Letter from Morrissey?

I've given him many letters. He must read them because he has called me by my name and there is no way he could know my name if he hadn't read my signatures.

Nice!! Did he comment on your letters as well? Either way that is very cool.:thumb:
I think if I got a letter from Morrissey, I wouldn't post it online. It'd be strange if he found it. Plus it seems so personal.
Haha sounds like a plan, I feel like I'd be a rat about it, always carrying it with me, and hiding it, until its a tattered piece of paper that has been folded and unfolded a billion times. Then I will cry, and my tears will dissolve whats left.
How symbolic. How much does his autograph go for? I saw on eBay a while ago TQID vinyl with his signature for $125 and thought that seemed fair, if I had my own home and credit card I would had bought it.
Hm I don't know, I never really liked signatures. Its like, why the hell would I want a signature, no real sentimental value, I mean maybe, I wouldn't mind, but I would not pay that much for a signature. Names written in markers doesn't matter as much as experiences. I would spend that 125 on making a random trip to see him play live, or something else interesting ;)
Yeah but $125 wouldn't be enough. And just the thought that he had touched it, there's actual proof that he has graced it. I don't know it sounds obsessive but I understand it.
No, No I totally understand the obsessive part, believe me, I have an obsessive disorder. I just meant I didn't think the price was worth is, versus that you got it yourself. I mean the signature d thing you bought, is like a signature for that person, it's not your signature, and I would never feel like it belonged to me unless I was present at the time of the signing, and I got to see him write it, hand it to me, smile etc.
No I'm not. I never thought of an autograph actually happening, I always looked at it as like an item. Even when I've seen videos of signing I never pictured whoever it was giving it back to me smiling.
He was able to recognize you too?

That's awesome!
Yes. I've been a fan for decades. I've been in his presence quite a bit.

Scarlet did you put your address in the letter? I'm just wondering because it'll show whether or not if he replies to them.
A long time ago when I was naive about such things, I did.

Nice!! Did he comment on your letters as well? Either way that is very cool.:thumb:
No... But he once said something that made me know he'd read one of my letters. He referenced something that I'd put in it.

I think he must enjoy our letters because I've seen him go out of his way to take the letters that people hand to him at shows.
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