Why Morrissey Is Dead To Me, By Gene's Martin Rossiter - The Quietus

Quietus article.

Why Morrissey Is Dead To Me, By Gene's Martin Rossiter - The Quietus

Morrissey was an inspiration to Martin Rossiter, whose band Gene share many fans with the former Smith. But after years of right wing blethering from Moz, Martin has had enough

"I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I quietly remained a Morrissey apologist for many years."
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How does a failure like Martin Rossiter even getting press? Granted this isn't press in the traditional sense, it's a glorified online blog, but still technically press. I'm sure he submitted this misguided rant to other outlets, most of whom rightly discarded it before reaching the third sentence. "Martin who?"

It's sad that he needs to evoke Morrissey's name to garner attention, as it's the hardcore segment of Morrissey's fan base that even remember he exists. Gene were a pathetic, failed britpop experiment, with Rossiter as their uninspired leader , borrowing heavily from Moz, with little too no genuine talent to justify his existence. He writes this piece as if he's an equal of Morrissey's, a respected peer. He's neither. Rossiter's opinions on Morrissey's alleged racism are about as worthwhile as his back catalog.

I am sick to death of liberal cucks labeling anyone who doesn't reside in their echo chamber as racists or "far right." That being said, there have been plenty of times where I have rolled my eyes while reading a statement from Morrissey. Not this time. This time, I found his words to be refreshingly honest, appropriate, most importantly, truthful. His sentiments matched my own, a rarity in modern Morrissey times for me personally.

I've read his full statement several times now, combing it for any hint of racism, and failed to find any evidence. Rossiter, alongside many a libtard on social media point out that this is condemning an entire race/religion. No it isn't. Just because you go by facts, it does not make you racists towards Muslims. Just because you acknowledge trends, it does not make you racist towards Muslims, or heavens forbid, Islamophobic.

Acknowledging the trends of horrific events such as what occurred in Manchester is the simple realization that there is a serious problem with extremists within the Muslim community. Extremists who have a radical take on Islam, and anyone showcasing western values deserve death. And yes, my libtard friend, we all acknowledge that there are extremist Christians, but are they part of a coordinated collective? No.

Muslims who embrace Western Civilization are not at issue. Smart people recognize this. People who are not blinded by liberal ideology realize this. It's Muslim extremists who have no place in Western Civilization. They don't want to embrace our culture, they want us to adhere to theirs. The punishment for noncompliance? Death to the West.

These are people who rape and murder women for not wearing the proper headdress. These are people who throw gays off of buildings. They want you dead. They want our way of life to cease by any means necessary. This is their "culture." But for libtards like Mr. Rossiter, it's more important to show "tolerance."

Tolerance, that laughable word the left tout. Laughable because leftists are the most intolerant human beings on the planet (second only to Muslim extremists of course). They champion tolerance for all, including those who wish to kill them. But what about someone with a different opinion? What about those of us who dare to mention facts? We're "xenophobic ," "we're "racists." Leftist libtards have moved past the debate era. No longer is there is respectful exchange of ideas, and opinions. They only want their own opinions regurgitated back at them. Block, hide, and shun anyone who has a differing viewpoint.

Morrissey is not your enemy. Those who voice concern are not the enemy. Your prayers, and best wishes to the victims of terrorism are meaningless. Your alleged "tolerance" is a cancer. Your reaction to a terrorist massacre is to attack those who speak up against it. This is why liberalism should be classified a mental disorder. When will you value the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors over your blind "tolerance?" How many more of our children have to die?

Your brainfart lost any credence at 'Liberal Cucks', you racist pisswhisk. Once again, funny to watch the inrush of right-wing f***knuckles who simply belch racist shitwater.
Your brainfart lost any credence at 'Liberal Cucks', you racist pisswhisk. Once again, funny to watch the inrush of right-wing f***knuckles who simply belch racist shitwater.

Haha! Thanks for proving my point, everyone who disagrees with your ideology is a "racist." In fact, you used the term racist twice in two sentences! You libtards really don't have any defense, or any other arguments. Thanks for the consistency.
You really need to check the definition of "bullying".

