Fiona Dodwell: "A Rebel Without Promo" (January 5, 2023)

Spot on matter how you look at this issue, Capitol treats M like shite, why buy the rights to an album, do no promotion, unless you have scores to settle from the World Peace album.

I agree that Capitol didn't promote it, but what is there to actually promote? A song, albeit a half decent one, that sounds only as good as demo recording? They're a private business, in it for the profit, so why would they want to waste their money knowing that they won't get a return on their investment?

Not sure it's that cloak & dagger (first link)
Not sure responses were of the type being sought 😂 (IG comments - second link).

The single should have also been released on vinyl. A new single that is only available as a download isn’t what Morrissey fans are queuing up for. Especially when it will also be on the new album..
I agree that Capitol didn't promote it, but what is there to actually promote? A song, albeit a half decent one, that sounds only as good as demo recording? They're a private business, in it for the profit, so why would they want to waste their money knowing that they won't get a return on their investment?
Then they shouldn't have picked it up in the first place if they wouldn't get a return. I feel there is more to this due to the Harvest fiasco some years back. Capitol has the money to punish. Also, I disagree, the song is quite good, better than Cemetry Gates in my opinion.
Then they shouldn't have picked it up in the first place if they wouldn't get a return. I feel there is more to this due to the Harvest fiasco some years back. Capitol has the money to punish. Also, I disagree, the song is quite good, better than Cemetry Gates in my opinion.

I know opinions are subjective, but better than Cemetry Gates? Hahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha.

Good joke.
This whole saga needs no more analysis than just applying Occam's razor.
What's more likely? That there's a cabal of "industry insiders"(?) dedicating time and effort to sabotage Morrissey's umpteenth release in the past decade?
Or that Morrissey, a man with a history of falling out with absolutely everyone, including record labels, has once again soured a relationship that should be in his interest?
This whole saga needs no more analysis than just applying Occam's razor.
What's more likely? That there's a cabal of "industry insiders"(?) dedicating time and effort to sabotage Morrissey's umpteenth release in the past decade?
Or that Morrissey, a man with a history of falling out with absolutely everyone, including record labels, has once again soured a relationship that should be in his interest?

The most sound and most straightforward analysis yet.
Oops, looks like people are catching on to what a parasite Fiona i

Im mot sure if she is a parasite. It seems like she is told to write this stuff by moz
Shes paid or something.
Actually she is a parasite even if she is paid she is only there for clout and cash .
You ate right .lol
Good point but money (or the perception that he gets what he earned) seems very important to Moz. Moz has a sister and nephews and probably thinks he'll live forever. I hope he does, or as close as good manners allow.
And Damo
It is sad that Morrissey career goes like this shit.
If he can't release an album after two years it was recorded, will he manage to put this new album on sale? I'm afraid he won't.

And all this crap of paranoia that FiDo helps to spread... oh my.
It is sad that Morrissey career goes like this shit.
If he can't release an album after two years it was recorded, will he manage to put this new album on sale? I'm afraid he won't.

And all this crap of paranoia that FiDo helps to spread... oh my.
It's not really spreading. She is a nice no one with no audience. Its a waste of oxygen for you guys to prattle on about her for pages. Stop.
Dear Fiona

If you have to ask these questions and post rather factually dubious points then you may be more stupid than everyone is already saying.

Are you wanting to be a candle-lit friend?
Pre internet, would these people bother to get together and talk about her? Probably not.

Definitely not. But unfortunately this is where we are now.

My commentary is not a critique of her as a person - it's purely my analyses of why centering her can have small consequences. To be clear, I love that M is an egalitarian, and gives zero f***s about playing the game set by the culture vultures. This delightful feature of his personality has had a total influence on my own personality and life. I dare say, I owe him a candlelit dinner for it. I think it's so sweet that she interviewed him at that show in London. But more on why this isn't ideal - it's simple: she lacks credentials. And every single time he validates her, he dilutes a little bit more of his own social capital -which is to say he confers his power to her - because he is credentialed.

Anyway, i'm just a good samaritan!
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I love Morrissey - but his inability to take any accountability for his own words and actions is quite infuriating. To refuse to take part in any kind of press promotion or interviews (other than with his tiny inner circle of Dodwell and his nephew) and then complain about his chart position is ridiculous. It's a game he's played well in the past, he only ruined it for himself by over-shadowing his spiky wit and charm with weird opinions on Muslims and 'rape capitals of the world'. He should at least be appearing on Ken Bruce's Tracks of my Years or having a chat with Graham Norton if he really gives that much of a shit about mainstream success. He can't blame the record company for not organising such things if he's at the same time refusing to play any kind of ball.
You can't blame him for not going on faggy Graham Nortons shit show. That is not for M, at all. He could do pod casts though . He really should do that . I agree with most of what you say about making an effort . I actually do not think the Muslim comments and rape culture are the things that did him in.
I think until this year lots of his live shows were phoned in , his LP covers just look like he doesn't give a shit and the music itself hasn't been great .
More than that , he made the mistake of showing the world what he's really all about and lots didn't like it . The mystic slipped and the Man appeared and people didn't like it .
For me and a few mates we love him but we have lost so much respect and just do not consider him to be half as special as we once did .
It's been like a drip drip of childish , pathetic stuff from John Riggers to Paris emails to fecking lying about the German interview and generally just a twat
I just wish Moz would stop obsessing about chart positions and the recording industry and start self releasing. It's become too much about everything but the music itself.
I thought the same at first, if they’re going to sign him then they must believe in the product, right? But unfortunately, It’s probable that they signed him, not for the new album, but for the reissues.
Being a simpler song, RWA has more commercial potential.
But for the general public that’s reared on electronic music? probably not so much. So I don’t know what Morrissey is hoping for. Though no promotion whatsoever, doesn’t help. I do wonder how Cemetry Gates would do, if released today in the same way.
So do you think the vinyl reissues will still happen?

When you say the general public is reared on electronic music I don't follow. All the popular shite like Sheeran, Adele, Springsteen, Garth Brooks, Harry Styles, Swift, Country & Western scour etc could hardly be labelled electronic music. Some of them may have tinkered with electronic music but not the pure form. When I think of proper electronic music I think of John Foxx, Daniel Davies, The Belbury Circle, Gary Numan, Kraftwerk, John Carpenter, Blancmange, Wojciech Golczewski, Wendy (Walter) Carlos, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Isao Tomita, some of Depeche Mode, early JM Jarre, early New Order, etc. Although some of those bands are (relatively) successful I wouldn't say the general public is reared on them. You wouldn't hear them much on bullshit daytime radio. Maybe I'm missing your point. I just finished season 3 of Dark on Netflix and my brain is fried.
Definitely not. But unfortunately this is where we are now.

My commentary is not a critique of her as a person - it's purely my analyses of why centering her can have small consequences. To be clear, I love that M is an egalitarian, and gives zero f***s about playing the game set by the culture vultures. This delightful feature of his personality has had a total influence on my own personality and life. I dare say, I owe him a candlelit dinner for it. And even know, I think it's so sweet that she interviewed him at that show in London. But more on why this isn't ideal - it's simple: she lacks credentials. And every single time he validates her, he dilutes a little bit more of his own social capital -which is to say he confers his power to her - because he is credentialed.

Anyway, i'm just an good samaritan!

Agree. I wonder if having someone like Fiona
interview him, is his way of thumbing his nose at professional journalists.
fiona dodwell

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