The vulgarity of his lyrics

Re: Born to Hang

Many thanks to Michael Legge. :straightface:

OOPS!! something went wrong there, hence this "Edit".......I was trying to quote Kewpies Reference to Unleskinnys Downloadable Thing of "Born To Hang" Demo's , etc....
But, as usual.....( with Me, anyway....) ...Hit Shappened.....

Many thanx to Uncleskinny....But I have just spent about 3 hours trying to Upload/Download/In the Ladies chamber all this "Computerised" Born to Hang stuff....and am still just ending up with a mountain of useless "Blank" CD's.....Is there Anybody nice out there who may have a spare ready made Jobbie, and is prepared to post it to me??? ....PM Me for my address....I can probably send you something decent back as thanks....cheers indeed...
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Go on, Girl with a thorn, list them all :)

I'd love to hear them...
Where sex mad lovers must pause and draw the line...

ala live at earls court
"All of the gifts that they gave can't compare in any way to the love I am now giving to you right here, right now, on the floor"
"All of the gifts that they gave can't compare in any way to the love I am now giving to you right here, right now, on the floor"


Most people keep their brains
between their legs
don't you find?
Where sex mad lovers must pause and draw the line...

ala live at earls court

Can we calm it down? Deary me, sex does get people hot under the collar, doesn't it? ;)

In reference to the quote above, Scarlet, can you explain this lyric to me please? I understand the context of "November..." to be about a disabled child, but why would two people's obsession with sex need to be stopped in order to not produce a disabled child? It's not as if lots of sex will necessarily create a child with disabilities. I have always wondered about this.
Can we calm it down? Deary me, sex does get people hot under the collar, doesn't it? ;)

In reference to the quote above, Scarlet, can you explain this lyric to me please? I understand the context of "November..." to be about a disabled child, but why would two people's obsession with sex need to be stopped in order to not produce a disabled child? It's not as if lots of sex will necessarily create a child with disabilities. I have always wondered about this.

It means even love-mad or sex-mad people would stop short of loving the girl described in the song.
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It means even love-mad or sex-mad people would stop short of loving the girl described in the song.

I've never thought of it like that, but now you've said it - it seems a lot more plausible than my theory :o. I always thought the "mad, mad lovers" drawing the line referred to one of those couples who are always all over each other in public, groping and kissing and whatnot, and then they see the disabled person of the title and suddenly stop - out of respect, or embarrassment, or both.
Can we calm it down? Deary me, sex does get people hot under the collar, doesn't it? ;)

In reference to the quote above, Scarlet, can you explain this lyric to me please? I understand the context of "November..." to be about a disabled child, but why would two people's obsession with sex need to be stopped in order to not produce a disabled child? It's not as if lots of sex will necessarily create a child with disabilities. I have always wondered about this.

I, myself, do not believe it's about creating a child, with the line ''must pause and draw the line''. i always thought it was about having sex with the disabled girl
You are clearly not familiar with jack the ripper then? f*** you are twit

What the f*** does Jack the Ripper have to do with It's Not Your Birthday Anymore? :straightface:
Where sex mad lovers must pause and draw the line...

ala live at earls court

I don't think it's implied that a sex-mad union would be any more likely to create such a hideously disabled child; I've always taken it to mean that even the remote possibility that a life like this might be created by such an act gives pause........ Why do I think that? Because it punctuates jsut how hideous the unseen subject is.... even a one-in-a-million-chance of such an outcome douses the flame....
"And I can see throught everyboy's clothes" might it be vulgar or sexual or just talk 'bout a man w/ x-ray eyes?
(I am obviously joking).
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