It's easy to spot a single unarmed person who criticized the government in a statement. You have the power on your side. Why did he need to do so, instead of keeping public silence like he did with the murder of children?
You don't need to be a hero, but it's sad to be a rat.
If someone held a gun to my head and asked me "who is Martin Rossiter?" I'd guess either the dude from Spandau Ballet or the dude from 90's British-Nirvana-lite band Bush that married Gwen Stefani and got outed by Marilyn of Boy George and Marilyn fame.
I want this Rossiter dude to do vocals in the reformed Smiths. Johnny, Andy , Mike and this dude. Both Journey and Queen had a team to make sure their new vocalists would work. Those tours were well produced
to make sure they would work. They made old fans happy enough and made a ton of dough. I mean a ton!

Think about it. They could come out in f*** MORRISSEY t shirts and sell them.

the person posting the loudest and pointing their finger at others and trying in vain to call someone else a racist, really needs to look at themselves.. I mean THERE MUST be a reason for why they are so vehement in calling other people 'racist', what are they trying to cover up in themselves? very very sad.

and back on topic... Everyone knows Gene was a failed Smiths tribute band. :)
A great article and thank you for posting the link to it. A lot of sense from Carol.

Why is it that this balanced article is buried in a thread yet the Martin Rossiter interview is afforded its own space. Redress this imbalance by posting this as a main article. To all of the trolls; (there are so many of you) intolerance created what happened in Manchester. The hates you spill here has consequences for someone.
Maybe stop watching Fox news - even for a tourist visa to the EU from a non visa-exempt country (any country except EU/EEA and the visa exempt list), you need to supply a crap load of documentation, reference letters from work, proof of funds etc. (If anything, the visa exempt countries overwhelmingly favour non-Islamic majority countries, but this still doesn't mean it's a racist policy)

Merkel made a political misjudgement on publicising a more open border policy for refugees, but it was fairly quickly backtracked after a few months.

Germany is now rejecting more than a third of all asylum applications for those already there

But you know Merkel said: "Wir schaffen das".
" We can do it ".
But nobody mentioned the second sentence after that.
" But we can't do it on our own".
Meaning she heavily has to rely on the population, the civilians doing the hardest job.
In a way, a grand gesture and considering the historical past of Germany understandable, there is still a big guilt feeling.
Unfortunately she was not able to convince everybody.
Why is it that this balanced article is buried in a thread yet the Martin Rossiter interview is afforded its own space. Redress this imbalance by posting this as a main article. To all of the trolls; (there are so many of you) intolerance created what happened in Manchester. The hates you spill here has consequences for someone.
I think the majority realise that too and there is no doubt to me that something has already changed. What happened was a wake up call for us all.

You can't go around being angry all the time cause it doesn't make you think straight and you only get headaches and bellyaches.

This will be the summer of love.
Gene? I haven't heard that name in literally 20 years. And god help us, he's digging up the apparent racism contained in Bengali? That tired old chestnut? This guy needs to get a life. Actually, it's probably too late for that.
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Of course...

Of course Morrissey is "very angry". He expressed exactly that feeling in the second sentence of his Facebook's post: "The anger is monumental". If a person is not allowed to express his anger writing a text to his fans during the next day to a treacherous attack... how, when, or where is he allowed to express it? Of course people mentioned in that post would say "in a suicide note". For them, and for many (too many) others the idea of freedom justifies the silence in front of terrorism and murder, but not a social media post critizicing the acts of a government. When freedom is biased, there isn't freedom at all.

Of course Morrissey is not a "silly, sulky man, clinging to his lost adolescence and floundering in the dregs of his contrarian genius". He just doesn't follow a script, and those media adressed denigrating adjectives show exactly that. I'm glad that for Morrissey growing up doesn't mean putting on knees. His idea of growing up is thinking and expressing by himself.
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what a terrible thing to say to someone,he may be a Nazi but don't call him thick or he may be thick but don't call him a Nazi.
this thread is running so long you could sew a pair of trousers with it.
this thread is running so long you could sew a pair of trousers with it.

or a pair of... genes. ;):rolleyes:

yes a long and angry thread... as usual, but look at the ' Morrissey Statement..' thread.. 569 angry posts ! Then look at the 'Manchester Evening Post' thread... only 31 posts ! ah... anger is an energy. I guess no one could lower themselves to criticize the people of Manchester in their support of M's statement by using his words as a way to be strong and show unity through this most difficult of times.

this thread is running so long you could sew a pair of trousers with it.

In the meantime I have had eye surgery and actually I am not amazed. It's no joke. But you made me laugh! Which I do have to be a bit careful with. :squiffy:

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