surface.
Kick The Bride Down The Aisle has been posted on Youtube:

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I like that Moz is glorifying a woman flipping the bird and here's why: when I was in middle school (7th grade) I flipped the bird (not even a double flip like in the backdrop photo) from a car off campus at a girl I was enemies with (she actually has a blog now; Flux Capacitor) and her mama was so offended she reported me to the principal (Dr. Dunbar.) The principal called me out of class into her office to interrogate me about "making a vulgar gesture." Well, I was naive and didn't even know what "vulgar gesture" was and this broad interrogated me for at least an hour until I eventually confessed (after she explained what she meant by "vulgar gesture".) She threatened that she would bring in witnesses which perplexed me. I received severe punishment: picking up trash on campus after school and banishment from all entertainment assemblies (school is real educational don't you know.) Anyway, it wasn't until years later that I realized that the principal was just being racist against me because I was a spunky little white girl (if you know what I'm saying.) Oh, and then the next year in 8th grade, Maggie (the victim of the bird flipping) flipped me off from a roller coaster (yes, school is so educational we had to go to Magic Mountain to learn about the world.)


Backdrop during the walk-on and "The Queen Is Dead" in Boston. Sorry it's a crap photo.
Fantastic show. I was right up front (Boz side) and got a nice handshake towards the end of You Have Killed Me. The Queen Is Dead was a huge surprise and I'm so happy to have finally seen him perform it live.

Thanks for finding that video of Kick the Bride Down the Aisle, MozRecording. Can anyone make out the lyrics? I have most of them figured out, but there's one part in the chorus that I'm having a hard time deciphering.


Kick the bride down the aisle
And make no mistake
It's the best you can do for everyone's sake

Kick the bride down the aisle
And treasure the day
I know so much more than I'm willing to say

She just wants a slave
??? to the living wage
So that she can laze and graze
For the rest of her days
Write down every word I say

Kick the bride down the aisle
In a mudslide of gloom
She'll order you to tidy your room

Kick the bride down the aisle
Look at that cow
In the field
It knows more than your bride knows now

She just wants a slave
???? to the living wage
So that she can laze and graze
For the rest of her days
Write down every word I say

You're that stretch of the beach
That the tide doesn't reach
No reason, no meaning
The lonely season
I haven't even bought the new Album yet but i already know that " Kick the Bride down the Aisle " is my favourite track already. Thank you for sharingx
Thanks whoever posted that to YouTube

Agree OMG I would have died to see that live. I love how Moz and the lads bow at the beginning, and then Moz bows to the audience - love the "vive la France!"

and some minor lyric changes:

"step like a pig between arches"

"im NOT sorry it sounds like a wonderful thing"

"the Daily Snail"

"when I was 9 I never even knew what drugs were."

OMG BOSTON why are you so f***ing lucky? Also why is the crowd in front not going BANANAS? That would be pretty epic to see.
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LOL Seriously, you Kristeen bashers need t get a life. You really think he's thinking about her as much as you guys do? He's still performing two songs in concert where he pipes her vocals in. If he were as upset about her as you guys are (only a psychiatrist can explain why) he wouldn't do these songs.

Hi Kristeen!
I find it a bit reminescent of Teenage Dad on His Estate, and the beginning of the chorus sounds a bit like the "I don't want to be judged anymore"-line from The Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye, don't you think(?)
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Kick The Bride Down The Aisle has been posted on Youtube:

I really like this. I wasn't initially convinced this new LP would be a return to form but I think Morrissey may just have himself a home run with this one.
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Fantastic show. I was right up front (Boz side) and got a nice handshake towards the end of You Have Killed Me. The Queen Is Dead was a huge surprise and I'm so happy to have finally seen him perform it live.

Thanks for finding that video of Kick the Bride Down the Aisle, MozRecording. Can anyone make out the lyrics? I have most of them figured out, but there's one part in the chorus that I'm having a hard time deciphering.


Kick the bride down the aisle
And make no mistake
It's the best you can do for everyone's sake

Kick the bride down the aisle
And treasure the day
I know so much more than I'm willing to say

She just wants a slave
??? to the living wage
So that she can laze and graze
For the rest of her days
Write down every word I say

Kick the bride down the aisle
In a mudslide of gloom
She'll order you to tidy your room

Kick the bride down the aisle
Look at that cow
In the field
It knows more than your bride knows now

She just wants a slave
???? to the living wage
So that she can laze and graze
For the rest of her days
Write down every word I say

You're that stretch of the beach
That the tide doesn't reach
No reason, no meaning
The lonely season

I can't figure out the question marks either, something "back"? To go right back?

It sounds like it has some churchy organ ambient sound happening in it too.
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I can't figure out the question marks either, something "back"? To go right back?

It sounds like it has some churchy organ ambient sound happening in it too.

I'm hearing "to work back into [something...doubling?] wage"

Which doesn't quite make sense, but maybe "living" wage is wrong....
Wow - loving 'Kick the Bride'. Musically it's somewhere between Quarry b-side 'The Public Image' and 'All the Lazy Dykes'. I love the former, hate the latter with a passion. But this is gold! The album is turning out to be a stonker!

I think people will make further claims that these lyrics are misogynistic but that isn't the case. The basis song is, IMO, is about a specific situation (real/imagined) rather than a warning about women or of marriage. It expands on this ideas presented in'William'
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"Kick the bride down the aisle, look at that cow... in the field, it knows more than your bride knows now"
I laugh at this line every time. The whole song sounds great!
This is the funniest thing he's written in a long time.

Best of the new songs so far.
Since the title was announced I imagined Kick the Bride Down the Aisle as being a dig at Kate Middleton, and now I've listened to the song, the lyrics seem to support that idea. Anyone else agree?
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