Fern britton...."attacked"

....If she wants to "Help" other women who may be in the same position, she should jolly well go back to the police station where she handed in his personal items ( which she had found...)and where she left her number/address, so the alleged Rapist could track her down, maybe go through their records/files, and trace him, and ( If he's still alive....) have the swine prosecuted.....
The same goes for Ulrika Johnnson......Name the Bastard, don't make "Sly " innuendoes...it's not a guessing game for the public to play....it's a dreadful crime.........don't keep harping on about it in a "Mysterious" way....
John Leslie, wether guilty or not, was "Pointed at" by the Media....because she claimed she was "Raped" by a celebrity....His career is in tatters....why didnt she NAME the Rapist ???
ALL Rape is Vile,( .....Reggae is alright...)

do you have a problem with your keyboard?
...I'm afraid I don't understand the "Keyboard" comment.....:confused:

I think they were just referring to the disproportionate number of "...." in your posts, rather than writing in sentences.
Don't Rake up my mistakes...I know exactly what they are!! (... sorry, I couldn't resist that...I am Playing "Vauxhall and I" as I type, and Moz just sang it...
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